Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

To quote my missed friend @PlanetaryNebula
“I don’t wanna”
Can I join you?
With or without stockings?
I feel a strange discontinuity. As if I'm looking at many similar moments. OMG! This is like the Lit version of the the MCU multiverse. The Am Pics Saga.

Wait, Marvel's multiverse was REALLY crappy until Deadpool and Wolverine. So this is like Everything, Everywhere All At Once. Sound good to you LS?

Sometimes you just need to sit after a shower…
Sometimes. For me it tends to vary with what I did while in the shower. Based on this you had QUITE a workout MP23.

Caught the last fleeting rays of summer... seems like ages ago.
Oh...I like this version of PokeMon. We'll call it Poke Mon V and it would definitely get me to leave the house in search of the rare and elusive Legsforu V.

A little ♻️ legs
I can't lie, when I first saw this I thought "What cool curtains" and then everything came into perspective. Still cool but now I keep seeing table lamps from A Christmas Story.

Once again I am amazed that even though we're all mostly made up from the same bits and pieces the universe finds a way to combine them with infinite variety and the ladies display the creativity to... well... display them.


P.S. On, don't catch a cold, catch a couple for me, thanks for the paradigm shift.
Seriously, the best thread in am pics IMHO. ( Anyone else notice that the acronym for in my honest opinion can also be read as I'm A Ho?)
Alright this just made me roll over in my grave and dig my way out. I’m back!
Bitty… preeeeeeeetty sure IMHO is In My Humble Opinion (but yeah… I'm A Ho is HILARIOUS!!)