Chaos... to be continued

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Well thanks, but it's as hot as hell here!!
So take off all your clothes.... (Isn't that how the song goes? :D )
I heard scandal, someone fill me in please 0.0
Oh, just someone playing with multiple people, who all might have thought they were the only one, got caught. Again. I'm not sure how many times that particular guy has done that. :rolleyes:
I discovered I can only really focus for like an hour at a time. So it's like an hour of work, then lit and computer games. Then another hour of work. Now If only I did this during the week...
Do you have ADHD too? I can't remember... that's a very ADHD way to work
So take off all your clothes.... (Isn't that how the song goes? :D )

Oh, just someone playing with multiple people, who all might have thought they were the only one, got caught. Again. I'm not sure how many times that particular guy has done that. :rolleyes:

Do you have ADHD too? I can't remember... that's a very ADHD way to work
So take off all your clothes.... (Isn't that how the song goes? :D )

Oh, just someone playing with multiple people, who all might have thought they were the only one, got caught. Again. I'm not sure how many times that particular guy has done that. :rolleyes:

Do you have ADHD too? I can't remember... that's a very ADHD way to work
Hum, I have heard that people say that only one line, but idk, I just don't think I'd buy it. Yeah, I don't get the lying either, like I am coming to a lit to fake a 2nd committed relationship as a break from my 1st committed relationship. that doesn't sound fun at all. I am totally whoring around if it strikes my fancy, gosh darn it.
Oh, just someone playing with multiple people, who all might have thought they were the only one, got caught. Again. I'm not sure how many times that particular guy has done that. :rolleyes:
That's just stupid. It's so much easier to say you have playmates and much more fun dealing with the ensuing jealousy when everyone knows.

Subterfuge is just inviting stress into your life 🙄
Hum, I have heard that people say that only one line, but idk, I just don't think I'd buy it. Yeah, I don't get the lying either, like I am coming to a lit to fake a 2nd committed relationship as a break from my 1st committed relationship. that doesn't sound fun at all. I am totally whoring around if it strikes my fancy, gosh darn it.
And nothing wrong with that!

The lying...well, I'm not a big fan of lying in any of its forms. Even though it's so prevalent.
I always avoided it because--what with all the alts out there--I figured there was a pretty good chance that I could think I was playing with three different people simultaneously, with each of them not knowing about the others, when in fact I was playing with one person with multiple identities, who was playing me like a cheap guitar
Enjoyin our Layover. Tis a brisk 97°F 36.11°C outside🥵, and a local said We looked sexier than socks on a rooster🥰. No fuuckin clue what that means. Maybe he saw my noodle, but thanks I think.🤔

Got an hour before we need to get back to our gate, so gonna try some southern BBQ. Hope ya'll are having a good day.
I always avoided it because--what with all the alts out there--I figured there was a pretty good chance that I could think I was playing with three different people simultaneously, with each of them not knowing about the others, when in fact I was playing with one person with multiple identities, who was playing me like a cheap guitar
Tentacles popped into my head when I read this...
I like your lack of fluff and rainbows. It there are any rainbows coming at my ass, I'd prefer that it be because I finally made a rainbow laser led butt plug and am shooting them out my ass, rather then someone blowing them up my ass. But that is just me.
If you make it like a tail, unicorn or kitty, let me know. Buying for a friend 😆
I always avoided it because--what with all the alts out there--I figured there was a pretty good chance that I could think I was playing with three different people simultaneously, with each of them not knowing about the others, when in fact I was playing with one person with multiple identities, who was playing me like a cheap guitar
now damn that is some level of paranoia. hum could one be playing with themselves and not know it?
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