Chaos... to be continued

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damn it now I want tacos and I'm eating healthy. well I have lettuce, vegan chicken, wraps, and salsa.
Chicken tacos are great and super easy to make. Go with low-carb taco shells and you'll love them. I can't tell the difference in taste with the low-carb shells. And.. I'm making soft shell tacos tonight.
I know Fara is okay...
I am under the impression Indie also left on her own terms, not under duress or crisis
(I miss them both too)
Yes, indie decided on her own to have her account deleted and leave Lit. Tough to do, but sometimes it's just the right thing to do. I can't fault anyone who leaves and I applaud the ones who make a clean break w/o returning.
Do you have ADHD too? I can't remember... that's a very ADHD way to work

I am borderline clinically but convinced personally. They score like 8 things and you need 5 of them for a clinical diagnosis, and I have 4.5.

I have the sauna heating up. Anybody want to come with me? Smaller than at the old house, just room for me +1 comfortably.

Sauna time is great. 😍
Yes, indie decided on her own to have her account deleted and leave Lit. Tough to do, but sometimes it's just the right thing to do. I can't fault anyone who leaves and I applaud the ones who make a clean break w/o returning.
I applaud everyone doing what makes them happiest here. I know walking away can be tough. When I first came to lit, I wasn't exactly clear on how I wanted my lit experience. Again, I was never supposed to be in the forum at all. And I found I almost felt obligated to stay like one would in a relationship, then felt obligated to explain absences, which made my absences longer, and then even when I thought I was being clear, It felt like I wasn't being heard. It took me a while to be totally honey badger about it. No responsibility and no expectations is a very important part of how I cultivate my lit experience.
I applaud everyone doing what makes them happiest here. I know walking away can be tough. When I first came to lit, I wasn't exactly clear on how I wanted my lit experience. Again, I was never supposed to be in the forum at all. And I found I almost felt obligated to stay like one would in a relationship, then felt obligated to explain absences, which made my absences longer, and then even when I thought I was being clear, It felt like I wasn't being heard. It took me a while to be totally honey badger about it. No responsibility and no expectations is a very important part of how I cultivate my lit experience.
Awww that's cute... can I call you honey badger?
Yeah Team ADHD all the way.

Mostly today though it's been just trying to make my brain chemistry not see everything as terrible. Ugh. It's a lot of work all on its own.
I get it!!
I always avoided it because--what with all the alts out there--I figured there was a pretty good chance that I could think I was playing with three different people simultaneously, with each of them not knowing about the others, when in fact I was playing with one person with multiple identities, who was playing me like a cheap guitar
I wouldn't play you like that Jordan

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