Chaos... to be continued

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I like your lack of fluff and rainbows. It there are any rainbows coming at my ass, I'd prefer that it be because I finally made a rainbow laser led butt plug and am shooting them out my ass, rather then someone blowing them up my ass. But that is just me.
Something like this?
If you make it like a tail, unicorn or kitty, let me know. Buying for a friend 😆
There are plenty of those out there!
Enjoyin our Layover. Tis a brisk 97°F 36.11°C outside🥵, and a local said We looked sexier than socks on a rooster🥰. No fuuckin clue what that means. Maybe he saw my noodle, but thanks I think.🤔

Got an hour before we need to get back to our gate, so gonna try some southern BBQ. Hope ya'll are having a good day.
hum. I have heard like putting socks on a rooster as meaning a difficult task, but if we want, I could put socks on one of my roosters and we can determine if it is sexy. pretty sure it won't be. well not without garters and fishnets at least.
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