Chesapeake Walmart mass shooting: 7 dead, including the shooter

Welcome to the New World Order where "wokeness" allows criminals to get out of jail free to continue their crime sprees.

Meanwhile progressives are all about labeling "Ultra MAGA" conservatives as terrorists even without them doing a thing except voting for their choice of candidate.
It's so very sad that so few people embrace your Toxic Shitsludge Ideology.
The item that amazes me the most about the folks that clammer on and on over Civil rights are the absolute first to wail and Nash their teeth. Wanting to strip my Civil rights of the honest responsible gun owners ( it's for the children)
In your quest to rid the world of the evil black rifle you have managed to align your movement with some of the most famous and influential world leaders........... Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, that fat fuck from North Korea.... and finally Adolf Hitler............ you just can't make this shit up.....
They don't really believe the things they advocate for. Like "true conservatives" they espouse only 1 thing; "nothing but what Democrat's/Progressive's want" yet what they're trying to get will end up as self immolation in the end.

They will vote against their own self interests. They will adhere to illogical premises if they can be persuaded that the R's will "win" and take away all their toys. And they will straight up lie to everyone about whatever it is that they've been told "R" means; including themselves.

This isn't unique. "True Conservative R's" do the same.
The item that amazes me the most about the folks that clammer on and on over Civil rights are the absolute first to wail and Nash their teeth. Wanting to strip my Civil rights of the honest responsible gun owners ( it's for the children)
In your quest to rid the world of the evil black rifle you have managed to align your movement with some of the most famous and influential world leaders........... Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, that fat fuck from North Korea.... and finally Adolf just can't make this shit up.....


apparently, you can (make this shit up)

and, no, raising the age to 21, stipulating no assault weapons for general consumption, better background checks, licensing, training, and a 'cooling off period' between purchase and acquiring a gun do nothing to prevent the regular gun owner from having firearms.
The reason the gun freaks don't want these measures is because they've been force-fed the entire 'taking your gunz away' routine by republicans incentivized to do so by the gun manufacturing industry... so much so, it means to lose votes if they don't stand up against a non-existent threat.
I'll ask this again...... would you punish your daughter for the crime that her brother committed? Why do you believe I shouldn't own a "assault weapon " ......well, if an 18 year old person can inlist in the military put them behind a minigun in the door of a helicopter. Your saying he can't be trusted with a firearm while under the age of 21?


apparently, you can (make this shit up)

and, no, raising the age to 21, stipulating no assault weapons for general consumption, better background checks, licensing, training, and a 'cooling off period' between purchase and acquiring a gun do nothing to prevent the regular gun owner from having firearms.
The reason the gun freaks don't want these measures is because they've been force-fed the entire 'taking your gunz away' routine by republicans incentivized to do so by the gun manufacturing industry... so much so, it means to lose votes if they don't stand up against a non-existent threat.
Did you notice how B-Gurl specified ā€œthe evil black rifleā€???

That ^ is a tacit admission that s/he knows there is no effort by democrats to ā€œtake their gunsā€.

Histrionics and hyperbole notwithstanding.
I'll ask this again...... would you punish your daughter for the crime that her brother committed? Why do you believe I shouldn't own a "assault weapon " ......well, if an 18 year old person can inlist in the military put them behind a minigun in the door of a helicopter. Your saying he can't be trusted with a firearm while under the age of 21?
I have doubts about guys who can't practice safe sex in handling firearms.
The economical impact of guns and hunting is about 125 billion and over 375,000 jobs a year. Guns arenā€™t going anywhere
I'll ask this again...... would you punish your daughter for the crime that her brother committed? Why do you believe I shouldn't own a "assault weapon " ......well, if an 18 year old person can inlist in the military put them behind a minigun in the door of a helicopter. Your saying he can't be trusted with a firearm while under the age of 21?
a stupid question doesn't get less stupid by asking it more than once


why do you think you need an assault weapon? you don't, unless a particular job requires it. You can hunt with a regular hunting rifle... no need for a semi or full automatic with a gazillion rounds of ammo. Having said that, if you underwent the same kind of intensive firearms training this hypothetical 18-year old in the military, along with the kind of background/wellness checks proposed, i'd have less of a problem; i'm saying whilst a well-trained 18-year old military knows how to handle and use their weapon efficiently IN A MILITARY scenario, that same scenario does not exist outside those parameters, though i could see exceptions being carved out when regarding such regulations.

Too many favour these 'assault-style' weapons simply because they feel they don't need training but it's a simple matter of point and shoot a ton of ammo as it'll kill or wound the most in the shortest time. Add to that a lack of waiting time, insufficient checks and additional loopholes, these weapons are pushed as the exact thing every gun-totin' boy an' gal NEED. They don't.
if you underwent the same kind of intensive firearms training this hypothetical 18-year old in the military, along with the kind of background/wellness checks proposed, i'd have less of a problem; i'm saying whilst a well-trained 18-year old military knows how to handle and use their weapon efficiently IN A MILITARY scenario, that same scenario does not exist outside those parameters, though i could see exceptions being carved out when regarding such regulations.
Death blasters are OK if only the government can have them. Around half of the government are people you despise, like the turtle, and the soldiers are mostly redstaters voting for the people you despise.
Maybe mental health And the politicization of the shootings is the problem.
^^^Great, yet another right-wing fool trotting out the talking points.

Maybe you can accommodate massive gun proliferation by healing every mentally ill person in America? I mean, that worked in Texas where the Governor offered to stop all rapes in order to eliminate the rape exception for abortions.

And, you could always ban discussion in the media and in Congress by increasing the frequency of mass shootings so that people don't have time to "politicize" them?
^^^Great, yet another right-wing fool trotting out the talking points.

Maybe you can accommodate massive gun proliferation by healing every mentally ill person in America? I mean, that worked in Texas where the Governor offered to stop all rapes in order to eliminate the rape exception for abortions.

And, you could always ban discussion in the media and in Congress by increasing the frequency of mass shootings so that people don't have time to "politicize" them?
Yep. the major problem is ready access to guns. The Chesapeake shooter bought his that morning.
Did you notice how B-Gurl specified ā€œthe evil black rifleā€???

That ^ is a tacit admission that s/he knows there is no effort by democrats to ā€œtake their gunsā€.

Histrionics and hyperbole notwithstanding.
Seems that "Histrionics season" has arrived a bit early this year.
It walmart so at least one employee was in that room with their head on the table, hating life and saying "id rather be dead than work here another day."
And, you could always ban discussion in the media and in Congress by increasing the frequency of mass shootings so that people don't have time to "politicize" them?
Is that not what has happened already?
I'll ask this again...... would you punish your daughter for the crime that her brother committed? Why do you believe I shouldn't own a "assault weapon " ......well, if an 18 year old person can inlist in the military put them behind a minigun in the door of a helicopter. Your saying he can't be trusted with a firearm while under the age of 21?
Assault weapons are banned, requires a special permit to own them.