Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot


No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

In simple terms a person who has taken an oath to uphold the constitution and later engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States is prohibited by the constitution from running for any governmental office state or federal.
So one state proclaims Trump took part in an insurrection even though the justice system hasn’t charged anyone and another state says no he didn’t, WHO’s right?
And Clarence is already on the verge of an Impeachment Inquiry should the Dems get the House back.
A perception of bias gives Biden an excuse to pack the court.
Thomas could be impeached but that's not even in the works besides that still won't pack the court.. The others are from 55-72, Biden is 81... As far as packing the court by increasing the number of jurist that's very unlikely.. Packing the court is wishful thinking.. Now whoever get elected in 2028 my get to replace a few..
Why was he required to get a 2/3 majority before he even be considered? If he was exempt.. The idea VP's and P's are exempt comes from a 1888 case dealing with several county clerks charged with embezzling $10.50 I suggest you read it.. It was a one off remark which has not been been tested in court..

What makes you think that Sec III doesn't apply to the office of President or Vice President?
That somehow the President and Vice President are exempt from the constitution?
Why would anyone want that ever if it were true... That is a very dangerous concept.

Because his exemption ONLY applied to him being VP and not a senator.

Honestly, if you're this stupid you shouldn't be posting.
Because his exemption ONLY applied to him being VP and not a senator.

Honestly, if you're this stupid you shouldn't be posting.
What?? A moment ago you said he was exempt because he was once a VP now you are saying he is not exempt because he was a VP running for senator...
What?? A moment ago you said he was exempt because he was once a VP now you are saying he is not exempt because he was a VP running for senator...

Oh FFS... :rolleyes:

You're about as disingenuously dumb as dumb can get and still figure out how to breathe.

The offices of the VP and President are exempt. The office of a Senator ISN'T exempt and Breckenridge needed Congress to give him a pass to hold that office.

This isn't that complicated unless you really are as fucking stupid as you're acting.
Oh FFS... :rolleyes:

You're about as disingenuously dumb as dumb can get and still figure out how to breathe.

The offices of the VP and President are exempt. The office of a Senator ISN'T exempt and Breckenridge needed Congress to give him a pass to hold that office.

This isn't that complicated unless you really are as fucking stupid as you're acting.
That is still in question. Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the office of the President is not exempt. You saying it is doesn't overrule them.
That is still in question. Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the office of the President is not exempt. You saying it is doesn't overrule them.

And ONCE AGAIN, the high court has already ruled on this issue. Or does your pea brain not understand the concept that lower courts cannot overrule the highest court?
And ONCE AGAIN, the high court has already ruled on this issue. Or does your pea brain not understand the concept that lower courts cannot overrule the highest court?
It has not.

56 percent in new poll willing to see Trump disqualified from ballots in all or some states​

A majority of Americans in a new survey say they would support the Supreme Court either disqualifying former President Trump from presidential ballots across the country or letting states decide whether to include him on their ballots.

Nearly one-third — 30 percent — of respondents in the ABC News/Ipsos survey said they think the justices should order that Trump be removed from ballots across the country, and 26 percent said they believed the matter should be left up to election officials in each state. Additionally, 39 percent of Americans surveyed said they think the Supreme Court should order Trump be kept on the ballot in all states.
I just hope the 56% actually vote. Way too many left-leaning voters will only bestow their blessing on a candidate who checks every last box, and Biden (old, white, male, said some really dumb things when he was younger) probably doesn't check even most of their boxes. He doesn't check all mine either, and I'll never forgive him for what he did to Anita Hill, but hey - we've got a bigger problem now.
Those corrupt right wingers Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson are obviously in the tank for Trump. 😂