Commentary on the forum

Re: Slander, jealousy and personal violation

Game! Set! Match!


Edited by RS for content.
Accusations have been made (not by Ebonyfire) without evidence. Personal flames have been removed.
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I thought it was Pure.

So, OO, if you are so concerned about the quality of the forum, perhaps you should consider your own role in the "issues" you have identified.

What have you done to enhance the board? Why can't you show your face/id? What conflict have you waged or caused the board? If you are so concerned, do some soul searching before casting stones.

If you want drama, intrigue and mental masturbation, you best look elsewhere.

If you want to sincerely discuss BDSM issues or have a bit of fun with it, you are welcome here.

Discussion, conversation, communication means that one party sends a message, the second RECIEVES the message and responds. That does not mean that one party sends a MESSAGE to have it bounce off the second party unheard, untouched, unassimilated.

No, you dont' always have to agree, but you you are a manipulator and as I said, the only person who ALMOST pushed me off the forum that I have spent many months of my time and self investing in.


I am shutting down the pc for a while folks. Real life might be a good thing for me right now :D
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Re: Re: Re: for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

Edited: Ok... fair enough.

I will retract this post. Outside Observer has not claimed a registered name, and more than likely never will.
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Re: Who am I?

I have not read all this thread - but some of the points raised in this post struck me and I felt I had to respond ... if I repeat what some have already said, please forgive me - but I feel I must type as I go, so to speak.

OutsideObserver said:
MissTaken, yes you might have been the only one to initially receive my post with respect and not ridicule, as every other poster did.

not sure that I ridiculed you - but that matters little to me.

OutsideObserver said:

RisiaSkye, ugh, where to begin. I think we understand that life has it's constraints, yours most of all. Few of us have the schedule you do. I will give you that. But when I compare the number of posts you do here, meaning this BDSM forum, and the posts you do elsewhere, not just on Literotica, I have to wonder. Of course, it is your life and you have needs and wants. But the evidence surely backs up both my statements about you. And that really is fine I believe. It is your life and surely not any of my or anyone else's business. But, I think if we were to compare the number of posts you *used* to make here with the number you *currently* make here, we would see a very large decline. So again, my statements about the forum being on a decline as well as the moderator not posting here as often are right on the money. In fact, I would go as far as saying you post in other forums more now. But I am sure this is a touchy subject, so it is probably best dropped. Besides, I believe a valid argument can be made that it is not the moderators duty to post exclusively in the forum he/she moderates, but rather a luxury. The important fact is that the moderators duties are still in fact being done, which I believe is true. I was happy to see the thread titled "A plug for RisiaSkye".

I am not quite sure what your point is here. One the one hand you seem to be complaining that Risia is not posting enough here as compared to 'other places' and then on the other hand, you seem to be saying this is a good thing.
Surely it is up to the individual to decide what and where they will post - or even if they will post.

OutsideObserver said:

Yes, I agree, conversations ebb and flow. Maybe this forum is in a long, long ebb. A very long ebb. You pointed out about Shadowsdream being on vacation. Mmm, maybe it's just from this forum. I do enjoy reading her posts elsewhere almost daily.

You do?
Oh wow! Where? Do tell ... cos I really like and admire Shadowsdream - in fact She is a good friend to me ... and I haven't seen her post much since she has been away - but that's OK because I know that Her computer time is severely limited now ,,, but if I have missed Her ... ohhh do please tell.

OutsideObserver said:

Question and berate the messenger, rather than just review the message. This forum surely does not owe me or anyone else here an explanation of why it is on the decline. It would be ridiculous to think so. Though, I would not doubt that you might view me as a quack who could think this. I have participated, I have made an effort, I have been productive. More so than most I would say. But yet, I still see a steady, constant decline.

I suppose that I have been rather sarcastic so far - and maybe I shouldn't have been ... but - to answer your question - I don't know. The forum has changed since I first posted here ... but then so have many of the posters. Things, like people, evolve.

Now ... I am not sure if you would describe me as one of the 'old posters' or one of the 'lurkers' or what ...

but - I post when and how I want - and many do the same as me.
I don't post on the more 'fluffy/flirty' threads - but that only cos I am no good at that type of post.
You are perhaps reading more into things than are truly there?

It's unfortunate you raised valid questions about 'quality' in such an ill manner, esp. with your insults directed at an excellent moderator (and contributor).

Some have confused you with me, which is also a muck up due to your concealed identity. I don't suppose you'd clarify your identity in any way. I'm unsure why you highlight the word 'purely' in your posting of late.

There's a lot of jumping to wrong conclusions around here.

I just popped back in here today and noticed the last post from "Outside Observer". It bothers me a great deal that he/she seems to be singling out Risia more than any of us. I would question why, but I don't think I would get an answer. I think Risisa has had to put up with her fair amount of sh** around here and to have this levelled at her is simply uncalled for.

I can understand that people might come to conclusions regarding the identity of a poster, but I would strongly caution against this. I was brought into a major scuffle on another forum, and a huge part of it was people believing that I was posting as another person. It is a terrible position to place another person in. If they "come clean", people jump on their shit. If they deny it, people simply state they are lying. If they ignore it or leave the forum for a while, people assume they've left because they were "uncovered".

Pure and I have had our run ins as much as anyone else. Not enough to make me leave here - only one other person has that dubious distinction. But I don't really think it fair to make an accusation based solely on the speculation of people or the use of one word. I mean, if that person had used "sexily", would I be on the chopping block?

If Outside Observer truly bugs that much, simply ignore and don't respond.

I've not read this thread since my post way back after Never popped in.

I lurked and watched Cym blow her predictable control-freak lid over at KT, so I guess I'm not surprised to see Her and some other Lit emigrees bring their dispute back here.


As you know, my view of Pure was that she spent all her time trying to dig deeply into our practices, brains, values...but never talked about herself, what she did, what she stood for.

Ishmael, who rarely posts here, nailed her perfectly early on as someone here not to participate, but to gather information.

I've wondered since if perhaps Ish knows Pure under an a different Identity.

Pure seems to have been set up by someone in this case....I don't see Pure being the sort of poster to coyly add "purely" several times as an Unreg.

Pure always talks about Law...and the Troll Guest hasn't.

Pure could be Lavender from the GB, for example...but I don't know or care.

The point is that this thread was intended from the outset to sew seeds of dissention Here.

Look who has shown up:

ShadowsDream (references in absentia)
Risia as a poster/combattant

All KT posters.

This is a Cymbidia KT FlameThread that has spilled over to the BDSM Forum.

Recognize it for what it is folks, then decide whether you want to keep this thread going, or whether you want to talk about BDSM.

If the nonsense continues, I'll fire up the Lancecastor FlameOMatic 3000 and broil a batch crunchy nuggets we can munch on over beers at TopOpolis some evening.

Just for fun. Yummmytrollfryingfunmmmm.

I might even cross post some of the choice CymBits I've gathered from KT as appetizers, just to show what you've missed...and how right I was about the two-faced skanky ho the first, second and third time round.


Lance "Just Try Me" Castor
A Brief Critique of this Critique

OutsideObserver said:
... and finally, surprising praise for my writing abilities from the serene Pussy Willow, not that we are on a site dedicated to writing.

I'd like to think that the above was meant with irony, but if it were ironic it would have even less meaning than it has as a serious statement. Sorry, Charlie, but if I may remind you, this is, a site that is PRECISELY devoted to writing. Conversations about writing spring up naturally through all the little forums that make up the message board you are typing to, even ones with a specific sexuality focus, as this bdsm one. How did you manage to completely forget that this forum is first and formost a very tiny part of a huge fiction writing site and that it draws many of its posters from the writers themselves? I mean, where the heck did you think you were, if not on a writing site?

You also can't get away with the following, from your thread-starter:

"And the bad blood from the past... heh... even those people involved in the fighting are not even around anymore. "

Uh...might I ask what the fuck am I then? A figment of everybody's imagination? The point being you have no way of knowing which people who have been involved in which fights historically in this forum are right here reading your ever word or not. Case in point: me, myself and I. Each and every individual you imagine to "have" or to "be" "bad blood" (not that they are necessarily the same people that others consider to have tainted vital fluids) could be right here reading every word you type and you'd be none the wiser, unless one of us decided, in irritation at being so inacurately and ignorantly dismissed, to speak up.

If you want to critique something, I suggest you slow down and consider your words carefully, especially generalizations or crass confusions like the above two quotes, unrespectively.

As far as the rest, go for it. Critique away. Lord knows this forum needs it more than most do. Just try to think a little before you write something that makes you look like you're denying reality, or you're going to be hard pressed to get anybody to accept your opinions in other areas.

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
Re: Bow, as I have returned

OutsideObserver said:
When was the last time you sat back and said to yourself, "Damn that is some good information?". It's been months for this lurker. I have to disagree about your fluff comment. Fluff is a great way for those people involved to get to know each other, and it's mostly flirting and what have you. It's more wasted space.

You are clueless about this particular issue, my man or woman. Fluff is an essential ingredient in the complex mix known as a message forum. Without allowing fluff, or in places where fluff is censored or disapproved of, you kill everyone's motivations for posting, including the motivations of those of us who know the very most and perhaps have that vital piece of information that you desperately need. But fuck it, if I can't joke, chat, say something silly to the few in a forum I am friends with, then the HELL if I'm going to strew any pearls of wisdom before ultra-serious lurkers. Nope. You take away fluff, and you kill a discussion board dead, unless the motivation to post to that board is something other than the kindness of one's heart for the ignorant--like money maybe, or the loss of your job or an F in your course if you don't post. None of those situations apply here--it's ALL voluntary, and if you want volunteers, you gotta give them something back in return. Many of us come here for F U N fun and while the definition of that little word varies quite widely, in most siutuations it includes the freedom to fluff a little. Take away my ability to fluff and you aren't getting anything worthwhile from me in return, I can guarantee you that. In most voluntary forums, fluff, as much as the overly serious may dislike it, is the fuel that inspires and makes possible the "really good stuff"--the stuff that is long and hard and takes great time and energy to write. Without fluff you can't get to know your audience emotionally and there is no reward in handing out the quality to what is essentially a big sucking black hole.

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
I would hate to think that Outside Observer is Pure as I have always found his/her (not sure which myself) posts thoughtful, honest and logical, if a bit clinical at times. The haughty pomposity of OO's posts here don't really seem to fit. That OO would try to put the blame on an innocent bystander would seem to fit the pattern of creating friction and turmoil for their own amusement. I truly hope this is the case Pure, as I have come to respect you a great deal.

OO's protestations that she started this thread anonymously to get people thinking and discussing the topic is ludicrous. If, as she says, she has been around for a long time, she had to have known how a negative, sarcastic post by an unknown author would be viewed and responded to. I haven't been here that long and I know better. I can't help but believe that her intention from the beginning was just to get everyone's dander up. It only makes sense that she knew posting under her own name would get more thoughtful responses to her opinions. She obviously posted as she did to get the reactions she got, so she could berate and belittle the responders.

Pointless, childish and shameful.

Lancecastor said:

I've not read this thread since my post way back after Never popped in.

I lurked and watched Cym blow her predictable control-freak lid over at KT, so I guess I'm not surprised to see Her and some other Lit emigrees bring their dispute back here.


As you know, my view of Pure was that she spent all her time trying to dig deeply into our practices, brains, values...but never talked about herself, what she did, what she stood for.

Ishmael, who rarely posts here, nailed her perfectly early on as someone here not to participate, but to gather information.

I've wondered since if perhaps Ish knows Pure under an a different Identity.

Pure seems to have been set up by someone in this case....I don't see Pure being the sort of poster to coyly add "purely" several times as an Unreg.

Pure always talks about Law...and the Troll Guest hasn't.

Pure could be Lavender from the GB, for example...but I don't know or care.

The point is that this thread was intended from the outset to sew seeds of dissention Here.

Look who has shown up:

ShadowsDream (references in absentia)
Risia as a poster/combattant

All KT posters.

This is a Cymbidia KT FlameThread that has spilled over to the BDSM Forum.

Recognize it for what it is folks, then decide whether you want to keep this thread going, or whether you want to talk about BDSM.

If the nonsense continues, I'll fire up the Lancecastor FlameOMatic 3000 and broil a batch crunchy nuggets we can munch on over beers at TopOpolis some evening.

Just for fun. Yummmytrollfryingfunmmmm.

I might even cross post some of the choice CymBits I've gathered from KT as appetizers, just to show what you've missed...and how right I was about the two-faced skanky ho the first, second and third time round.


Lance "Just Try Me" Castor

Why was this even necessary?
Azzy said:
Why was this even necessary?

Why was that even necessary?

Is necessity a requisite ?

Are you the Necessity Clearing House?

Are their sweepstakes?

With valuable prizes?

Am I registered to claim my prize?

Are you the Mother of Invention?

Is Frank still dead?

Would you care for a pickle?

SexyChele said:
Right now I would care for a pickle, please.

That's what I get for missing lunch!

Wouldn't care for a pickle, but green olives yes.. is there a menu to select from?

Re: Re: Bow, as I have returned

UCE said:
You are clueless about this particular issue, my man or woman. Fluff is an essential ingredient in the complex mix known as a message forum. Without allowing fluff, or in places where fluff is censored or disapproved of, you kill everyone's motivations for posting, including the motivations of those of us who know the very most and perhaps have that vital piece of information that you desperately need. But fuck it, if I can't joke, chat, say something silly to the few in a forum I am friends with, then the HELL if I'm going to strew any pearls of wisdom before ultra-serious lurkers. Nope. You take away fluff, and you kill a discussion board dead, unless the motivation to post to that board is something other than the kindness of one's heart for the ignorant--like money maybe, or the loss of your job or an F in your course if you don't post. None of those situations apply here--it's ALL voluntary, and if you want volunteers, you gotta give them something back in return. Many of us come here for F U N fun and while the definition of that little word varies quite widely, in most siutuations it includes the freedom to fluff a little. Take away my ability to fluff and you aren't getting anything worthwhile from me in return, I can guarantee you that. In most voluntary forums, fluff, as much as the overly serious may dislike it, is the fuel that inspires and makes possible the "really good stuff"--the stuff that is long and hard and takes great time and energy to write. Without fluff you can't get to know your audience emotionally and there is no reward in handing out the quality to what is essentially a big sucking black hole.

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.

Damn, UCE, that was one hell of a post.

If I wore a hat, I would take it off. You stated my thoughts exactly about the role of fluff.


Why I like this place

Sometimes, we even find commonalities with some of the people we uusually disagree with.

Which just goes to show, sharing information and thoughts is a very good thing indeed.

This thread has really gone from bad to worse, but I do have some comments.

Risia - First and foremost I am sorry that you have been attacked like this. I have a tremendous amount of respect for you. Do whatever makes you happy, but I wouldn't blame you for leaving if that's your choice. Be well!

Outside Observer - I think you're intentions and your character have been clearly exposed for all to see. I won't waste another second of my time addressing you.

Cym - I think you handled this very badly. I understand that Risia is your friend, but this was not the way to solve the issue. You've publicly accused someone and not provided one piece of evidence to support your claim. That's very unfair and inappropriate.

Pure - While I have had issues with some of your comments in the past, I cannot simply accept the word of one person's accusation and implicate you. Unless someone presents me with evidence, I will believe that you are not Outside Observer.

Lance - I don't know if I've ever met anyone who holds a grudge as long as you do. I know you hate Cym, but your perceptions and comments about KT are just plain wrong. Regardless of anything you may think, Outside Observer started this here, on Lit. It was not a KT argument that spilled over here and I think you know it. And I think your backhanded accusation against Lavender was wrong too. Unless you have some proof, it's just another paranoid accusation and wrong to do someone else. It's a cheap shot, and although I've been the recipient of a few of those from her, it doesn't make it right.
Re: Why I like this place

Ebonyfire said:
Sometimes, we even find commonalities with some of the people we uusually disagree with.

Which just goes to show, sharing information and thoughts is a very good thing indeed.


I enjoy this place so far, maybe because i am not part of the core group and therefore not arguing. Still believes that the exchange of ideas is a good thing, and arguing can be fun ;) if it is done with the right person.

zipman7 said:
This thread has really gone from bad to worse, but I do have some comments.

et al

Just want to say that I have to agree with all that Zip has said. Outside Observer, if you are still there, I would say now is the time to present your true identity. If, in fact, you have been here as long as you have. The possibility that an innocent person stands accused from things you have written is simply not right. And Pure is now in a position where he really has no defense unless you step forward and reveal yourself. If you remain quiet, then you are simply part of the problems you have railed against here. You have the opportunity to take the high road on this one. Will you?

Risia, you know how the "regs" feel about you here. I can understand your reasons for not posting as much as you had once done, but hope that you will stay strong through whatever has been disturbing your peace.

And I cannot agree with Zip more strongly that this should not have been brought into the open. Cym, you know that I hold you in high regard, and I understand your close friendship with Risia. However, when accusations such as this are brought forward, they really should be accompanied by more "proof" than a single word in one post.
Lancecastor said:
Why was that even necessary?

It was necessary for my sake, not for yours. I felt it was necessary to find out why it was necessary for you to make that original post in the first place. However since it wasn't necessary that your response be made to me necessarily, then I find it necessary to respond to your questions. I do find, however, that necessity is definitely in the eye of the beholder.

Is necessity a requisite ?

No. Its not. Maybe I missed your intent though. I assumed that you felt it was necessary to make the post, because you did. Was necessity a requisite for you?

Are you the Necessity Clearing House?

Yes - but, only in the tri-county area of Michigan. However, since Michigan desparately wants to be part of Canada, we are seeking to expand. Any interest in becoming a franchise?

Are their sweepstakes?

Yes. But only when necessary.

With valuable prizes?

Yes. But only when necessary.

Am I registered to claim my prize?

No. You can register. But, only if you feel its necessary.

Are you the Mother of Invention?

No. Not a mother. Am only good at inventing excuses.

Is Frank still dead?

No. He's kicking it with Elvis and Morrison at an remote tropical island.

Would you care for a pickle?

MMMMM. pickles. But only if its dill.
As a dedicated lurker who has been here for months, bore witness to the flaming and mass exodus, and for a time tried to post positively in the forum, wholeheartedly agree with Chele and Zip.

I regret my quote of Lance's post and hasty question. However, I really believe some very rash statements have been made, and too many accusations flung.

Step back and breathe people, before this gets out of hand again.

With that, I respectfully return to lurk mode. At least no one can say that I don't have the guts to post with my own ID.
Decline, shmecline.

Maybe keeping our mouths shut and our eyes twinkling is a sign that we're growing up. That's the way that I see it, anyway. Having read every thread in this forum since the first, embryonic post, I feel that I can say with confidence that we're a thoughtful, fun-loving, friendly crew who accept our diversity as much as we embrace our common interests. Still, I can't really prove this to anyone.

Categorical confusion is part of life. What is one person's declining forum is another person's treasure, just as horror films are one person's mass-produced commodity and someone else's invaluable social commentary.

That being said, it has been a pleasure to see so many generations of litsters posting on a single thread. I'm so glad to see all of you!
I figured it all out!!!

Outside OBserver is really MzChrista! LMAO... juuuusst kidding.

Why are ya'll giving this person so much of your time. I've stated it before... these threads never result in good. Just let it drop. How many times has a thread like this popped up? I can remember at least 2 others. Nothing ever came of it. And once everyone stopped posting to it, it went away. It's a troll just like the rest. Nobody gave that jamescarter puke much thought, so why bother with this one? Don't fall into their trap. Be strong. Resist the urrrge.. yes I know it's tough. Sorry treating this in a silly manner, but I think some of you are taking this WAY too serious. Remember this: only you can give the troll power. Think about it.

PBW "Oh yeah... Hey Cym, long time no see. Welcome back." <--- I just had to. :)