Common language

England and Wales. It's never been illegal In England and Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate legal systems. Soliciting in the street has been illegal since 1957. There has been a problem with police forces, not so much decriminalising as monetising prostitution. Now it's largely moved online.
I believe it has mostly moved online in the United States too. Here is not a Federal matter, but it is illegal in every state except for some counties in Nevada. Even there, it has to be in a brothel, a specific building for that purpose. For some reason, it's legality in the Netherlands is well known in America, but what goes on in England is mostly never mentioned here.
For some reason, it's legality in the Netherlands is well known in America,

And certainly in England, too. I was reading an article just this morning on that Amsterdam is trying to discourage, among other things, bachelor parties that are popular with Brits, descending on the city with apparently this in mind. However, the article didn't go into particular detail beyond recognition of trying to contain tourist activities in the red-light district.
Sounds like how DARE in the US taught grade school kids all about street drugs in the aim to prevent use.
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I'd guess that at some level, most young people know that drugs like meth and angel dust are dangerous. Yet on another level many of them feel invulnerable, "it can't (death or addiction) happen to me."
there was a big "Save Ulster from Sodomy" campaign, which taught all the young kids what it was...
They really used that as the title of the campaign? It sounds like something that would fit in Lit's Humor and Satire category.
On the subject of prudery, I read elsewhere yesterday that the US would never show a TV programme like Naked Attraction or Keith Chegwin's Naked Jungle, because of the nudity. Not that you're missing anything, but is that true? I know some channels (cable? HBO?) are more daring with the sex than others.

It's easy to spot a UK or European TV show even with the sound off, as characters will wander round getting dressed, and not have that samey airbrushed makeup that all mainstream American characters have. UK is less likely to show nipples or cock than the rest of Europe, but it's still a clear difference (watch Money Heist for an example, or Extraordinary).
In general, free broadcast television in the U.S. doesn't allow direct, fully-lit nudity. Lately there has been more permitted use of blurs on exposed naughty bits, but even then sometimes the performers insist on some form of subtle flesh covering on surfaces that would later be blurred. For many years certain shows on 'cable' (a catch-all term for anything that is not transmitted on open airwaves at no monetary charge to the recipient/viewer) have shown nudity, and varying degrees of naked bodies in contact, because (in theory) the content can be received only by people who implied their consent by paying for their glimpses of boobs and butts and wangs.
They really used that as the title of the campaign? It sounds like something that would fit in Lit's Humor and Satire category.
"Save Ulster from Sodomy was a political campaign launched in 1977 by Ian Paisley, MP, then leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Free Presbyterian Church, to prevent the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Northern Ireland.
The campaign was ultimately unsuccessful."

Ian Paisley and the Duppers are the UK's equivalent to American humourless nutjob fundies.

I'm now envisaging a Derry Girls prequel/spin-off with Mary and a gay friend and someone assuming Uncle Colm is gay when someone mentions he'll never find a woman...
It sounds wonderful if you imagine Ian Paisley saying it and thumping a pulpit
If you're going to have shouty cunty politicians, at least they sound good in NI accents.

During the same era, Gerry Adams, on the other side of the divide, was banned from speaking on UK radio or TV. So the BBC and others just got a different guy, with the same accent but a nicer voice, to repeat his words. It was a bit of a shock to find out what he really sounded like.
Let us not forget Brother Love's loving brotherly advice.

I said brothers
Now you got yourself two good hands
And when your brother is troubled
You gotta reach out your one hand for him
'Cause that's what it's there for
And when your heart is troubled
You gotta reach out your other hand
Reach it out to the Man up there
'Cause that's what he's there for