Companion to the Five in Five

Champagne, lovely to read your poems on the 5/5. This made me laugh.

It's like some sort
of gibberish in poemish
spoken by poemy natives
on the island of poem.
I just stumbled in here to have a quick read and found this lovely compliment dora. Thankyou. I hate when I can't find anything to write about except not writing. This was just one way to try to get it out without seeming stale and whiny.

I'm glad to have contributed something to your day.
Vampiredust, your poem Neatly Organised is really evocative. I don't really like the title because it seems too pat for the rest of the poem, but the images and terse lines of that poem are wonderful. I think you have a good start with it.
Dora, "Duct Taping the Ascetic to the Rocket" has got to be one of the best poem titles I have ever read.

Funniest too.
Dora, "Duct Taping the Ascetic to the Rocket" has got to be one of the best poem titles I have ever read.

Funniest too.


When I first heard the words 'duct tape' (this was some years ago now) I had no idea what it was. Because you Americans don't pronounce the first 't' I though you were
saying 'duck tape'. For quite a long while I thought there was a kind of tape sold in America called 'Duck Tape'.

Great stuff pandora!

When I first heard the words 'duct tape' (this was some years ago now) I had no idea what it was. Because you Americans don't pronounce the first 't' I though you were
saying 'duck tape'. For quite a long while I thought there was a kind of tape sold in America called 'Duck Tape'.

Great stuff pandora!

There is. There is a tape brand named "Duck". So you really can get Duck Tape. I've got a roll on my desk right now.
Homburg — sounds like you might be a man up for the challenge of The Duck Tape Chronicles. Game?
I think this would merit a whole new thread!

Goodness. Sure, I'm game. I can think of themes for two or three. Maybe even a fourth. Not sure that they'll be all high-brow and grand, but we aren't talking verse written about Rodin's Kiss or somesuch.

Might also be a worthwhile thing to throw at the Bistro. bj is always looking for wierd themes.

When I first heard the words 'duct tape' (this was some years ago now) I had no idea what it was. Because you Americans don't pronounce the first 't' I though you were
saying 'duck tape'. For quite a long while I thought there was a kind of tape sold in America called 'Duck Tape'.

Great stuff pandora!
A curious thing about duct tape is that one of the few things it isn't very good at fixing is ductwork. Doesn't seem to hold it together very well, though it sticks to the HVAC guy's fingers and clothes like neutrons to a carbon nucleus.

Apparently, even the French have Duck Tape or, perhaps, bande de canard.

So what's wrong with you guys? ;)
Gun tape torn into leaf-like strips
obscure the silouhette
and become the jungle
at the walls of Phnom Pen