Companion to the Five in Five

Lovely run at the five, Homburg. The final image of your fourth was powerful. I'll come back to read all five when I'm less sleepy. Congrats. :)
Great stuff Ange and bij and Pandora! (Oh how I love to be surrounded by bee-utiful women *contented sigh*.)
Great stuff Ange and bij and Pandora! (Oh how I love to be surrounded by bee-utiful women *contented sigh*.)

It's a great thread. Thirty makes my eyes cross. I did it all the way through once and part way another few times, but I had to chuck most of what I wrote from those efforts. :eek:

Five is much more doable. Six fives sounds easier, ultimately, than 30 when it's one after another. :)
And seconds later Homburg too!

Thank you. I'm not so concerned about good right now. Just feeling suffused with words, and need to get them out. 5x5 is a great way to do it.

Luckily the rest of you are producing such good stuff.
Wonderful poems today.

I have to say, Eluard, that this singes the hair right off the retina. Beautiful. And thanks. I've been meaning to get my retinas shaved.

Packets of rain come down from the mountain
With no name, as once they would have had yours.
But that was all so long ago someone will say
Splitting a truth into two lies
I have to say PG that the image of a hairy retina is one of the most disturbing images I have ever read!!! I need to lie down after that — and not in a good way! :eek:

It's a great thread. Thirty makes my eyes cross. I did it all the way through once and part way another few times, but I had to chuck most of what I wrote from those efforts. :eek:

Five is much more doable. Six fives sounds easier, ultimately, than 30 when it's one after another. :)

The great thing about the 30/30 is that you get bragging rights: I did the 30/30 and survived.

All of which means that 4degrees is able to brag more than any of us!
Thanks Homburg. :heart: backatcha.

and OMG Bijou, your poem today is incredible! Rock the fuck on!
My mouth is truly open at today's offerings. I'm embarrassed to put mine in there.

Yes, it's after midnight. I just got home a little while agao, so there.

I wrote this one while in traffic today. HEAVY traffic. So I risked my life to write this one down before it slipped away. Y'all should appreciate that. Risk of death adds spice to otherwise pedestrian words.
Pandora — Bridges is excellent! I want to see it in print immediately! Great work!

bj — yesterday's variations (Eight valleys) were hot and polished — really, really nice! 'Notes for the tangible Girl' I like as well, obviously meant to go with the variations. Both really work. It looks like this is going to turn into a series.

Ange — Goodbye little Wing was really good and pretty O'haraesque, in its way. In fact at least three of yours on that thread were O'Haraesqueish.

Hom — I liked yesterday's in fact. Anything that combines calculus and lust gets my vote!

Also gotta say that "Slow terrorism in the fishbowl of retail convenience" is a title to rival Pandora's duct tape title.
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Thank you, Eluard.

I liked the title. Couldn't really make the rest work as I wanted. It captured the sort of minimalist hatred of the woman I was writing about, but I'm still kind of 'eh' about it.
Pandora — Bridges is excellent! I want to see it in print immediately! Great work!

bj — yesterday's variations (Eight valleys) were hot and polished — really, really nice! 'Notes for the tangible Girl' I like as well, obviously meant to go with the variations. Both really work. It looks like this is going to turn into a series.

Ange — Goodbye little Wing was really good and pretty O'haraesque, in its way. In fact at least three of yours on that thread were O'Haraesqueish.

Hom — I liked yesterday's in fact. Anything that combines calculus and lust gets my vote!

Also gotta say that "Slow terrorism in the fishbowl of retail convenience" is a title to rival Pandora's duct tape title.

Thanks, El. Goodbye Little Wing is a poem I originally wrote about five years ago, and I've been playing around with revisions. The O'Hara connection you see is interesting. I think the way he writes is very accessible to me because of his influence on Ted Berrigan, who is a big influence on me. And there's the NYC connection. My family is from there and I spent a lot of time in the city when I was young.


Sorry I missed my fifth poem. I totally forgot about it last night and fell asleep. :eek:
Also gotta say that "Slow terrorism in the fishbowl of retail convenience" is a title to rival Pandora's duct tape title.

:::agrees and golfclaps:::

Thank you, Eluard. Your poem To a Visible Darkness made a deep chime go off in me and I'm still feeling it in rereads.

This was a good run from everyone. I've been challenged and rewarded by your works. :rose:X5
I think I've excised my daemons a bit. Or maybe I'm just tired. I'm not burning with the need to express something elusive. Back to quiescence I think...
Well when I started this five in five I wasn't remembering that Saturday I wouldn't be anywhere near a computer.

In penance, two pieces today to finish up this run. Both raw first drafts typed straight out of the journal from last night, so shred gleefully, kids.

I'll do that first. Then I can reward myself with seeing what you talented people have been getting yourselves up to this weekend.


Arnold your poems are wonderful to see and to read. Keep that thread bustling and enjoyable.

Your lines are terse, cadent. I look forward to rereading them.

I was rereading and had to *Crackle! Pops!* also to Eluard for this.

of light
Good to see you back and posting some great inventive stuff, RM!