Contest Ideas?

No thanks on moderating. Keep me in mind for a judge though.

Also, I don't think anyone here helping to determine the first contest's criteria should enter that contest.
I'm probably going to regret this...but...

If no one else wants the job, I'll moderate the contest.

Harold and Secret you both said you wouldn't mind being judges, right?

Anyone else want to judge?

I would tend to agree that if you're invovled in setting up criteria or judging you shouldn't be allowed to enter.

Do we want to set up a bunch of criteria or do the song title thing? Please weigh in
deliciously_naughty said:
I would tend to agree that if you're invovled in setting up criteria or judging you shouldn't be allowed to enter.

Do we want to set up a bunch of criteria or do the song title thing? Please weigh in

I don't see any reason to ban anyone just because they suggested one or more criterion for the challenge although judges should not be allowed to participate in a contest they're judging -- there is no reason why a judge for one contest shouldn't be a contestant in the next, though.

I think a set of five elements that need to be included gives authors enough room to craft a unique story while providing enough of a challenge to be a true test of writing ability. Simply "hiding" a song title in a story doesn't present much of a challenge.

Writing a story to fit a specific title is another good challenge of a writer's skill and imagination -- a title that has been in my "stories to write someday" list for a long time is The Perfect Fit. It's been in the list long enough that I don't think I'll ever get around to using it, so that can be our first challenge. It's vague enough that almost any story can be written to fit that title. Yet, I think it would be fairly easy to judge how well a story fits the title.

The winner of this contest would set the challenge of the next contest, either by picking another title, or setting some other criteria the next challenge would meet -- like story set in a specific time or place.

The basic idea of this kind of story contest is "I bet you can't write a story about..." so almost any challenge requirement is fair game -- the possible challenges are limited only by the imagination of the winners.
I'd be willing to judge, if you're looking for folks. I'd like to see more contests, I think they get a good turnout and get people who might not otherwise write a story to submit something. Sometimes narrowing the focus helps people come up with good stories.

One idea I had for a contest would be to challenge people to take the most hackneyed erotic situation (pizza boy at the door, teacher-student) and see who could come up with the most interesting twist on it. Get people thinking outside the box.
I'll refrain from suggesting any criteria, as someone suggested it might keep me from participating :p but, I did want to point out something that Quisi mentioned. If there were 324 stories submitted in a single day, you can figure only a percentage of which are for any one topic. And contests don't get the attention of every writer...

I like this idea, because I dont really get holiday related ideas ~ I'm a batchelor, holidays are much-ado-about-nuthin. :D It might help me to get back into prose ...

I like christo's idea. I also like the adhere to a particular title idea. I'm not particularly thrilled about listing five items that must be included in a story.

Here are some of my suggestions:

1. Announce the contest with a deadline for submission.

2. After the stories have all come in, divvy them up between the judges. Each story should have two judges. If the scores are radically different, have a third judge break the tie.

3. Have only the top percentage of stories be posted on the contest winner page. The "losers'" stories are then given to Laurel and she can post them the regular way if she wants.

4. If possible, omit the names of the authors so the judges aren't prejudiced.
I really like Quasi's idea...contest criteria will be to take a specific overdone theme (ex. Pizza delivery man) and see who can come up with the most interesting twist. Where Laurel would have to come in is setting up a seperate category or page (like the halloween page) where the stories would be listed. There would be a two week or so period in which stories could be submitted. The panel of judges would then review the works (blind if possible) and give it a 1 to 5 score. The scores would be tabulated by me and the winner gets not only credit and adulation, but they also get to set the criteria for the next contest. And I also agree with Harold...Judges should not submit, but please help me create the criteria.
I must be mad to be doing this - probably need to get my sanity checked but I'll volunteer to judge.

:confused: NOW WHY DID I SAY THAT :confused:

jon :devil: :devil: :devil:
Yeah . . . I will probably be kicking myself for this as well, but why not? If you need any more judges, I volunteer myself.
Ok, so we now have between 5 and 7 judges, a moderator and a set of ideas. I'm going to work on a proposal for Laurel and I'll post it here as well as PM her so y'all can see what's going on. Expect me to send it to her by the end of the weekend.
