cop v con

Never ever going to be my fault that you wake up stupid every day.

I come here to a sex site to seriously test, debate, and measure my legal and political acumen against the likes of DA and Agla. I come here and test out my jokey clown skills against the lawyer.
Or redefine it or even change the subject.

The question is whether Kamala was hired because of her gender and skin color and suddenly we see the Left now trying to argue that R's are against any woman being President.

It's not about whether a woman can be President, because of course a woman can be, but whether Kamala Harris is fit to be President, because she isn't since she was selected as VP based on DEI criteria and not qualification.

MERIT doesn't care about your skin color or whether your reproductive bits are inside your body or outside it. Our President should be elected based on merit and nothing else. The Left doesn't understand that because to them it's all pretty colors and rainbows.
Sir, this is not a thread about DEI. This is a thread about how the stark contrast between Kamala Harris’ history in law enforcement and Donald Trump’s criminality will make the choice clear in November for voters who care about the rule of law.
Sir, this is not a thread about DEI. This is a thread about how the stark contrast between Kamala Harris’ history in law enforcement and Donald Trump’s criminality will make the choice clear in November for voters who care about the rule of law.


You mean the Kamala Harris who BRAGGED about smoking pot while prosecuting drug users for doing the same thing?

THAT Kamala Harris?

You mean the Kamala Harris who BRAGGED about smoking pot while prosecuting drug users for doing the same thing?

THAT Kamala Harris?
You’re bad at debating and defending.

How you not see how this line of attack opens you up to… Never mind. Continue.
You’re bad at debating and defending.

How you not see how this line of attack opens you up to… Never mind. Continue.

No, no, please continue with your meltdown. I'm enjoying it.

You mean the Kamala Harris who BRAGGED about smoking pot while prosecuting drug users for doing the same thing?

THAT Kamala Harris?
No, I mean the Kamala Harris who aggressively questioned Bill Barr over his role covering up Donald Trump’s criminality, and who made Brett Kavenaugh cry at his confirmation hearing.
No, no, please continue with your meltdown. I'm enjoying it.

What’s going on here? I tell you to continue and then you come back to tell me to continue???


Ok, if that’ll stop you from putting foot in mouf or contrasting con vs cop - We can end this now.
No, I mean the Kamala Harris who aggressively questioned Bill Barr over his role covering up Donald Trump’s criminality, and who made Brett Kavenaugh cry at his confirmation hearing.

Ohhhh, you mean the FAKE Kamala Harris you've built up in your mind?

No wonder you're a passenger on her gravy train of eventual tears.
Sir, this is not a thread about DEI. This is a thread about how the stark contrast between Kamala Harris’ history in law enforcement and Donald Trump’s criminality will make the choice clear in November for voters who care about the rule of law.

He can’t answer.
And it wouldn’t be so bad him not answering if he were entertaining while spinning our wheels but OMG what a bore he jus HAS to be.
He can’t answer.
And it wouldn’t be so bad him not answering if he were entertaining while spinning our wheels but OMG what a bore he jus HAS to be.

Dull minds do not appreciate fine art and craftsmanship.

When it comes to you idjits, even moderately good art is beyond your appreciation.
Dull minds do not appreciate fine art and craftsmanship.

When it comes to you idjits, even moderately good art is beyond your appreciation.
Oh ok.
So underneath it all the supposed lawyer is really a misunderstood creative artist. Got it.
Dull minds do not appreciate fine art and craftsmanship.

When it comes to you idjits, even moderately good art is beyond your appreciation.

Has anyone here expressed an opinion on your work? I, unfortunately, haven’t had the time to read.
No reason to run from it. It's a strength to add diversity. The weakness is from the racist and misogynistic right who think that choosing women and non-white people means unqualified people.

Might as well wear a sign saying that you're racist and misogynistic.
Yet many on the left here are denying it was a DEI hire and are running from Biden’s race and gender based selections.
Yet many on the left here are denying it was a DEI hire and are running from Biden’s race and gender based selections.

Provide names and please provide quote sources.

My guess is that they are attempting to respond to the right wing dog whistle rather than deny the inclusion hire.
Has anyone here expressed an opinion on your work? I, unfortunately, haven’t had the time to read.

1. Anyone's works which are published here are, or should be, off limits to political conversation. I don't criticize ANYONE'S art based on political disagreement. If you do, it only proves you're a scumbag without any possibility of redemption and should be permabanned relentlessly. Period.

The One True Laurel needs to take this to heart. No publisher lets anyone trash not only their website but their bread and butter contributors and clients.

2. If you don't contribute to the site, then you're not much more than a worthless parasite.
Of course he did. Your effort to gaslight is ridiculous.
Right because only white men are the most qualified for any jobs of leadership. Kinda sounds like the Catholic Church… I see what you did there. If it’s not white men it has to be some nefarious reason….

Maybe if they all wore your favorite red arm band they would be qualified? Or do they need blonde hair and blue eyes? (Who needs an armband, YOU know who the undesirables are..)

I mean look at traitor tater, he has his job as deep fryer leader…and he earned that.
Or redefine it or even change the subject.

The question is whether Kamala was hired because of her gender and skin color and suddenly we see the Left now trying to argue that R's are against any woman being President.

It's not about whether a woman can be President, because of course a woman can be, but whether Kamala Harris is fit to be President, because she isn't since she was selected as VP based on DEI criteria and not qualification.

MERIT doesn't care about your skin color or whether your reproductive bits are inside your body or outside it. Our President should be elected based on merit and nothing else. The Left doesn't understand that because to them it's all pretty colors and rainbows.
I mean “Just Dull” is far from being fit to be President, but that’s okay… he’s a white man he gets a pass. Thanks for that hard hitting analysis from someone who thinks water has carbon in it.
I mean “Just Dull” is far from being fit to be President, but that’s okay… he’s a white man he gets a pass. Thanks for that hard hitting analysis from someone who thinks water has carbon in it.

You need to rethink your words.

Or, maybe, just think in words instead of pretty swirly colors.
You need to rethink your words.

Or, maybe, just think in words instead of pretty swirly colors.
Hmmm because you the white man has told me makes it something I have to do. Got it. You have total authority when it comes to everything… oh wait…we have seen multiple times where you have been found wanting.

Have a good day cupcake, you get the meatloaf sent down stairs to you too…or are you like WrongGuide and no one wants anything to do with you so it’s all TV dinners.

How’s the beef merlot??
If the felon rapist announced that he'd smoked pot whilst sitting naked on the point of the Washington Monument it wouldn't even feature amongst everything else we know about him.
1. Anyone's works which are published here are, or should be, off limits to political conversation. I don't criticize ANYONE'S art based on political disagreement. If you do, it only proves you're a scumbag without any possibility of redemption and should be permabanned relentlessly. Period.

The One True Laurel needs to take this to heart. No publisher lets anyone trash not only their website but their bread and butter contributors and clients.

2. If you don't contribute to the site, then you're not much more than a worthless parasite.
That's because you boasted here once about your icky incest porn writings.

That went down well.
So? Please post a clip of the White House using the term “border czar” or “open borders”
Enough propaganda
The media??? Please !! You can pump any shit into the “media” though social media then on to any number of right wing sites like Fox News that was CREATED for that purpose

I’ll go back to my liberal radio station ? Oh shit ! Where did it go? I guess they didn’t fun enough male sex enhancement ads! Or? The oligarchs have succeeded in silencing the people