Critics' Recommendation Award

I have an idea for an award

If your interested e-mail me.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Very good, people.

To date, we're only missing stories from TheEarl, Master Vassago, and Deliciously Naughty.

Dirt Man, we'd be glad to hear your ideas, but this round is pretty much a trial run of how this whole thing works, so we're not going to make any major changes.

Once all the stories are in, we can start taking votes.

I would really like to get your opinions on trying these different voting systems.

Well, here's my idea anyway

I have made a bmp that you could paste to the winning manuscript. I'd add it to this, but I don't know how. LOL I can put it in a gif though, and send it if you're interested. My e-mail address is

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
didn't Bugs Bunny Win?

I seem to recall that Bugs Bunny won an Oscar. Still not a bad thought though.:)
My artwork for the Critic's Choice Award

I think I've finally figured this out. Here's what I suggest attached as a gif. Hopefully this will work. LOL

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
If at first you don't succeed...

Hope this comes through as a Jpg.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Gif Failure

I hate to say it but your gif didn't show up.:(
It's a jungle out there and I'm tired of playing Tarzan
My Submission

Alright after weighing carefully which story should be submitted and still not decided I went with one I truly enjoyed writing but didn't really expect to do well but it did.

Sorry I changed stories and edited I didn't like the other one that was up here after thinking about it for a few minutes.
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Well I've been away for a couple of days, so nearly completely missed this thread.

I'll nominate my story Seducing Dawn: I know, it's a celebrity story and therefore not as accessible to everybody as some, but ignore the celebrity and just read it as it is. It's good enough to stand on its own.

I'm confused by the voting. Dr M, could you put up links of all the nominations and also how the hell we're voting as it's confused me.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Well I've been away for a couple of days, so nearly completely missed this thread.

I'll nominate my story Seducing Dawn: I know, it's a celebrity story and therefore not as accessible to everybody as some, but ignore the celebrity and just read it as it is. It's good enough to stand on its own.

I'm confused by the voting. Dr M, could you put up links of all the nominations and also how the hell we're voting as it's confused me.

The Earl
Glad to see you love your own writing Earl, that's the main thing. As for voting, well that's another matter. One person one vote should do don't you think? The prize should be a Gold Penis Award or even a Gold Bra. :) The criterior is up the the operators of this outfit.
Glad to see you love your own writing Earl, that's the main thing.

Are you being sarky? We're supposed to nominate one of our own stories.

The Earl
No, I am not being sarky. I never got into the habit of noinating anything that I wrote. It just never seemed to feel right. It could also be my age showing.
Dr M says we're supposed to nominate one of our own. Otherwise I wouldn't. Being the shy retiring type I am :D.

The Earl

Glad to see your interest and you're certainly free to stand there and kibbitz, but I take exception with your remark to TheEarl about liking his own writing. Nominations in this trial run are intentionally limited to the critics' own works, so he, like the rest of the critics, has no choice but to nominate something of his own.

Earl: I'll see if I can assemble all the links to all the stories in one place, but for now they are all available in this thread.

Voting: Since this is a trial run and since several different voting systems have been proposed, I thought it might be useful to try these different systems and see which we're most comfortable with in terms of both results and ease of voting.

Officially, we're going to use the 1-10 system where each critic will rate each story (excpet their own) on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest) and PM the results to me for tabulation. You're not allowed to rate your own story. Please wait until you've rated all the stories before sending the results to me. Deadline for voting is Jan 5, 2003 Midnight. You need not send me any commenst or qualifications with your vote; they will be ignored.
The final table of all votes will be made available to all critics so that you can see how everyone voted, just to make sure that there's no "One-bombing" or anything else unseemly.
The final ratings will be an arithmetical average of the votes.
That's the official method, and I chose that because I had to choose something and that seemed most reasonable.

Just_John has suggested we use an alternative voting system where every critic is given one vote to give to the favborite story. I'm afraid that this will lead to a big first-place tie, but I'd like to try it just the same.

SvenskaFlicka has proposed that we use weighted votes, each critic giving 3 votes to their favorite story, 2 to their next favorite, and 1 to their third favorite. This too seems worth trying to me. (Note that this is not the same as being given 6 votes to distribute as you wish. They must be uised as 3, 2, and 1 votes)

Finally, PaulX35 had made the reasonable suggestion that the validity of the 1-10 viote system can be skewed by where each voter sets their "baseline" and how wide their range of votes is. He therefore suggests using a statistical method to correct for this skewing. Since most of us are statistical idiots, though, we'll have him run his method on the votes to see if his results are more satisfactory or fairer, but the winner will still be selected using the arithmetical average in the 1-to-10 method above.


Now: As I said I would like to use this trial run to evaluate these different voting methods. That means you'll all have to vote 3 different ways:
(1) Official, 1-to-10 method
(2) Vote once for the favorite, as per Just-John's proposal
(3) Vote 3, 2, 1 for your favorite, second favorite, third favorite stories respectively as per SvenskaFllicka's proposal.

I was hoping to simplify things by making up a form, but this is beyond me. I think we can still accomplish this though. I hope that by trying these different voting systems, we can decide which is easiest to use and which most accurately reflects the critics' sentiments. We can discuss the results once they're in.

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Holy Votes Batman!
This is confusing Me lol. A voting system from hell for the holidays.

LOL. Ok I really do understand, I think, it just seems a bit redundant to have to vote three different ways and keep track of everything all at once. But I will do My best. If I should slip and make a mistake, slaughter Me with a quick shot to the head please. I am off to go try and figure out how to vote, and maybe just read a story or two as well.
OK I hate to mutiny..but i am going to have my work cut out just doing the 1-10vote....hell i barely understand the other i shall do my 1-10 vote.Anything more will have to be worked out form there.
dr_mabeuse said:

Glad to see your interest and you're certainly free to stand there and kibbitz, but I take exception with your remark to TheEarl about liking his own writing. Nominations in this trial run are intentionally limited to the critics' own works, so he, like the rest of the critics, has no choice but to nominate something of his own.

Earl: I'll see if I can assemble all the links to all the stories in one place, but for now they are all available in this thread.

Voting: Since this is a trial run and since several different voting systems have been proposed, I thought it might be useful to try these different systems and see which we're most comfortable with in terms of both results and ease of voting.

Officially, we're going to use the 1-10 system where each critic will rate each story (excpet their own) on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest) and PM the results to me for tabulation. You're not allowed to rate your own story. Please wait until you've rated all the stories before sending the results to me. Deadline for voting is Jan 5, 2003 Midnight. You need not send me any commenst or qualifications with your vote; they will be ignored.
The final table of all votes will be made available to all critics so that you can see how everyone voted, just to make sure that there's no "One-bombing" or anything else unseemly.
The final ratings will be an arithmetical average of the votes.
That's the official method, and I chose that because I had to choose something and that seemed most reasonable.

Just_John has suggested we use an alternative voting system where every critic is given one vote to give to the favborite story. I'm afraid that this will lead to a big first-place tie, but I'd like to try it just the same.

SvenskaFlicka has proposed that we use weighted votes, each critic giving 3 votes to their favorite story, 2 to their next favorite, and 1 to their third favorite. This too seems worth trying to me. (Note that this is not the same as being given 6 votes to distribute as you wish. They must be uised as 3, 2, and 1 votes)

Finally, PaulX35 had made the reasonable suggestion that the validity of the 1-10 viote system can be skewed by where each voter sets their "baseline" and how wide their range of votes is. He therefore suggests using a statistical method to correct for this skewing. Since most of us are statistical idiots, though, we'll have him run his method on the votes to see if his results are more satisfactory or fairer, but the winner will still be selected using the arithmetical average in the 1-to-10 method above.


Now: As I said I would like to use this trial run to evaluate these different voting methods. That means you'll all have to vote 3 different ways:
(1) Official, 1-to-10 method
(2) Vote once for the favorite, as per Just-John's proposal
(3) Vote 3, 2, 1 for your favorite, second favorite, third favorite stories respectively as per SvenskaFllicka's proposal.

I was hoping to simplify things by making up a form, but this is beyond me. I think we can still accomplish this though. I hope that by trying these different voting systems, we can decide which is easiest to use and which most accurately reflects the critics' sentiments. We can discuss the results once they're in.


It was just something I never actually thought about to be honest with you. Doing something like that is not something that ever even occured to me. I would just post and run as it were, never even gave pusing the story a second thought.

*looks at Dr. M and pouts prettily and wonders what I did to be on his naughty list this year*:kiss:
The method used to pick the critics is explained in a previous thread called "Authors' Choice Awards".

Quite simply, we had to limit the number of critics allowed to nominate and vote, and so I picked the first 15 people who had responded to a query of Literotica members. The panel of critics will revolve, with new critics coming in and old ones leaving every round, so all who are interested in participating will get their chance.

And now, for the fourth or fifth time, I will state that we intentionally required the critics to nominate ONLY THEIR OWN STORIES during this round, since this is only a TRIAL RUN of the voting system and the entire procedure. For an untested and untried process, it would be unfair to subject others' stories to what might be a fallacious and unsatisfactory evaluation. In other words, if the whole thing blows up, let it be in our faces and no one else's.

I would also point out that there is nothing to prevcent other people from doing the same thing as we do. Chilled_Vodka, for example, already posts links to stories he finds to be especially worthwhile, and everyone is free to post to the Story Feedback board to have their stories evaluated.

Okay, so that's confusing. Which voting system will take precedence? Personally I like Svenskaflickas version; it's unlikely to result in a tie and it means that arbitrary notions of good and bad are discarded. Each story is compared only to its peers.

About the links: I was just being lazy and hoping not to have to bother with looking through the thread.

The Earl
Sorry Doc

Didn't mean to confuse the issue any more than it already has. To be totally honest with you I lean toward Svens method but will proceed with all three (to try to throw oil on troubled water LOL). Happy reading and remember no good deed goes unpunished.
