Critics' Recommendation Award

Come on, Earl! Give me a break!

I thought I was pretty clear that the 1 to 10 method would be used to select the winner. Some method has to be chosen, and I feel that the 1 to 10 is the most straightforward and understandable. Maybe I'm wrong, which is one reason why I want to try the different methods.

When George Bush stole the presidential election here, there was quite a bit of discussion over how we vote in the US, and a lot of alternative voting systems were discussed, including one similar to what SvensakFlicka has described. Some statistician pointed out that, using this system, it was possible--even likely-- to get some anomolous results, though I don't remember the details. (It was something like if there were three strong candidates, then the fourth strongest had a better chance of winning than either of the 3.) In any case, I think it raised enough doubts in my mind to make me think it would be best to trust a more straightforward system.

Therefore, for official results, the 1-10 system will be used. If we find it very unsatisfactory, or if we find the weighted vbote system far superior, we can change the system for the next round. That's why this is an experimental round.

There you go. The Chairman hath spoken.

thank you for clearing that up Mr Chairman!

oh and btw...Merry christmas everyone!
Glome (and all others)

Thank you for your submission, however this round of voting is only a trial run to test the voting system, so we're not accepting outside submissions. Each critic is required to nominate a story of their own.

Note to Critics!

There seems to be some confusion over the weighted voting method. This is the method where you give your top story a 3, your second best a 2, and your third best a 1. I've noticed that some people seem to be giving their favorite a 1, and their third favorite a 3.

In this method, we'll total up the number of votes for each story and the one with the most votes wins. Your first choice should therefore get a 3 (signifying 3 votes), your second favorite a 2 (2 votes) and yuour third a 1 (1 vote)

If you've voted already and believe you might have made this error, just PM me and I'll correct it.

That's why this is a practice round. No harm done; it is confusing.

Sorry to muck you all about like this, but I'm going to have to withdraw my story from the contest. I'm currently in the middle of rewriting the entire series and it could change a lot, or end up being deleted and resubmitted soon, so it's not fair to keep it in.

Anyone who has read it over, I'd much appreciate your comments. After all, you know you have a chance to change somethign you didn't like.

The Earl

Here's the status as of Friday night: We've got ten critics' votes in. I believe we're expecting 14 all together. I just started tabulating them in and Excel spreadsheet.

There were a good number of errors in the voting; a lot of confusion, which I guess is to be expected, since we're using 3 voting systems.

I can tell you now, this is a lot of work, especially when you consider that all we end up with from all this is a lousy recommendation or three.

If we decide to go on with this, here's some things we should be thinking about right now:
How are we going to take nominations in such a way as to include the largest number of stories?
Can this voting thing be done as a poll or automated in some way?
Isn't there a better/simpler way to endorse worthwhile stories? Maybe by just writing a little blurb about what stories we've liked and posting it on an "endorsement" board or something?

Well, stay tuned.

I've said this before, but I'll say it one more time. A small committee (eg 5) of successful (in this context = popular, both with readers and writers/posters) should be chosen who are prepared to work together to select critics stories, stories which in their opinion demonstrate exceptional craft as both erotica and literature. Each member of the committee should aim to nominate one or two stories in a week, which they recommend to the other committee members. Stories which are regarded as excellent by all (or most, perhaps, would be easier) of the committee can be granted the coveted "L" or perhaps "C" award.

Obviously, this constitutes a lot of work for the committee. However, there are a large number of people posting on this board and elsewhere. A single moderator could run a new bulletin board and each week (or fortnight, or month) select a new committee, ensuring no-one is left out and no-one is overworked.

I'm sure there are loads of glitches in this idea. I'm sure we'll miss great stories, and I'm sure it is snobby and devisive as hell. I'm not sure that Laurel will support it. However, I'm yet to hear anyone claim that they love the current voting/"H" system, and the "E" button, whilst useful, is only one person's opinion, and personally, although I read most "E" rated stories, I tend not to like the content. Different tastes, etc.

I think we have already seen the difficulties of democracy, even in a very limited round of nominations. Certainly the Doc seems to think we need a different solution. This 'ere is my different solution. Can it work?

[Taking a seat, breathless, with a proud and expectant smile,]

IMHO: Have a rotating panel of 6 judges. Dr M as Chairman chooses one, Laurel chooses one, Manu one, The Author's Hangout one, The Story Discussion Circle one and the feedback forum one. Rotate the judges every 2/3 months.

Every month each judge nominates one story which they like and then you get six stories shortlisted for the prestigious Critics Choice Award. Personally I like Svenskaflicka's voting system, cause it removes arbitrary notions of rankings, but I understand the statistical problems it could cause.

I don't know about you, but I find finding 'E' stories difficult. Maybe all Critic's Choice winners could be sectioned into a new category, or you could search for them through the system?

At least that's what I think.

The Earl
Last minute Update

The deadline for votes being in is midnight tonight, and so far we don't have many votes in.

Here's a list of those who've votes I've received:
Paul X35
English Lady
Master Vassago

Wicked 'n' Erotic voted, but only using the weighted 3,2,1 system. A bunch of people voted using only the 1-to-10 method, which is better than nothing. And even more people neglected voting for the one best overall. In thatcase I'm justgoing to assign their one vote to their highest rated story.

Missing are votes from
Madame Manga
Killer Muffin

I was thinking of extending the deadline, but I really don't see the point. I was pretty clear that not everyone was required to vote, and so I'll just assume that those who don't vote are excercsing their option.

I'll post the numbers tomorrow.

Ah hem.......

Let me know when all the dust settles on this. Wouldn't mind participating, but as I've been following along without responding, it's been because things appear a bit confusing and less than perfected at this point.

If however at some point you'd like to invite others to participate, let me know. I'd be more than happy to do that.

In the meantime...I'll continue to evesdrop in on how things progress.
Natural Born Eros

So sorry, NBE. Yes, I did get your votes and they are tabulated.

I probably shouldn't have posted that list of whose votes I had and didn't have without actually consulting the spreadsheet. I thought I had it memorized. Not likely.

But yes, I have your votes on all 3 systems.

This has been an interesting exercise.

First of all, I would recommend that we close nominations to the general public. Everyone wants feedback and this is just another way to get it. Critics choice is just that, critics choice.

I like the notion of rotating judges. Three of them is a good number, and one chair to tabulate~tiebreak~alternate. They would be drawn from the previous round's table of critics.

The critics would be a different story. How to get them? Obviously some will want to not do it some rounds, others will want in, and others will want to quit altogether. I know Manu won't do it (he's the tech guy) and it's highly unlikely you'll draw Laurel into it when she's already got the "E" thing going on. Rather than simply pick from among the forums, come up with a set of entrance requirements. People who want to participate must have a demonstrated history of constructive critique or something. They must have at least one submitted story in any of the categories. If we space the rounds out enough, we can have a sign up sheet for the next round. This sounds complicated, I will explain better.

Round 1 just happened. People can sign up to participate in round 2 as critics. If you don't sign up you can't be a critic. Judges will be selected/agree to do it from the people who participated in round 1. The chair can rotate as well so one person doesn't get stuck all the time.

Each critic for round two will nominate 1-3 stories from the database at large. People can sign up to be critics in round 3 at this time. The judges for that round will choose the best story. They will not nominate. They can do it through the weighted voting system since that seems the most fair. If there is a tie, the chair will break it (so the chair must get his/her votes in as well, they just won't count unless necessary). The winner will be announced.

Or does that sound as ridiculously complicated as most of my ideas are?

Your mailbox is full and has been for a while. Now I remember what happened to your first vote. Empty your box and I'll PM you!

That actually sounds good, Killer Muffin, not too complicated at all. Its really just a more logical refinement of the systems offered by the Earl and myself. The only question is, can we refine down a more complete set of entrance requirements?

Love the new AV, BTW...

Season's Greetings
