Dating Sucks!

He might show up, but don't expect gift wrapping. He's the type of person that you will be able to walk by on the street or in the store, and even talk to, yet maybe never recognize for who he is.

Because real men don't need to flaunt or show off anything. Simply being himself is enough. Subtly is sexy, anyway. ;)


I keep running into the guys that have to tell me how wonderful they are, how they never have had to chase a woman or get things started and how they used to have a ton of "stuff". Um...:confused::confused: Is this supposed to attract me in any way what so ever? Since dating is beyond me I'm questioning if this is the exception or the rule. If they have to tell me how great they are...isn't is a bit of a lost cause? I always though it was more about you can see it by how they treat others. Guess I'm weird like that. *sigh*
Again, a snip, from a vanilla dating site, he contacted me first and called himself "the perfect man"
I think my standards are too high, or it's because I'm on my period, get it? Period! Yuk yuk!

Perfect eh? Hi (name removed)

Him: 2/11/2013 12:35:14 PM
Yeah perfect how you doing?

Him: 2/11/2013 2:03:42 PM
OK maybe not perfect pretty Damn close though so what's up am I going to get any conversation out of you or is that it

Me: 2/11/2013 2:23:39 PM
Sure, I'm a bit leery of one who calls himself "perfect" yet uses no punctuation. But ok, prove it.
This thread fills me with dread.

My DH has given me permission to play outside our relationship a bit since he's not in the mood but I don't know what, "ska" is and if someone messaged me like a few of the ones you've shown here Kitten, I think I'll just end up throwing my computer away...

Add to that the need to connect as a sub and I guess I'll just stick to reading the lit site.
This thread fills me with dread.

My DH has given me permission to play outside our relationship a bit since he's not in the mood but I don't know what, "ska" is and if someone messaged me like a few of the ones you've shown here Kitten, I think I'll just end up throwing my computer away...

Add to that the need to connect as a sub and I guess I'll just stick to reading the lit site.

I'm sorry. But that's what's out there, and I only post a fraction of the crap I get. Good luck. You're better off moulding that hubby of yours into what you desire. Again, good luck.
Really? after that cute crazy cat lady cried her eyes out on youtube? I'd think the appeal of you name would skyrocket!

While I love it, and her, HELLO..., old. Nope didn't help out the single ladies.
Actually, I just read an article about how if you're a single woman "cats" and "kitten" are in the top ten least desirable words in a profile. Where does that leave a hot, sexy, cat lover, who's into kitten play?
Screwed.... Well not screwed. Thank God for my wand!
All this kitten talk made me think of a guy who contacted me on the vanilla dating site, and while he wasn't at all my phsycal ideal he honed in on the kitten thing (even though I don't say much about it in my profile) It was almost eerie, how he knew. Sadly he didn't keep up the conversation and kitties don't beg, so.... sigh
Kitten, I know the mutts are out there but I do want you to know that I do believe you will find at least one decent person out there too. Decent people are everywhere. It's just that the fucktards are louder. Keep a journal. You're going to have a blast reading it in a few years.
Kitten, I know the mutts are out there but I do want you to know that I do believe you will find at least one decent person out there too. Decent people are everywhere. It's just that the fucktards are louder. Keep a journal. You're going to have a blast reading it in a few years.

Yeah, this kind of is my journal/ bitch session. Lol.
Baaaahahaha ouch
Nothing makes you feel more special than a guy calling you at 3am the morning after Valentine's Day saying he *was* going to bring you Valentine's flowers but didn't ... awww isn't that sweet. Ass
Hey, your pants are on fire!

Guy-2/18/2013 12:39:00 AM
I was a good kisser when I was married.
I'm still looking for a First mate.


Me-2/18/2013 1:11:54 AM
Hahaha how about a real photo

Guy-2/18/2013 1:19:39 AM
It's me

Me-2/18/2013 1:21:20 AM
Which part?

Guy-2/18/2013 1:21:53 AM
all of me

Me- 2/18/2013 1:24:56 AM

Guy-2/18/2013 1:25:54 AM
I can send more

Guy-2/18/2013 10:36:57 PM
You're right. My buddy photo shopped me said this will help my chances of get a girlfriend and I stuck it on here to see what would happen last week. All it's done is gave me negative replies and accusations of photo shop. So now the gig is up and I'm all embarrassed.

Me-2/18/2013 11:30:13 PM
Well, your "buddy" is an idiot.

Guy- 2/18/2013 11:33:54 PM
Last edited:

Thanks for the laugh! :D

It is amazing what some people will do and think it will somehow magically work out... :eek:
Thanks for the message. Oh lookie there, you have a face tattoo, well that's, ummm... something.

Hmmmm wonder if anyone reads my musings here. Oh well.
I do wish I could post their pics but that wouldn't be right, right?
Thanks for the message. Oh lookie there, you have a face tattoo, well that's, ummm... something.

Hmmmm wonder if anyone reads my musings here. Oh well.
I do wish I could post their pics but that wouldn't be right, right?

No, unfortunately. Some of us get a good deal of vicarious weird from this thread and adding illustrations would kick it up a notch, but I'm pretty sure it would break half of the TOU clauses.
Amazing new AV. And, I read the thread. I wish I could help you and them!
Thanks y'all, I don't mind talking to myself but it's good to know schadenfreude is alive and well here. Hehe

I read your musings and I thank god I'm not single. Just remember we lesbians are kitten Lovers so maybe you're just looking for the................oh never mind!;)

Oh I've had these thoughts many times. Believe me.