Dear X,

Dear You:

I knew things were bad, but I didn't realize they were this bad. I'm seriously scared for you. You need help. Major help. Because you can't go on like this. Deep down, I suspect you already know this. You're probably even more scared than I am. I promise to be there for you, supporting you every step of the way. But I can't do it for you. You have to take that step, and you have to be 100 percent committed to the process.

Please, don't continue to put this off. If you don't get this under control, it could wreck your life. I love you, and I don't want to see that happen.

Get help. Please.


Dear X

Seriously.... You are 18 years old, not a child.
Stop drinking on a weekday when you have to use a heavy mower tomorrow. The boss should NEVER let you off with it and yet he does and you are going to end up getting him into trouble, or worse, having an accident and hurting someone.

Stop this stupidity and grow up.
I'm sick of picking up your slack because you can't be arsed/Have a hangover/Its Tuesday.

ARGH! :mad:
Dear Me,
Please stop posting here in hopes of getting your thread count high. Also your avatar makes you look like a video gaming nerd, and will forever keep LIT ladies away from you! If you want to be popular here, make sure you link someone's toned abs pictures as yours, and get an avatar from tumblr page of some hot surfing half nude dude model from Hawaii!

Dear You and You,

You are both arseholes of the highest degree.

The two women that you have disrespected and hurt are individually worth more than you'll ever deserve, but combined are worth a number so much higher than your self-centred brains could ever fathom.

As for your misguided efforts at nobility - dumping them for their own good, because you're not worth it, you have issues, you're a cruel shit, etc, etc - if it helps you sleep at night, more power to you. But you'll never be able to face the truth - that you were better off having them in your lives.

You have no option now, though. They have closed the door on you. You're left with the women you chose instead - for one of you, that's a woman who may not be aware that in your eyes she isn't enough; for the other, it's a girl who considers you something to be toyed with and manipulated, and you revel in it while moaning about not being enough.

Enjoy being boys, because you most certainly are not men.

Dear Keeper of the Keys (AKA the Maintenance Department),

We're almost at the end of Week Five of the semester. Office keys were ordered two weeks before the semester started. So where's my fucking key?!
Dear You,

I will feel you in here *points* forever.

I'm sorry it wasn't enough, I wasn't enough. I wish you all the joy and love and filthy sex you can get, and I hope you do. I'm devastated it will no longer be with me but you were always my illusory light, weren't you.

Our relationship played out fairly publicly and this very thread is full of declarations of love, so I guess it only fitting that it also houses that love's end.

My life is forever changed because of the two years you gave me. In ways I can't even fully articulate or understand. I will put your gift to me away in a drawer now and maybe some day I will be able to pull it out and look at it again and smell its pages without tears and pain and regret. Maybe some day I will remember the man who stood before me bleeding a promise instead of the man I see walking away from me now.

Go, beautiful boy, and find your new happy.

Goodbye my love, my friend.

*apologizes in advance for sappy stuff one last time*

Dear Funny Face,

You are loved. More than you will ever know. :(

You will forever be my best friend and I hope that you find peace and love. You have changed my life forever and I will never be the same because of you.

I hope that you find all the happiness in the world. I hope you and the little CHCB have a beautiful time together. I hope that your pasta class is wonderful.

I love you forever.

A Broken Me
Dear You and You,

You are both arseholes of the highest degree.

The two women that you have disrespected and hurt are individually worth more than you'll ever deserve, but combined are worth a number so much higher than your self-centred brains could ever fathom.

As for your misguided efforts at nobility - dumping them for their own good, because you're not worth it, you have issues, you're a cruel shit, etc, etc - if it helps you sleep at night, more power to you. But you'll never be able to face the truth - that you were better off having them in your lives.

You have no option now, though. They have closed the door on you. You're left with the women you chose instead - for one of you, that's a woman who may not be aware that in your eyes she isn't enough; for the other, it's a girl who considers you something to be toyed with and manipulated, and you revel in it while moaning about not being enough.

Enjoy being boys, because you most certainly are not men.


Dear X,

You're an ass.


Dear M,

I'm not sure I can be friends with you anymore. I love you more then you will ever know. But I can't live with the screaming and anger anymore. I had enough of that with my abusive ex-husband. I swore that I would never allow that to happen to me again. For my own sanity I have to put a stop to this. I hope you find the one you need and live happily for the rest of your life. This has convinced me though, that I'm better off alone. I just can't risk it again. So go away and live your life and I'll live mine here. By myself.


Dear M,

It's been just over 2 years since I first met you here. We cultivated quite a friendship. I remember how scared I was to answer your first PM, but I did. You earned my trust and started to show me a part of myself I had always wondered about. I looked forward to each interaction on here, and then later when we took it off Lit.

A year of getting to know each other, starting to give out more intimate details about our lives, our jobs...the things that made us go from strangers to intimate, close friends.

Then a year ago, your car accident and then contact became sporadic due to your neurological issues. The last conversation we had, we made plans to talk the following day and never heard from you again. Every email, text and PM through every platform we used has gone unanswered. Voice mails unreturned and later your box filled to capacity with messages. No action on your Lit account since before your accident.

I've been left to my own conclusions: Was I catfished? Did you have someone in your life that I didn't know about that found out about our friendship and made you delete your presence from my life? In my heart, I don't think so, but then it forces me to think of worse fates: that you became very ill or worse. I've done all I can to find out what happened, even trying to search obituaries...but to no avail. The not knowing drives me crazy. I still leave you messages every once in a while in the usual places...just in case.

I was drawn back here tonight hoping maybe I'd find some answers. Maybe I should ask around if anyone is still in touch with you....but I am scared to know the answers.

But what I do know, is that I miss you "Sin....." and I thank you for the gifts you shared with me, and the person you helped find inside myself

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Dear M,

Quit being a dick towards kikmosa, and drop YankeeGirl a line already.


Not Me
Dear SIW,

We started off writing together and then you dropped off the map. Well these things happen, but when you returned and began looking for people to write with you couldn't be bothered to reply back. Seemed like we were getting on, and all I ever wanted to know was why you stopped. I just wanted you to be polite. Another uncompleted piece is out there, and you can't be bothered.
Dear V,

I don't know why I'm writing this, but it's for me to say that you didn't fail to disappoint. We had a wonderful relationship, and when you wanted to relocate we parted ways. We didn't keep in touch and you couldn't even reach out to mutual friends. Then I bump into you and things are friendly and it's call me. I guess you thought I never would, but the weeks pass and you can't touch base. I didn't say let's get things started again, but I did want to talk. Maybe you'll reach out, but all we'll have is a conversation. I'm told you don't call anyone back right away, but I figured I was different. You're now in the X file....I don't hate I just stop caring.

Being alone sucks sometimes.
Dear Emerson,

There has been another secret poll taken amongst the lovely lit ladies in the pillow fight. I believe you dangled that you are easy on the eyes in front of us. The vote is pony up man.

Pretty please with champagne, bubbles, rollerskates, and pillows on top.:D

She who speaks with muddled tongue,
Dear X,

I'm never going to give you up. I'm never going to let you down. I'm never going to run around and desert you. I'm never going to make you cry or say goodbye. I'm never going to tell a lie and hurt you.

Dear friend of 33 years,

Seriously? Why the hell would you even ask me that?

Giving you a little sympathy is one thing, giving you that, is completely another. I always thought you were ok. Somewhere along the line, you have become a selfish, whiney, insufferable, jackass. Take your "Dom" personality and go sit in the yard and eat dirt.

And if you EVER call me that again, without my permission, I will kick you square in the nuts. Go eat a giant bag of dicks and fuck you, you fucking fuck.

Pissed off beyond all belief,
Dear Minxy,

I'm sorry your friend ended up being a fucking fuck. Kick 'em to the curb, I say!
(I should take my own advice on this one. I've got a friend situation I need to deal with.)
You deserve only the bestest of friends! :rose:
Dear lovely Iemkay,

Thank you. I'm not going to kick him to the curb, I'm going to kick him in the nuts. If your situation requires any additional nut kicking, just let me know. I will already be warmed up.
