Dear X:

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I'm okay, but I don't think my nerves can take living in this town any longer than it takes to fix up our house and sell it. Not ominous for me and mine, we're all intact. I'm such a finicky mouse. I don't care for the weather here, never have. I'd rather move north and deal with a blizzard.
Umm, just FYI, we live in the northern Midwest, and the western halves of our state, the state immediately south of us, and the state immediately north of us (after which one is in Canada) are under tornado watch until 11 p.m. CDT this evening. Blizzards are [probably] out until October, though. ;)
Lol. Excuse me, I meant north and east. Tornadoes alone would be incentive to move but the older Ulf and I get, the less we seem to handle heat and humidity. If it was me alone, I'd be long gone, but moving a family and entrenched parents takes a bit more time and planning.
Dear Dirty Secret

I miss you. Yes I know we both have lives and responsibilities but this endless thinking about you is so crazy making. What the fuck did you do to make me fall for you this hard? I'm used to being safe, closed off from others. How were you able to infiltrate my defenses? I wasn't looking for you. I wasn't discontented.

You deserve happiness, love, total devotion. You are such an awesome person. The fact that you aren't adored and cared for the way you should be, makes my heart break. I know you are safe partly because of distance and the fact that we are taken by others. One more happily then the other. Sometimes I wish I could just run away and hide with you at least for a few moments.

Thank you for being in my life. :heart:
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Dear K

It's 3 months to the day since you made me take the hardest decision I think i have ever had to make. It's almost 2 since you last decided to answer me.

I hope beyond hope that your current situation makes you happier than when you were with me, because it sure as hell has ripped the heart out of my life currently.

And, despite all that, every thing i said in that last message is true. I love you, I miss you, I want and would take you back in a heartbeat.

Mal x
Dear IEB

4pm is not the time to tell me that you need me in London by 7am the next morning. That means leaving here by 3am, that means getting up at 2am. That means being in bed by 6pm. That leaves me 2 hours to prep everything i need, get food and let it settle.

It fucks up my plans for tonight.

It fucks up my plans for tomorrow.

It even, potentially, will fuck up my plans for Thursday if I am then too tired to contemplate my evening's plan.

Damn it, get your act together!
Dear K

It's 3 months to the day since you made me take the hardest decision I think i have ever had to make. It's almost 2 since you last decided to answer me.

I hope beyond hope that your current situation makes you happier than when you were with me, because it sure as hell has ripped the heart out of my life currently.

And, despite all that, every thing i said in that last message is true. I love you, I miss you, I want and would take you back in a heartbeat.

Mal x

*hug from your friends*
Dearest X,

Every time I hear my phone give that special ring alerting me that I have an email in my gmail account, my heart skips a beat hoping it's from you.

But it hasn't been for some time. :(

Missing you.

Dear Customer No 1

As a child when you were at school, no doubt you learned that when you mix blue paint with yellow paint you get green paint. Remember?

So when YOU provide artwork with cyan tint overlaid with yellow tint it will create a green tint. Not the yellow tint that you wanted. Because to do that you needed to OMIT the cyan tint. And just leave it yellow. That's all. Simple.

Also, not our problem.

Dear Customer No 2

If you pick up a piece of paper, you will notice that it has two sides, front and back. Page 1 and page 2 if you will. Or page 3 and page 4. Get the idea?

So no, is it not possible to print something with an ODD number of pages. Unless the universe changes.

I'm going home...
Dear care team

6 days supply, on a friday, is not really sufficient medication for a gentleman reliant on these little capsules for his day to day health. Why is it down to me, and infrequent visitor to identify this little issue and bring it to your attention?

Get a grip plx

Dear care team

6 days supply, on a friday, is not really sufficient medication for a gentleman reliant on these little capsules for his day to day health. Why is it down to me, and infrequent visitor to identify this little issue and bring it to your attention?

Get a grip plx



Oh yes.

Them: "Oh, but he has 3 strips left."

Me: "Yes, but your idiot team keeps taking them from different foils depending on who's there that day. So those three foils have an average of 2 pills on them.

Them: "Oh"
Dear "X"...

...not because I figured eventually your need to snoop would get the better of you, but because I bear you no particular malice, there's really nothing to see here.

I, naturally, have moments when I am less than pleased with what you did and more particularly the callous way you chose to do it...but those are fewer and farther between these days.

Once I had (to quote Jules) "What alcoholics call 'A moment of clarity.'"...where it became apparent that letting go was not only the only option, it was a sanity preserving life-saver, I have.

So if you are looking for vitriol you aren't going to find it. I like my life and my growth. It's a little lonely, a little grasping, and from the outside...sometimes looks a bit pathetic, but I am authentically me and am enjoying acquiring the little stories that are going to give me the giggles in that rocker at 90 on the porch of a nursing home.

Take care, and find your own sand-box please.
Dear monkeys at the top of the tree

Screw you guys, I'm going home. This is one monkey who's face isn't eff'n smiling.

Not paid nearly enough to deal with your completely random requests for nil entitlement but I need it yesterday shit.

If I saw it coming, told you to order it and you chose to ignore me because 'rank', then you deserve to be freezing cold and starving.

NMP douchebags, and there's literally nothing I can do to save you this time.

you look like an asshole from here
Dear X

I'm in a dark and lonely place. I have sent him a stream of emotional texts which I think will only make matters worse between us. Also at a time where he is in a place he cant reply easily.
I want him to understand , but i dont explain myself well.
I want his relpies but i fear them as well.
Dont they say never go back only forwards?
But we were in a sweet place and I spoiled it all.
Not one person I can share it with.
Dear X, Y and Z,

I wish that I could believe in myself to anything like the extent that you clearly believe in me. From a logical perspective and looking backwards, I get it, but I just don't feel it deep inside me. I'm sad, because things could be even better for all of us if I could.

Love you lots,

M xxx
Dear X, Y and Z,

I wish that I could believe in myself to anything like the extent that you clearly believe in me. From a logical perspective and looking backwards, I get it, but I just don't feel it deep inside me. I'm sad, because things could be even better for all of us if I could.

Love you lots,

M xxx

Yeah, it's not always east to see yourself the way others do. I struggle with the same thing.
Yeah, it's not always east to see yourself the way others do. I struggle with the same thing.

Thanks for that! It's good to hear that I'm not alone on this. :)

I'd love to be able to wave a magic wand and transform into the type of unjustifiably self-confident (i.e. arrogant) person that I tend to despise, but I'm unable to contemplate that even though all of the evidence suggests that those personalities are valued more highly and regarded as more successful. :(
Thanks for that! It's good to hear that I'm not alone on this. :)

I'd love to be able to wave a magic wand and transform into the type of unjustifiably self-confident (i.e. arrogant) person that I tend to despise, but I'm unable to contemplate that even though all of the evidence suggests that those personalities are valued more highly and regarded as more successful. :(

Yep, I agree 100%. I've had many people in the past tell me how they see me. My answer is always "I'm just an normal guy... but the average male has fallen so far that I look better than I really am."
Dear X, Y and Z,

I wish that I could believe in myself to anything like the extent that you clearly believe in me. From a logical perspective and looking backwards, I get it, but I just don't feel it deep inside me. I'm sad, because things could be even better for all of us if I could.

Love you lots,

M xxx

Yep, I agree 100%. I've had many people in the past tell me how they see me. My answer is always "I'm just an normal guy... but the average male has fallen so far that I look better than I really am."

Oi, do I have to get the kipper out?
Both of you are lovely blokes.
I have the priviledge to get to know both of you and please let me say, I would not have spent so much time with you if you were the personality type that you both seem to be looking for.
Please be happy in your skin, you are both fun, articulate and good company.
I know nothing of your looks, Mal is a green hobbit and MF a pair of muddy legs, and in the schem of things they don't matter. Just keep on being you :)

Don't make me use the fish!
Oi, do I have to get the kipper out?
Both of you are lovely blokes.
I have the priviledge to get to know both of you and please let me say, I would not have spent so much time with you if you were the personality type that you both seem to be looking for.
Please be happy in your skin, you are both fun, articulate and good company.
I know nothing of your looks, Mal is a green hobbit and MF a pair of muddy legs, and in the schem of things they don't matter. Just keep on being you :)

Don't make me use the fish!

Not looking for as such. just sometimes i feel i'd be hurt less if I put my own needs before those of the people I am with. :)

but thank you

Dear Daddies,
No one could ever ever make me feel as safe and loved as you both do. Yesterday was proof.
My very own pair of hot sexy beautiful strong daddy angels :cattail:
A girl couldn't ask for anything more!
My heart and soul will forever belong to both of you.
Thanks for that! It's good to hear that I'm not alone on this. :)

I'd love to be able to wave a magic wand and transform into the type of unjustifiably self-confident (i.e. arrogant) person that I tend to despise, but I'm unable to contemplate that even though all of the evidence suggests that those personalities are valued more highly and regarded as more successful. :(

Why would you ever become someone you despise?

I agree they seem to be valued as more successful amongst many, however, just because they are valued does not mean these people or those around them are happy. I know and have known people like this and many are on their second to fifth marriage with children who want to run as far away from them as possible.

Self confident does not have to be arrogant, it has more to do with self acceptance of whatever you are at that point. You are a nice man, trustworthy in a decades long sex filled marriage with a wife who takes pictures for you to post on lit, do you realize how unusual that is? You may have gotten a late start or not have as much experience with others as many here do, but you are a lucky one who found your match so all of the other stuff wasn't needed.

That you have a great body and all is just packaging, a combo of an accident of birth and running, which in some ways is probably another accident of birth because many people are not physically structured to run.

If I had a magic wand I could wave over you, I would do it so you could accept and be happy with yourself as you are and with what you have which is so much more than most people do.
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