Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

good good just doing grunt work on the phones >_<. But yeah the crew is headed for the Locker to gear up and prepare to go check out the ghost ship.
Hey guys, what did I miss?

Hey Euphoric, nice to see you're recovering. :D Pretty much what Nordician said. Everyone is gathering in The Locker for the first excursion on the Galileo. I have a NPC covering your character's role until you're healthy enough to resume play. But yes, it's nice to see that you're doing well.

I'm going to go ahead and start working on the briefing post since the only players we're waiting on are Brightwell and Yelena (correction).

I added "MITT" to the gadget list.
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haha me too man. I had to go dig it up cause it was in the mess hall and then there was drinking and drinking and stuff and then oh crap head for the Locker!
I almost forgot emipet so waiting on her character Yelena. I nearly got the briefing post done. It'll be done in a few minutes, and if everyone's in The Locker before I head out to training tomorrow, I can get it up before I leave. Training doesn't take that long, but eh, sooner I get it up, the closer we get to the action.
All right; I have the post written up and waiting. Whenever emipet posts Yelena in The Locker, I'll post it up.

I also want to say that in the post you won't see who is on what team. I will be posting the team chart here in the OOC.

Now, I'm going to bed. Be back when I wake.
I'm off to training. I'll return in several hours. I sent emipet a PM, so we'll see what happens. Hope she gets it before Saturday at least.
Well, I'm back lol. I wound up visiting some family for several hours into the night, but I see that nothing has changed and we're all waiting still. Hopefully we'll hear from her Friday, if not, I'm sorry. 12:00AM Saturday US EST, I'm putting that post up that'll lead us into it.
cool deal hopefully we'll see em soon. I think everyone's just ready to go in and start shooting things haha.
Guys... I take this "dead time" to speak to you in a heartfelt way.

I apologize if my grammar mistakes hurt you a bit...heh... I'm Portuguese and English is a language I've learnt from movies and games. Anytime you feel like my RPing is confusing or that you don't understand, kindly tell me...

I'm thankful for being allowed to hang around with you guys here and I've been working on my English a lot! Promise!!
Guys... I take this "dead time" to speak to you in a heartfelt way.

I apologize if my grammar mistakes hurt you a bit...heh... I'm Portuguese and English is a language I've learnt from movies and games. Anytime you feel like my RPing is confusing or that you don't understand, kindly tell me...

I'm thankful for being allowed to hang around with you guys here and I've been working on my English a lot! Promise!!

You write better English than most Americans who've grown up speaking, hearing, and taking English classes their whole lives. I have no complaints. I wasn't going to give you a hard time any way since you said you were Portuguese, and I know that there are grammar nazis online, but Americans aren't exactly the French IRL. We don't give a damn. :)

I'm going to be back later tonight since I'm heading out again. I may not get the post up until some minutes after twelve (when I get back), but eh, you guys will live. BBL.
First Excursion Team Plan

First Excursion

Odysseus Group
Rex Lionheart
Yelena Suvurova

Adam Walker
Colton Ford
Nadia Pavelova

Katherine Reed
Rukka Nova
NPC Engineer 1 (This will be replaced by Rylee Scott when Euphoric is able to return to the game)

Trojan Group
Grace Weston
Victor Caldwell
Corcin Nacern

Capella Excursion: Extra #1 – Escape Pods. (17)
Procryon Excursion: Extra #2 – The Locker (18)
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Are we going to NPC the Captain till we get one?

That's a difficult question to answer because I don't want players NPCing the Captain because they'll make the role biased, and the role is too important to be screwed around with. I'm also afraid to NPC the captain because if we get an actual captain, it will be different from the NPC I made him/her to be, and it won't make much sense. It's different for there to be NPCs of the other roles because there isn't just one person in that occupation. If I'm going to make the captain a NPC, then I would rather stop recruiting for that role, and make the captain an actual NPC like Rita. We've had some players looking at this thread, but none of them were interested in the Captain position. They wanted other roles.
I'm sure has been some kind of mistake, HC.

Grace was going to stay on the Big O, do some knitting, read a book. Be all safe and warm in a comfy chair, remember? :D

Let the adventure begin!

I'm sure has been some kind of mistake, HC.

Grace was going to stay on the Big O, do some knitting, read a book. Be all safe and warm in a comfy chair, remember? :D

Let the adventure begin!


I thought you and Yelena couldn't decide who goes where so I just randomly drew pieces of paper to see who would go where. I'll change it though.

It seems better this way since emipet doesn't post as much, so there will be a more active player on the Odysseus.
I thought you and Yelena couldn't decide who goes where so I just randomly drew pieces of paper to see who would go where. I'll change it though.

It seems better this way since emipet doesn't post as much, so there will be a more active player on the Odysseus.

I wasn't complaining. I was just joking. :kiss:

Grace might be a little shaken because I don't think she was expecting it but I think it is cool to have her kicked out of the nest and leave the Big O.
I wasn't complaining. I was just joking. :kiss:

Grace might be a little shaken because I don't think she was expecting it but I think it is cool to have her kicked out of the nest and leave the Big O. you want her back on The Trojan? Please let's not play musical ships.
I am sorry.

I never meant my initial post about the ships to be taken as anything other than a joke. I apologize for not making that clear. I realize it is entirely up to you where she goes and I was not questioning that.

I admit I liked the idea of the Trojan but Grace and I will happily go wherever you see fit to put us.
I am sorry.

I never meant my initial post about the ships to be taken as anything other than a joke. I apologize for not making that clear. I realize it is entirely up to you where she goes and I was not questioning that.

I admit I liked the idea of the Trojan but Grace and I will happily go wherever you see fit to put us.

I'm going to put it back the way I had it. I wasn't going to put your character in a place that you weren't up to RP. That is why I was asking.
Anyone can post to the IC. I just won't be until its daylight over here and I've had some sleep.