Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)


OK did I miss something.

Everyone one is taking off going places. I thought Rita was going to be giving instructions. What is Rex suppose to do? Go to the bridge?
OK did I miss something.

Everyone one is taking off going places. I thought Rita was going to be giving instructions. What is Rex suppose to do? Go to the bridge?

The Crew was instructed to meet in "The Locker" at 0700 for their briefing.
I'm glad someone reads.

Latest positions...

Mess Hall & Other

1) Colton Ford - Sitting alone in The Locker.

2) Nadia Pavelova - The Locker.

3) Corcin Nacern - The Locker.

4) Grace Weston - The Infirmary.

5) Rukka Nova - Sitting near Nadia (until she left), but perhaps some seats away. Unspecified.

6) Rex Lionheart - Sitting next to Corcin (until he left).

7) Yelena Suvurova - The Infirmary.

8) Victor Caldwell - Mess Hall.

9) Katherine Reed - Mess Hall.
I read too! :cattail:

I had an idea for a gadget that Nadia might be equipped with for the excursions to the Galileo but I wanted to run it by everyone, especially HotCider, first for feedback.

I envisioned a gauntlet type device that would go over one hand and forearm containing a chemical scanner as well as a pair of nozzles from which different compounds contained within the gauntlet could be deployed. The idea being that if a spill is detected, she could use the device to release/spray a counter-agent or neutralizing compound. It would only have a limited amount of products in it, of course, being more for emergency use than constant use.

What do you think?
I read too! :cattail:

I had an idea for a gadget that Nadia might be equipped with for the excursions to the Galileo but I wanted to run it by everyone, especially HotCider, first for feedback.

I envisioned a gauntlet type device that would go over one hand and forearm containing a chemical scanner as well as a pair of nozzles from which different compounds contained within the gauntlet could be deployed. The idea being that if a spill is detected, she could use the device to release/spray a counter-agent or neutralizing compound. It would only have a limited amount of products in it, of course, being more for emergency use than constant use.

What do you think?

It almost seems like she could use it to safely collect and contain samples that may be harmful to the skin if contact/exposure was made. I'm not expecting anyone to go touching strange goop with their bare hands, but if it releases any harmful airborne spores or odors, it could come in handy.
I read too! :cattail:

I had an idea for a gadget that Nadia might be equipped with for the excursions to the Galileo but I wanted to run it by everyone, especially HotCider, first for feedback.

I envisioned a gauntlet type device that would go over one hand and forearm containing a chemical scanner as well as a pair of nozzles from which different compounds contained within the gauntlet could be deployed. The idea being that if a spill is detected, she could use the device to release/spray a counter-agent or neutralizing compound. It would only have a limited amount of products in it, of course, being more for emergency use than constant use.

What do you think?

I like that a great deal, really. It'd only make sense. I'd go a step further, though, and have the gauntlet capable of withstanding many kinds of compounds and possessing onboard software and sensor systems for analyzing and isolating the compounds found in certain substances.
Glad it seems like a solid idea! I'll try and come up with a cool name for it then and describe it in my next post. :D
I'm going to be waiting for EVERYONE to get to The Locker. You may know OOC that your character isn't going on the Galileo, but IC, your characters do not know that because they haven't been briefed. Everyone needs to be in The Locker for the brief. If you're late, you may be sitting on the Galileo in the brig regardless of occupation. There are many NPCs with similar occupations. Your role can be replaced for the time being.

It was said that everyone needs to be there at 0700. So everyone needs to be there.

The only person I'm not going to wait on is kittenofdeath because he hasn't said anything in nine days, and I'm not even sure he's still interested in this game.

Also, Euphoric is still on sick leave so I'm going to be introducing two NPC engineers to replace them for the time being until they become active again.
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was there a post somewhere where the equipment was listed. Thought there was but now I can't find it. I know there were Orion spacesuits or something but I thought there was a list of other basic stuff.
was there a post somewhere where the equipment was listed. Thought there was but now I can't find it. I know there were Orion spacesuits or something but I thought there was a list of other basic stuff.

It's on the front page of the IC just below the Odysseus description. It has its own space.
I just tossed Grace into the Locker.

I'm on my way out and I didn't want to hold things up.

That, and I can't wait to hear what Miss Rita has to say. :)
I've begun preparations on the big brief post. I'm going to be giving the remaining characters until Saturday to get to The Locker. Anyone who isn't there will be put in The Brig because they were told long ago before we even reached this point in the game that everyone was supposed to be there at 0700. No excuses.

In the post, you'll know what team you're on (some of you know already). You'll also be told what sectors you'll be exploring. I'm picking names at random using scrap pieces of paper and I'm organizing them into the three teams (the third being The Trojan). I'm also going to have pieces of paper of all the sectors and pick two at random. You guys better hope you get some place fun and dangerous. :devil:
I finished blind setting up the teams and I blind-selected the sectors. All I can say is you guys got lucky and prepare for some serious action (ie. boss battles!) lol. Just make sure you collect the items or you'll have to go back. :devil: