Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

Well, finally posted, and fancied up my equipment list with some things from recognizable brands. Reposted here for anyone who wants to read.

Union aerospace corporation R-EVA (Reenforced, Extra-Vehicular Activity) skin suit, Mk 4-E:
Essentially a lightly armoured, airtight bodysuit that is designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, allowing for it to be worn under other clothing, and to be as resistant to rupturing as possible, with systems to cut off breached areas in the case of emergency. While it can easily stand up to abrasions and offer impact resistance to the wearer, it is still a civilian version, and as such is a poor substitute for proper armour in any kind of hostile contact situation. As the engineer version (Mk 4-E) the suit is designed to be very resilient to dangerous environments such as reactor cores, and is fitted with exceptional zero-G maneuvering capabilities.

Union aerospace corporation ELMS (EchoLocation Mapping System) Gauntlet:
Designed to be compatible with all UAC EVA suits without compromising suit integrity, this glove device has a small emitter on the palm that broadcasts a directed sonic pulse of variable intensity (The UAC is not responsible for any ear damage caused by improper usage or tampering to the device.) that is used to map out areas as large as 6 meters away from the user. The most common use for an Engineer is to send a tiny pulse through a machine to map out its inner workings and check for faults rather than completely disassemble the item.

Tyrell Corporation Neural interface lace:
An upgrade from before his accident, when he was on the fast track to the top, and the reason for his gold eyes, the interface and its the corresponding display augmentation to his eyes are top of the line and allows interface with any computer system he has access to, though he doesn’t have the authority to plug directly in to the ships systems. Also is linked though his nervous system to improve reflexes and allow him to control his legs.

Omni Consumer Products Cybernetic locomotion replacement system:
This set of Cybernetic legs isn’t the prettiest, with just the most basic of shaping to look normal when covered, and doesn’t offer anything other than basic contact sense, but its effectiveness cant be denied, along with the cybernetic reinforcement of the rest of his lower musculature that was required to make them work, it gives Adam inhuman speed and leg strength. While he prefers avoidance to conflict, they can be quite useful when he is forced to defend himself.

Blue Sun 'Space Tape':
Also known as 'an engineers best friend' due to its ease of use and its universal applicability. Visually, Space Tape is similar to electrical tape from a hundred years ago, and it operates in much the same manner, only far far stronger, being both airtight and virtually impossible to remove without special equipment. Many engineers use this tape for everything, so ships usually have a good supply, but seasoned engineers still hoard the resource just in case, so much so that it is sometimes used in place of actual money when gambling occurs in the engineering sector.

Schofield Tools portable plasma welder:
Designed to be small and simple, the plasma welder has a decent battery life/materials consumption, and can easily cut through anything if given enough time, though something as thick and robust as a starship hull would take a very, very long time. Schofield Tools advises against improper calibration, as it is possible to cause the plasma to become unfocused and be projected at a dangerous rate and distance.
If you posted that on your character profile, then why didn't you simply say, "Hey, check out my character's profile and his new equipment?" Anyone can access your character's profile by clicking on his name on the front page.
Here's the update on all the characters who have entered the Mess Hall.

Player Positiong in the Mess Hall:

1) Dr. Grace Weston: At the table.

2) Katherine Reed: Sitting across from Weston.

3) Rylee Scott: At the table, location possibly near or not near other characters. Therefore, location uncertain.

4) Rukka Nova: Sitting next to CPT Kain at the end of the table, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

5) Colton Ford: Location sitting away from others.

6) Corcin Narcen: Sitting with Katherine Reed and Grace Weston.

7) Rex Lionheart: Sitting on the left side of the Mess Hall. Therefore, it is assumed everyone else is sitting on the right except for those whose exact position is unknown.

8) Adam Walker: Sitting near Rylee Scott with perhaps the NPC named Press between them or who knows. Unspecified.

9) Victor Caldwell: Sitting next to Reed across from Weston and Narcen.

10) CPT Ellen Kain : Sitting at the end of the table, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.
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Congrats Hotcider. You've made me hate that woman. I always say it's a good mark of a writer to make a reader loath a character with the sheer force of personality. Bravo ser!
Congrats Hotcider. You've made me hate that woman. I always say it's a good mark of a writer to make a reader loath a character with the sheer force of personality. Bravo ser!

lol She's actually based on a real person too.
I added the two new NPCs to the NPC list, and the incinerator bin to the gadgets list.
Latest positioning...

Here's the update on all the characters who have entered the Mess Hall.

Player Positiong in the Mess Hall:

1) Dr. Grace Weston: At the table.

2) Katherine Reed: Sitting across from Weston.

3) Rylee Scott: At the table, location possibly near or not near other characters. Therefore, location uncertain.

4) Rukka Nova: Sitting next to CPT Kain at the end of the table, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

5) Colton Ford: Location sitting away from others.

6) Corcin Narcen: Sitting with Katherine Reed and Grace Weston.

7) Rex Lionheart: Sitting on the left side of the Mess Hall. Therefore, it is assumed everyone else is sitting on the right except for those whose exact position is unknown.

8) Adam Walker: Sitting near Rylee Scott with perhaps the NPC named Press between them or who knows. Unspecified.

9) Victor Caldwell: Sitting next to Reed across from Weston and Narcen.

10) CPT Ellen Kain : Sitting at the end of the table (apparently next to Rukka), the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.
Yeah, I was thinking those who haven't posted yet, post as often, or have the chance to read regularly would feel lost without it lol. Shit, even I would be lost if I didn't at least write it down.
If you posted that on your character profile, then why didn't you simply say, "Hey, check out my character's profile and his new equipment?" Anyone can access your character's profile by clicking on his name on the front page.

Because that would make too much sense.

Also, in relation to what just happened in the IC, is that a thing? I mean, its come out of nowhere and is rather impacting on things, so I kinda want some confirmation on it. A mutiny would be kinda cool to play out though, as an oracle employee Adam wouldn't have any part of it, but it would still be interesting.
Because that would make too much sense.

Also, in relation to what just happened in the IC, is that a thing? I mean, its come out of nowhere and is rather impacting on things, so I kinda want some confirmation on it. A mutiny would be kinda cool to play out though, as an oracle employee Adam wouldn't have any part of it, but it would still be interesting.

No. All that was unplanned and something Bridgewell just did. He was messing with the wrong woman. o_o

But a mutiny is too early in the game. There are still many crew members who would listen to the Director before they would listen to a perverse associate lol.

There hasn't been enough real issues to force them into such a state of disorder.

Fortunately, on the Galileo there is better quality food stored away--if you can reach it. :devil:
No. All that was unplanned and something Bridgewell just did. He was messing with the wrong woman. o_o

But a mutiny is too early in the game. There are still many crew members who would listen to the Director before they would listen to a perverse associate lol.

There hasn't been enough real issues to force them into such a state of disorder.

Fortunately, on the Galileo there is better quality food stored away--if you can reach it. :devil:

too late. Let's start eating the helmsmen. They got a big deep frier back there right?

I seem to have become the center of attention. It was not my intention. This is Hot Cider's thread. I'm just playing a charactor. Rex I'm sure would love to have you in his quarters. But a deep fryer? Ok the food is below par. But WE wrote it that way. I tried to upgrade raoches right?
Out of curiosity, what is the current government status? Brightwell mentions 'the republic', but that doesn't click right in my head, having a central republic with proper global government doesn't sound like the mega corporation filled future that was in both the inspiration material, and what has been shown so far. I personally had imagined a system similar to now, with multiple self governed countries that have a loose central body such as the UN (which brightwell also mentions, curiously enough) that has little power to enforce its rulings, especially on mega corps which would have moved their bases off planet to become as independent of regulation as possible.

Hey some lines are drawn in the sand early. It is Hot Ciders chance to defuse the situation....and your to come on back to Rex's place.....hehe. ;)

I'll let Hot Cider answer that! I was just playing Rex. From Rex's own history.
.......I was thinking more of a Star Wars kind of Republic....equal planets sort of arrangment.
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I'll let Hot Cider answer that! I was just playing Rex. From Rex's own history.
.......I was thinking more of a Star Wars kind of Republic....equal planets sort of arrangment.

Yeah, my imagination had the legitimate government/governments being mostly powerless outside of their own soil. Overall a much grittier take on things, as opposed to the normally bight and cheerful tone of republic run settings.
Yeah, my imagination had the legitimate government/governments being mostly powerless outside of their own soil. Overall a much grittier take on things, as opposed to the normally bight and cheerful tone of republic run settings.

Bleh...who wants bright and cheerful?

Right....who wants a bright and cheerful goverment?.....politics is nasty and back that would be an the might be a bit gamie!
Bleh...who wants bright and cheerful?

I don't know, I get enough gritty government in real life. ;) But I agree it does fit the Alien inspired feel we're going for. It's grimy, blue collar space not shiny, white collar 2001 space! ...Sorry, that might have been too much geekiness.

I'm getting an IC post up now; sorry it's taking a while for me, it was a busy weekend end.

Also for HotCider, regarding Nadia's nano-tattoos; I think they would have the capability to hack and access things that way but they aren't designed for it so they wouldn't be very good at doing so. They also would have some safeguards in place to prevent that kind of use unless authorized to release those safeguards by a proper authority. Probably the Ship Director and maybe the Captain would be able to do so. Sound fair?
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