Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

hehe I wonder who ends up in the infirmary first. The doctor. the other helmsman or one of the security officers >_<

Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets. :)

The advantage of being the doctor is you never have to crawl to someone else for the cure.
Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets. :)

The advantage of being the doctor is you never have to crawl to someone else for the cure.

I place bets on Grace, if she keeps knocking back those shots. She'll be crawling to someone for a cure for sexual starvation. :devil:

Funny, I want to wait for my own NPC to leave before we get into some naughty games because she would be a mood kill lol.
Latest positioning...

Here's the update on all the characters who have entered the Mess Hall.

Player Positiong in the Mess Hall:

1) Dr. Grace Weston: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Nacern, Reed, and Caldwell.

2) Katherine Reed: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Nacern, Weston, and Caldwell.

3) Rylee Scott: At the table with NPC Press between her and Walker. Pavelova is sitting next to her.

4) Rukka Nova: Sitting next to CPT Kain at the end of the table, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

5) Colton Ford: On his way back from taking Lionheart to the brig.

6) Corcin Narcen: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Weston, Reed, and Caldwell.

7) Rex Lionheart: Brig. Duration: 1 out of 4 IRL days or before the night concludes in-game since Rita said he could sleep in his own bed.

8) Adam Walker: Sitting near Rylee Scott with the NPC named Press between them.

9) Victor Caldwell: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Weston, Reed, and Nacern.

10) CPT Ellen Kain : Sitting at the end of the table next to Rukka, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

11) Nadia Pavelova: Sitting next to Rylee Scott.
Truth or Dare

Just to get you all excited, expect a Truth or Dare game with mystery shots. You have to take a shot if you decide to do the "dare." However, you don't take a shot if you're going for truth. If you refuse a dare, then you have to go truth. If you refuse a truth, then you have to do a dare. :devil:
I'm accepting one more female in this game, but I really want a second doctor so the doctor isn't alone because if anything happens to her then the crew is just out of luck. But since you're into a security role and I really don't want to have so many security characters, if you want to make a medic, someone who will apply emergency first aid on the battlefield and pretty much prep an injured character for the infirmary, I will make that exception. You'll still be considered a Doctor but Syl's character will be Head Doctor.

Ohh! Just as cool, I actually know some first aid (the joys of mother to twin boys...) I will post a medic or nurse type by tonight. BTW, do I PM the character to You or post her here?
I can't wait. That should be hilariously fun...even if its just 4 since everyone else likes their dark corners and introspection. :p
Ohh! Just as cool, I actually know some first aid (the joys of mother to twin boys...) I will post a medic or nurse type by tonight. BTW, do I PM the character to You or post her here?

You can post the character here. I didn't want to deprive you of a security feel, so the medic does carry weaponry. Just think of it like the medics in the military.
I'll try to get Nadia in for the tail end of it. She might be busy for the first few rounds though...
More the merrier. Especially on Christmas :). I'm just hoping that Weston's remedies are good enough or Corcin will have blood shot eyes when he's needed at the bridge >_<

for your viewing pleasure. To put it bluntly it can be the way to get yourself trashed real quick when you have a plastic bottle full of screwdriver and your in Vegas I can tell you that much >_< I do like the truth or dare style so maybe we'll keep FUBAR for some off time later.
Latest positioning...

Here's the update on all the characters who have entered the Mess Hall.

Player Positiong in the Mess Hall:

1) Dr. Grace Weston: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Nacern, Reed, Caldwell, and Scott.

2) Katherine Reed: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Nacern, Weston, Caldwell, and Scott.

3) Rylee Scott: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Nacern, Weston, Reed, and Caldwell.

4) Rukka Nova: Sitting next to CPT Kain at the end of the table, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

5) Colton Ford: On his way back from taking Lionheart to the brig.

6) Corcin Narcen: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Weston, Reed, Caldwell, and Scott.

7) Rex Lionheart: Brig. Duration: 2 out of 4 IRL days or before the night concludes in-game since Rita said he could sleep in his own bed.

8) Adam Walker: Sitting where Rylee Scott once was with the NPC named Press between them.

9) Victor Caldwell: At the bar in the Mess Hall with Weston, Reed, Nacern, and Scott.

10) CPT Ellen Kain : Sitting at the end of the table next to Rukka, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

11) Nadia Pavelova: Running maintenance in the lab.
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So are we doing some hybrid game of Truth or Dare and FUBAR?

At first, FUBAR didn't seem do-able in a realistic-RP sense, but then I found an online deck of cards for those who don't feel like searching their house for a deck. Then again, if anyone pulls the Waterfall Card (King), it goes back to being unrealistic because we don't know the actual tolerances of our characters. I know right away because my character's likes is drinking and drinking games, he's not going to be a light weight but still, I'd have to estimate it unless people don't mind finishing their beers. Or if he gets the card, he could just finish his beer before you guys finish drinking and it still works. But see what I mean? It's making shit technical.

May just ban the waterfall card. If you get a King, it means nothing.

Edit: Also, I'm waiting for kittenofdeath to post in case Walker has anymore questions to ask Rita, which will thus keep her in the Mess Hall. I think Victor may take some booze to the Rec Room any way for privacy reasons.
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So are we doing some hybrid game of Truth or Dare and FUBAR?

At first, FUBAR didn't seem do-able in a realistic-RP sense, but then I found an online deck of cards for those who don't feel like searching their house for a deck. Then again, if anyone pulls the Waterfall Card (King), it goes back to being unrealistic because we don't know the actual tolerances of our characters. I know right away because my character's likes is drinking and drinking games, he's not going to be a light weight but still, I'd have to estimate it unless people don't mind finishing their beers. Or if he gets the card, he could just finish his beer before you guys finish drinking and it still works. But see what I mean? It's making shit technical.

May just ban the waterfall card. If you get a King, it means nothing.

Edit: Also, I'm waiting for kittenofdeath to post in case Walker has anymore questions to ask Rita, which will thus keep her in the Mess Hall. I think Victor may take some booze to the Rec Room any way for privacy reasons.

Or maybe have the King mean a dentist's chair. Less complicated.

Also, here's a good electronic card dealer. We aren't using Jokers so leave them unchecked unless you want to think up something for them. (

Ace: Take one drink

2. Take two

3. Take three

4. Get Dirty: You look at the person of your choice and ask them a dirty question, they then must counter your question with a dirty answer. The questions and answers cannot be direct. They have to be indirect or full of innuendo (clever). The next person will have to do it until everyone at the table has done it and the game resumes (because this is an RP and not IRL. It keeps things moving.). If they're unable to think of anything dirty, then they must take something off (therefore, Get Dirty).

5. Give five drinks out to five other people

6. I never. This is where the person who flipped the card says something they have never done in bed and anyone who has must drink. If you're RPing a virgin, then yes, sex would be a never.

Lucky 7: Kiss Card - the one with this card is allowed to kiss anyone they want at the table.

8. Dare: The one with this card must dare someone at the table to do whatever they command them to. If the person refuses, then he/she must tell a truth. If they don't refuse, then he/she takes a drink and does the dare.

9. Get Naked: The person who pulled the card must take something off (one thing).

10. Everyone get Naked: Everyone must take something off (one thing).

Jack: Assholes drink...guys drink.

Queen: Bitches drink...girls drink.

King: You're the king, and therefore, you can command your subjects (everyone) to do what you want (command them to do one thing). If they refuse, then they have to take something off.

So what do you all think? :devil:
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I think it looks like a great game! I hope I can get Nadia back in there to try it. :D
Haha, those modifications sound fun as hell. Hopefully I'll be able to swoop in after my work lets out in a few hours.
Sorry this took so long. The twins were OH so kind enough to delete my CS...

WRITER'S ID: emipet

CHARACTER'S NAME: Yelena Suvurova
nickname: Lena

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 128pds

Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Grey

Visual Description:

Occupation: RN

Personality: Perky and a bit ditzy. Very warm and friendly. Always fighting her weight.

Likes: She likes people and her job. She also tries hard to be liked
Dislikes: DIETING. Also has a complex about dirt

Talents: She is a passable singer and a good cook having studied at CIA in New York. Fluent in English, Russian and French.

Psychological Quirks: She is extremely phobic about bugs and a cumpulsive cleaner. Oddly enough not a neat freak, but her quarters sparkle they are so clean. She does nail bite when she is worried.

Brief Background: Lena is Russian and got top scores in nursing school. She applied herself and made registered nurse (Trauma and pediatrics specializations) in 2 years. She is almost a compulsive learner as she even took a year to study to be a chef. She worked at several hospitals, usually with good reports but sudden and unexplained firings. Her last posting she was in a bad affair with the head of Nursing Administration and a ER physician (allegations of drug usage). Her assignment to the ship is a last ditch attempt to stay in the profession and keep current. Her one constant is whining about her weight as she is trying to stay within Corporation guidelines and she hates dieting.

Alien Encounter: A, B, or C those are okay with me.

Dos: Light to moderate D/s, Light S&M, water sports, guy, guys, girl, girls, oral, anal, vaginal, foot worship, ass worship, linergie, nudist, roleplay.
Donts: Um, nasty bloody, deadly things? Vomit, poop. Dun't know much else that's really out there.
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Alien Encounter: (Yes or No; if Yes, add any from the list in the OOC, you can have more than one encounter/exposure)

If you look on the front page, there is this list of things that you would either want to happen to your character or don't want. If you don't want any of them to happen to your character, then you write "No." If you want certain ones to happen to your character, then you write the letter of whatever encounter you'd like to have happen in that section called alien encounters.

Here's the list:

a. Alien Pregnancy (if another character is infected and you have intercourse with him, then you may get something you didn’t want)
b. Tentacle Molestation
c. Chronic Arousal & Horniness (your character may get bitten or pricked and undergo such side-effects)
d. Mutation (your character is either (a) slowly being turned into an alien creature, or (b) becoming sexually enhanced such as gains larger breasts, penis, etc.)
e. Trapped (you may get lost or trapped in an area of Galileo with another crewmate and you will have to work together to survive the ship and its monsters)

I'm going to contradict myself again, but this is a big thing with me and I don't like when people don't fill it out seriously because if someone goes and does something you don't like because your Dos and Donts were too vague, then you can't hold that person responsible because you made a vague list. Please be as specific as you can with your "Dos" and "Donts." It's pretty much your "Ons" and "Offs" list. What turns you on and what turns you off, and if you don't want anyone turning you off then you need to list all the things that would in your Donts list.

This also goes for other players already involved in this game. Please don't half-ass your Dos and Donts.

Edit: Also, there's no hurry. We still have players that haven't posted yet who are: Tight_n_ready, Carreira, and kittenofdeath. I will be PMing Carreira tomorrow since by then, it will be four days since he last posted. He hasn't given me much notice on his whereabouts. I'm all about recycling players in and out of the game if I have to because as we've been seeing, there are people eager to join this lol.
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Edit: Also, there's no hurry. We still have players that haven't posted yet who are: Tight_n_ready, Carreira, and kittenofdeath. I will be PMing Carreira tomorrow since by then, it will be four days since he last posted. He hasn't given me much notice on his whereabouts. I'm all about recycling players in and out of the game if I have to because as we've been seeing, there are people eager to join this lol.

Sorry about the delay, in the spirit of getting drunk I've been doing just that for the past two days, it has not been easy on my wallet, but I had fun, and thats what matters.