Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

Glad to have you aboard Sylnaeve.

Just for anyone else who is bored, I added a few more bits to Kat's bio. Mostly her armor and some pictures of it and the helmet and her favorite knife.
It's great to be aboard and here's hoping we can all get "boarded" soon. :devil:
I was gone all day today. I was celebrating my grandmother's b-day, but I'm back now. My inbox is blown up with notifications lol.
I was imagining in this future, a government where corporations were untouchable because the amount of money they make pretty much controls the government indirectly, such as lobbyism. They can manipulate the elections and raise and lower the odds of said president getting elected. The countries are integrated but the biggest threat to the world is mutant terrorism. So, there are mutants living on earth but they aren't like the X-men. They are more like the "Hills Have Eyes" kind but worse. Those who aren't rich or come from privileged families are forced to place their future in the military (for some sort of equality) or working for the corporations who run the world.

So yes, Dr. Calvin Denver because he's stinking rich is untouchable. He could bribe his way out of trouble, he can erase evidence, get rid of people he doesn't like, he is a man in power. So unless you, yourself decide to exact some sort of justice on him, the law will have a difficult time touching him.

Everyone who has joined the Oracle Corporation are now his employees and abide by his rules and policies. It doesn't matter what rank you were in the military, you're a civilian now. If you're a reservist, it doesn't make sense for you to be on the ship because when you have to show up for training or duty every month (and two weeks), who knows if you'll even be there. It took 2 years to get to the Gaddis system and it will take two years to get back to Earth's solar system. So yeah, I can't see why anyone's character would choose an off-planet job like that as a reservist.

I would have probably added more information to read to this game, but I thought I had written enough. I wasn't expecting anyone to talk about politics when the game is focused on space, aliens, and sex.

I don't know, I get enough gritty government in real life. ;) But I agree it does fit the Alien inspired feel we're going for. It's grimy, blue collar space not shiny, white collar 2001 space! ...Sorry, that might have been too much geekiness.

I'm getting an IC post up now; sorry it's taking a while for me, it was a busy weekend end.

Also for HotCider, regarding Nadia's nano-tattoos; I think they would have the capability to hack and access things that way but they aren't designed for it so they wouldn't be very good at doing so. They also would have some safeguards in place to prevent that kind of use unless authorized to release those safeguards by a proper authority. Probably the Ship Director and maybe the Captain would be able to do so. Sound fair?

Yes; I don't think she would be able to hack into restricted areas unless she was an Engineer (just because it can be assumed its not her area of expertise or something she studies in her free time), but even they will have a hard time with the android being on board. They may come close, but more than likely Rita will kick them out. So yes, this is another obstacle in the game for later, Rita.

I repeat though: No one knows that Rita is an android. This is OOC information.
Latest positioning...

Here's the update on all the characters who have entered the Mess Hall.

Player Positiong in the Mess Hall:

1) Dr. Grace Weston: At the table.

2) Katherine Reed: Sitting across from Weston.

3) Rylee Scott: At the table, location possibly near or not near other characters. Therefore, location uncertain.

4) Rukka Nova: Sitting next to CPT Kain at the end of the table, the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

5) Colton Ford: Location sitting away from others.

6) Corcin Narcen: Sitting with Katherine Reed and Grace Weston.

7) Rex Lionheart: Sitting on the left side of the Mess Hall. Therefore, it is assumed everyone else is sitting on the right except for those whose exact position is unknown.

8) Adam Walker: Sitting near Rylee Scott with perhaps the NPC named Press between them or who knows. Unspecified.

9) Victor Caldwell: Sitting next to Reed across from Weston and Narcen.

10) CPT Ellen Kain : Sitting at the end of the table (apparently next to Rukka), the same table where most can be assumed to be sitting.

11) Nadia Pavelova: Sitting next to Rylee Scott.
I was imagining in this future, a government where corporations were untouchable because the amount of money they make pretty much controls the government indirectly, such as lobbyism. They can manipulate the elections and raise and lower the odds of said president getting elected. The countries are integrated but the biggest threat to the world is mutant terrorism. So, there are mutants living on earth but they aren't like the X-men. They are more like the "Hills Have Eyes" kind but worse. Those who aren't rich or come from privileged families are forced to place their future in the military (for some sort of equality) or working for the corporations who run the world.

So yes, Dr. Calvin Denver because he's stinking rich is untouchable. He could bribe his way out of trouble, he can erase evidence, get rid of people he doesn't like, he is a man in power. So unless you, yourself decide to exact some sort of justice on him, the law will have a difficult time touching him.

Everyone who has joined the Oracle Corporation are now his employees and abide by his rules and policies. It doesn't matter what rank you were in the military, you're a civilian now. If you're a reservist, it doesn't make sense for you to be on the ship because when you have to show up for training or duty every month (and two weeks), who knows if you'll even be there. It took 2 years to get to the Gaddis system and it will take two years to get back to Earth's solar system. So yeah, I can't see why anyone's character would choose an off-planet job like that as a reservist.

I would have probably added more information to read to this game, but I thought I had written enough. I wasn't expecting anyone to talk about politics when the game is focused on space, aliens, and sex.

What can I say, detailed and realistic world building is my fetish.

Yes; I don't think she would be able to hack into restricted areas unless she was an Engineer (just because it can be assumed its not her area of expertise or something she studies in her free time), but even they will have a hard time with the android being on board. They may come close, but more than likely Rita will kick them out. So yes, this is another obstacle in the game for later, Rita.

I repeat though: No one knows that Rita is an android. This is OOC information.

Oh, Adam would be infuriated if his eventual hacking attempt was thwarted (because hes bound to have a reason eventually)
Just to let everyone know (whom it may concern), I wrote an SRP profile thing. So if you're curious, you can check it out in my signature. I should have done it a long time ago, but I was just being lazy.
The Brig

Okay, I want to warn everyone about the NPC Rita because I thought when you read "The Brig" description you would be trying your hardest not to have your character go there, and I thought Rita's personality said she's a "no-nonsense" chick you want to avoid.

If your character gets sent to the brig, your character is going to be there until they're let out. I try to make the sentences short since the game may move on slowly, and I do want you to feel the same suffering your character is going through, thus the being sent to the brig and missing out on whatever because that gives you a feel of the game. It also makes you feel contempt towards the character that put you there and thus it may influence "drama" later lol. Either vengeance or just who knows...

But yes, if I feel you've been in the brig long enough because IRL days pass along quicker than scenes in game, I'll let your character out. It would be unfair if the in-game action just suddenly stops or slows dramatically, and your character is stuck in there for seven IRL days. That is just crazy.

But if your character can help it (or just doesn't care), try to avoid the brig. It not only punishes your character but you also.
Technical note:

Inactive reserve is different from the "Reserves". The Inactive reserves have been 'released' from any 'duty'. They do not serve in any military activities. They are in effect ONLY a paper army. They are under contract for "RECALL" through the lenth of the contract. The recall in only in a time of very special need, such as a WAR.

Technically, any major conflict can be called a (war). The US has not been in a DECLARED war since 1946 (When WW2 was offically ended.) * The War Powers Act is not a legal authorization of war. Only an act of Congress requested by the President can be declared a Declared War.

That is why(since 1946) all of the military actions by the US have been "police actions".
The War Powers Act (WPA) only authorizes 'military action'.

Some thing to think about in regards to this question:
No "country" has attacked the US since 1941.

Note: I might be wrong about this. But, this is my understanding.
"Mr. Ford, please escort Mr. Lionheart to the brig."

OK...I have to wait for Mr. Ford to escort me to the brig....I will go is Christmas after all. :)

Question, I can not write while in the brig? I understand that I can not interact with any one. But, I have no private thoughts while alone? How do I exspress suffering then....afterwards?
Inactive reserve is different from the "Reserves". The Inactive reserves have been 'released' from any 'duty'. They do not serve in any military activities. They are in effect ONLY a paper army. They are under contract for "RECALL" through the lenth of the contract. The recall in only in a time of very special need, such as a WAR.

Technically, any major conflict can be called a (war). The US has not been in a DECLARED war since 1946 (When WW2 was offically ended.) * The War Powers Act is not a legal authorization of war. Only an act of Congress requested by the President can be declared a Declared War.

That is why(since 1946) all of the military actions by the US have been "police actions".
The War Powers Act (WPA) only authorizes 'military action'.

Some thing to think about in regards to this question:
No "country" has attacked the US since 1941.

Note: I might be wrong about this. But, this is my understanding.

Ah, that silly system, the problem with it though is (as it currently stands) you make contact with your military branch once a year to update them of your status, if you're in cryo lightyears away then that cant happen. Besides, an inactive reserves member remains inactive until such time as they are reactivated, and without official military presence on the ship with that level of authority, that cannot happen, so its a moot point anyway.
moot point..

Ah, that silly system, the problem with it though is (as it currently stands) you make contact with your military branch once a year to update them of your status, if you're in cryo lightyears away then that cant happen. Besides, an inactive reserves member remains inactive until such time as they are reactivated, and without official military presence on the ship with that level of authority, that cannot happen, so its a moot point anyway.

The idea was to "spin" the idea. Moot or not was not the point. Rex felt he needed to take some kind of action. Mutiny was not part of the plan. In fact there was no plan. He was just reacting to what he saw in the messhall...he did not like he spoke up. Besides a few word of Chinese would not really matter to anyone. And even less to a powerfull man like Mr. Denvers. In short it was a bluff. Now he has brig time, What was I saying about A Mexican prison.........oh well!
hear me now when I say that if Corcin gets drunk enough he may very well try to con a certain security officer and the doctor to help break him out just for shits sake. "Cant put both Helsman in the brig you bitch!" His last words before being vented. >_<
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Oh yeah, get drunk and liberate the represses! Power to the people! (For, before we know it, we are going ta be fucked...up).

Ah you mean brig?
yes but he would be drunk so bridge brig it wouldn't matter to him haha
"Cant put both Helsman in the brig you bitch!" His last words before being vented. >_<

Afraid she can, seeing as how I can also fly the ship solo if needs be :p. Anyway, sorry about my erratic posting, RL is intruding, I will be able to post more regularly soon :)
I believe we're still looking for one female. According to the front page of the OOC thread. Cider is pretty good at keeping up on tabs so it's safe to say that's it.
curious if this thread is still open?

Yes, it's open and I'm looking for a female. I wouldn't mind having another doctor since there's only one.

BRIDGEWELL: Inactive reserve; I thought you were saying the normal reserve. Otherwise, inactive reserve only lasts for 2 years at the conclusion of your contract. Since it's been 2 years in space, and as kittenofdeath said, can't report in any way, I don't think he's inactive reserve anymore but a normal civilian.

Nordician: It's a small space, but if you test her, she'll stack you two dudes on top of each other if she has to.

Yes, there's no posting while your character is in the brig unless some plot thing was going to happen but since we haven't discovered the aliens and they haven't snuck on the Odysseus yet, there won't be any plot action for awhile.

But as I said since the game slows up, I won't let your character be in there for more than a week or even four days of inactivity (no posting) because that's unfair and cruel. So if the game ever gets like that, I'll just let him/her out (meaning if this was the case for anyone in the brig).
I'm still waiting on Brightwell. I'll post once I know whether he plans to resist or not. If not, Brightwell, I'd like it if we could get you into the Brig quickly.
hehe I wonder who ends up in the infirmary first. The doctor. the other helmsman or one of the security officers >_<