Deep Space [OOC/Recruitment Thread]

I would never want to live in TX not only because of the weather, but I heard there's just so much dirty around here (people trying to steal your money).

Just look up the 68K MOS. There's too much to explain, but in the Army, just because you're trained in that one MOS doesn't mean you won't perform other duties. Sometimes, you'll be doing another MOS's job because they lose people all the time for stupid, and sometimes lawful reasons.

I'm not staying in this MOS. I'm going right back to Intel when it comes time for me to reclass. My heart just isn't in medical but it's a good job to fall back on in the civilian world if I don't get to work for any of the three letter agencies.

Last two players who still need to post are: SiaKlynn and babyblueeyes

Sounds like a messy, boring & potentially stinky job. Though if you're looking and classing specimens beneath the glass, at least that part can be interesting. Cells, bacteria, etc. Tiny squirrely things running amok.

But somebody's gotta do it! =P I have this funny image of a blood splattered Dexter running in my head now. Gee, thanks! hahah
I would never want to live in TX not only because of the weather, but I heard there's just so much dirty around here (people trying to steal your money).

Just look up the 68K MOS. There's too much to explain, but in the Army, just because you're trained in that one MOS doesn't mean you won't perform other duties. Sometimes, you'll be doing another MOS's job because they lose people all the time for stupid, and sometimes lawful reasons.

I'm not staying in this MOS. I'm going right back to Intel when it comes time for me to reclass. My heart just isn't in medical but it's a good job to fall back on in the civilian world if I don't get to work for any of the three letter agencies.

Last two players who still need to post are: SiaKlynn and babyblueeyes

Hey now. Texas is a big place. Some of us Texans might have to kick your ass.
I added Vailyn's kitchen appliances to the Gadget list. Be sure to check them out if you plan to use the kitchen.

If there are any other gadgets (not personal but made for everyone on the ship) that you create (and your character has to be currently using them, mention them, or be in possession of them at the time you create it), then write a description in the OOC, and I'll post it up.

The same thing goes for NPCs. I didn't add Fei Yin because she's only there for the beginning of the game and you guys pretty much never see her again.
Hey now. Texas is a big place. Some of us Texans might have to kick your ass.

I'll kick Texas's ass first. *smirks her way*

I owe a post. I'll be getting to it after formation and chow. If I'm in the mood, I'll intro the new captain then. Your characters probably won't get to meet him just yet, but we'll see. I never know what my characters do. They act on their own.
I'll be disappointed if it's Vicky Deux. =P


Nah, he's older, wiser if you look past his unique dialect lol, and can be quite the hard ass. I expect most characters to dislike/respect him and few to actually like him. I will post up the old man's profile in a moment.

Actually, around this time of night, my biological clock starts kicking in. My head will hit the desk soon, so I'm just going to hit the hay. I got to get up at 4am any way. See you guys around 6pm, such is the way of the Army life. :rolleyes:
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Try not to conk yourself out by ramming your head on or in unfortunate places/things. I mean, you only have one head. *smirk* You shouldn't abuse it. =P

AND really, inanimate objects don't have dire designs on your big noggin. So you should be nice to 'em.

I think I may have to call Vik Vicky. Mwahahha--
Captain R


Awesome! Our new Captain is a RoboZombieVamp with an extended life policy, lots of attitude and thick accent.

I keep visualizing him as a cross between a younger Harrison Ford & Sean Connery mix. *smirk*

I wonder if the Captain will have other surprises in store for us?
Merry Xmas!


And then there was Christmas dinner for one and all. :D

I'll fade into the network now and be a grease monkey. Ya know, mad scientist style. Making up new gadgets and staying outta trouble. *smirk*
Due to a personal crisis, I won't be on for awhile, I don't know if I'll be able to resolve t int time to continue the game. Please understand. If I'm not back in time to post, please continue without me.
Due to a personal crisis, I won't be on for awhile, I don't know if I'll be able to resolve t int time to continue the game. Please understand. If I'm not back in time to post, please continue without me.


Awesome! Our new Captain is a RoboZombieVamp with an extended life policy, lots of attitude and thick accent.

I keep visualizing him as a cross between a younger Harrison Ford & Sean Connery mix. *smirk*

I wonder if the Captain will have other surprises in store for us?

Probably the only thing right about that is that he's a captain. As for the robozombievamp, irrelevant. lol
Fortunately, it seems seems my crisis was mercifully quick. That means no, Vailyn. Devlyn does not get a promotion!
Fortunately, it seems seems my crisis was mercifully quick. That means no, Vailyn. Devlyn does not get a promotion!

*snaps fingers* Damn! You know how to dash a gal's hopes and dreams! =)

Welcome back.
Hey all, I'll be out for this weekend and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get something up tonight. So I'm going to skip my turn.
Hey all, I'll be out for this weekend and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get something up tonight. So I'm going to skip my turn.

That's all right. Because quite a few people haven't posted this round, I may postpone round 4 until next Sunday to give you all time to post at your convenience and leisure. We'll see how it looks this Sunday. If not enough people have posted by then, then I'll push it along next Sunday.
I'm giving everyone another week to get posts in. We're waiting on:

babyblueeyes (who I may just assume is inactive)

That is a LOT of people. Guys, there is NO posting order. If you know you should be posting, then you simply just need to post. Once everyone has posted, then I can move the game along. If posts aren't up by Saturday, then I'm going to be PMing some people for activity.




Ew, that first one freaks my shit out!

Unfortunately, RL got in the way during the time I had planned on writing tonight. But I should have the weekend off to get something up. :)
Rita's Real Form?!?!


When I saw this, I thought of our dear director, Rita. Heheheh