Deep Space [OOC/Recruitment Thread]

We should do it! Point system by color of goo!

:::laughs::: Oh lord... that level of food revolt would be hilarious.

Then after the initial rebel cry there will be a full search and inventory of kitchen food stuffs.
Man. I think with our horny crew, I can also see people going from free for all goo fight and then having wild monkey sex. hahah
Hmmm... lol... oh the mental image. Two years in cyro sleep can really set a body on edge. ::nods::
I'm still here guys. I'll get a post up before I leave to Texas. I leave tomorrow morning in the middle of the night. I'll update you guys on my situation hopefully tomorrow. There's going to be a lot of paperwork and trying to get situated into my new environment. *sighs*
I'm still here guys. I'll get a post up before I leave to Texas. I leave tomorrow morning in the middle of the night. I'll update you guys on my situation hopefully tomorrow. There's going to be a lot of paperwork and trying to get situated into my new environment. *sighs*

Good to hear you're alive. Don't stress too much about it. we got a good group here. We're willing to stick with the rough patches. Well I can't speak for them all.
I'm still here guys. I'll get a post up before I leave to Texas. I leave tomorrow morning in the middle of the night. I'll update you guys on my situation hopefully tomorrow. There's going to be a lot of paperwork and trying to get situated into my new environment. *sighs*

Good luck on your PCS, HC.
I'm still here guys. I'll get a post up before I leave to Texas. I leave tomorrow morning in the middle of the night. I'll update you guys on my situation hopefully tomorrow. There's going to be a lot of paperwork and trying to get situated into my new environment. *sighs*

=) Papers are just dead trees. Just don't try to eat 'em in frustration. That's no good. Tastes bad! Besides, don't ya know? We're all just waiting in crazy anticipation to see what's coming! I may groan if it's just a rehash from DS Attempt Uno. =P
I'm going to be posting twice. The first post was Rita, which I just posted. The second one will be as Victor.
Am I the only one that wants to prank Rita? Wait.. that's not in character for Dev, but still....
YAY! Christmas dinner to go with the bar. A real party! =)
Here's the update on my situation. I am put back in the "no rights" phase, but they allowed me to keep my electronics which is weird. But I shalt not complain lol. That's all I need to survive. o_o I don't need civilian clothes!

I start class the 11th. During the weekdays I am free about 6pm central time. I can't use my phone during the duty day, so around 6pm I can. During the weekends, it's more lenient with the formations I must attend but there's PT in the morning every day, so I may need to hit the hay early so I can keep my energy for the six hours of class. Apparently, if you can survive the first two weeks with no failures, then this school will be cake. If not, welp, I think they'll discharge me from the Army because this will be my second attempt at trying to get out of damn AIT -_-.

So there may be days where I'll be held up due to exams or what not. I'll let you know, but I hope everyone is patient and understanding. I need to pass this MOS so I can finally get into Big Army. -_-
Here's the update on my situation. I am put back in the "no rights" phase, but they allowed me to keep my electronics which is weird. But I shalt not complain lol. That's all I need to survive. o_o I don't need civilian clothes!

I start class the 11th. During the weekdays I am free about 6pm central time. I can't use my phone during the duty day, so around 6pm I can. During the weekends, it's more lenient with the formations I must attend but there's PT in the morning every day, so I may need to hit the hay early so I can keep my energy for the six hours of class. Apparently, if you can survive the first two weeks with no failures, then this school will be cake. If not, welp, I think they'll discharge me from the Army because this will be my second attempt at trying to get out of damn AIT -_-.

So there may be days where I'll be held up due to exams or what not. I'll let you know, but I hope everyone is patient and understanding. I need to pass this MOS so I can finally get into Big Army. -_-

Do et.

We're rootin' for yah. Don't worry about the game focus on the important stuff. We'll all survive in the meantime.
Here's the update on my situation. I am put back in the "no rights" phase, but they allowed me to keep my electronics which is weird. But I shalt not complain lol. That's all I need to survive. o_o I don't need civilian clothes!

I start class the 11th. During the weekdays I am free about 6pm central time. I can't use my phone during the duty day, so around 6pm I can. During the weekends, it's more lenient with the formations I must attend but there's PT in the morning every day, so I may need to hit the hay early so I can keep my energy for the six hours of class. Apparently, if you can survive the first two weeks with no failures, then this school will be cake. If not, welp, I think they'll discharge me from the Army because this will be my second attempt at trying to get out of damn AIT -_-.

So there may be days where I'll be held up due to exams or what not. I'll let you know, but I hope everyone is patient and understanding. I need to pass this MOS so I can finally get into Big Army. -_-

Get crackin'! I'm sure we can get into lots of wild crazy without you. I mean. It's what we do, yah? =) If you need to concentrate on RL, do what ya need to do. :cool:
Best of Luck HC, you can do it!

Yay - - Booze and potentially better food. Let's get to cooking! :D

Oh and're not the only one that would like to prank Rita or at least punch that distrustful smile off her face. Unfortunately, neither of those tactics would fall into Sofia's personality.
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Hey, think positively! Good luck. :)

I wasn't sure if the alcohol was with the food storage, so I left that bit out for someone else to introduce.:)
there's suppose to be a bar I believe. Somewhere. rec room maybe. Don't quote me.
The bar is in the Mess hall. Someone just needs to write it in. Heh
Grab the booze and move it to the place with the couches and recliner chairs. STAT.