Deep Space [OOC/Recruitment Thread]

Nah! You guys want to stick around. There's plan for an actual Christmas meal with tasty desserts. ;)
The starving ones that want good food, all the alcohol AND strip poker. Duh!

Come on, doncha wanna drool over some pie or cheesecake? ;)
Internet is down. I'm having people come to get it fixed. Phone signal is crap too. Be with you guys soon hopefully.
All right guys. I got the techies to get the net back up. This is going to be my schedule. It's not official because I start training Wednesday and as I phase up (get my rights back and more freedoms), this schedule may change.

I can't have my phone during the duty day so I can't check on this site and make comments. Mon-Fri I'll only be available after 6pm unless I have homework, which I want to believe there isn't any but you never know. Weekends, I'll be able to post and if everyone has posted by Saturday or Sunday, I can keep the round moving.

I need sleep. The 100+ degree weather here, the PT every damn day (Mon-Fri) about 4am, and the 8 hrs of training (8-5pm) is going to tire me the fuck out no matter how many Super HD pills I take or how much water I drink lol. I'm going to need my sleep Mon-Fri or I'll go insane, burn out, nod off in class and get my ass handed to me by a Sergeant, who knows. Classroom is stricter than my last training. So more than likely on the weekends I'll move us along so be patient with me.

If you haven't posted by Saturday, I'll give you Sunday to post, but if not by Sunday and it doesn't matter what time during that day, I'm going to move us along because I know you guys won't want to wait another 5 days for this game to move.

I saw one of you, and she knows who she is, post twice. That's not an option yet. It's purposefully to keep tea parties from forming, so if your char wants to get frisky with another player's character, she'll have to do so using the restrictions currently set. When you guys get to the point where you'll make a private thread, the restrictions no longer apply. Post as many times and as fast as you want because its you and your partner's thread. What I do recommend is that you put a link in the post leading up to the sexual point and have it labeled. You should label it "[name of partner (character) 1] and [name of partner (character2)]" If you have a threesome, then label all three characters involved in the hoochie-coochie. If foursome, again label everyone involved in it.

I think I'm just going to make The Captain a GM-run NPC since people are afraid of the role. As for the second Helmsman (I can't remember if we got two), he can be an NPC too. I'm no longer going to be waiting for people to claim those jobs after so long this game's been open.
Heck, I thought you were going to be AWOL for like a month, so it's pretty cool that you can stay with us. Do your thing and keep your eyes on the goal. Enjoy your burning 100 degrees. I'll take my 90's thanks! =P

I put gadgets in the kitchen. =P Christmas dinner dangit! It's gonna happen. :cool:
Heck, I thought you were going to be AWOL for like a month, so it's pretty cool that you can stay with us. Do your thing and keep your eyes on the goal. Enjoy your burning 100 degrees. I'll take my 90's thanks! =P

I put gadgets in the kitchen. =P Christmas dinner dangit! It's gonna happen. :cool:

Can you write an outline here in the OOC of each gadget, their description, and what they do in case they have any special features besides the obvious? Then I can copy paste it and add it to the intro post of the Odysseus.

I want to clarify that "this weekend" is not counted. I was referring to next weekend when I'll push the round on. So if you haven't posted, you're fine. I'm just clearing up that confusion.

Oh yes, and I plan to get a profile of the new captain up soon. Be looking out for that. ;)
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Kitchen Gadgets

By all means, this is created out of my feeble mind. :rolleyes: Adjustments can be made to make them sound more plausible or realistic. Hrm. :D

In my imagination, I'm assuming that MRE's are still going to be a crapshoot on taste, though perhaps better than the special "goo" that was given as the first meal. On top of the MRE's and the gelatinous goo that's powdered vitamins/minerals food mix, veggies/meats are stored dried, shrunk and packed away in air tight, temperature controlled sealed containers.

Currently, the freezer is just full of a variety of frozen meat. That's all that the kitchen staff did.

Vivati-Top: Looks like a regular counter top or open flat kitchen space with several options for interface. This model interface can be started by pressing the Vivat Logo (ornate capital V overlapped by a simple t) which is located at the bottom right corner. Once started, a holographic computer interface starts.

This appliance can revitalize dried & shrunken goods back to original state. It can also defrost frozen stuff. System is customizable to have auto functions. The scanning system can be made to detect what you place on it and defrost or revitalize food. Depending on density/volume, process only takes seconds to a few minutes.

Thermal Pressure Ovens: It's an oven. You don't need to know how it works. It works faster than a regular oven - which means you have to know what you are doing or it's burnt crap. This oven can be programmed to cook with heat or water.

Chawbur Grill: The bars are heated up by rays. It can be programmed to have a various charcoal or wood grill affect.

Tattswave: A super microwave that can bake, smoke or dry goods. Customizable program to scan and execute functions.
The Texas heat is a bitch though it's actually been a relatively mild summer. Well at least not 70+ days in a row of 100+ degree weather.

Alcohol is now in the Rec Room, though it seems that only Kat and Bill have actually eaten anything. Though any brave soul entering on an empty stomach would make it interesting to say the least.

It wasn't her fault. She was hesitant to post again and I, mistakenly, thought it was fine and told her to.
The Texas heat is a bitch though it's actually been a relatively mild summer. Well at least not 70+ days in a row of 100+ degree weather.

Alcohol is now in the Rec Room, though it seems that only Kat and Bill have actually eaten anything. Though any brave soul entering on an empty stomach would make it interesting to say the least.

It's not the HEAT, it's the thick soup of humidity. Sometimes you don't even need to walk you can just swim straight out from your door through the air.
As requested!

*Puts a Gold Star sticker on Bill/StoryTime's forehead.* Good boy!

Hey, Xmas dinner is gonna be AMAZING! =P
As requested!

*Puts a Gold Star sticker on Bill/StoryTime's forehead.* Good boy!

Hey, Xmas dinner is gonna be AMAZING! =P

Victory. *shakes his clasped hands over his head*

Sounds like a good exercise regimen. Swimming is a full body workout and you can just sweat the pounds away!
So, does that mean HC is gonna be swimming his way through training and sweating away into a stick?

*tries to reconfigure visuals* Hhaha
I've been baking under a gazebo because that's all the Army has for us to do until class starts Wednesday. Every now and then we'll march to chow or go do some in-processing shit. I drank about 5 bottles of water, which is 3,500 ml. lol It's the only way I can survive black flag heat.
I've been baking under a gazebo because that's all the Army has for us to do until class starts Wednesday. Every now and then we'll march to chow or go do some in-processing shit. I drank about 5 bottles of water, which is 3,500 ml. lol It's the only way I can survive black flag heat.

For some reason, I have wizard of Oz witch going, "I'm meeeeeeeeeeeeelting! Meeellllltttinggg!"

Hahaha- Don't forget to get okay salt intake. It'll help with the swimming sweats.
If it's not too late, I added a piece of equipment to my character profile.

I approve it.

Everyone: Nearing the end of the week, those who haven't posted, Saturday is the day. If you're not done and posted by then, I'll give you Saturday to get them in. Saturday to Sunday midnight, but Sunday I'll be moving the round along because I'm restricted to posting once a weekend, and we don't seem to move that fast any way for it to be a big deal.

But everyone, feel free to give me your honest opinion about the game management so far. Like what changes would you like and what do you like about it so far to the point that it shouldn't change.

I will be introducing the Ship Captain soon. Do not take that post as me moving the round along. It won't be UNLESS the only time I find time to write it, is on Sunday, the day I would have originally moved us along if people hadn't posted by Saturday.
Are we still sticking to one post per round after you post this weekend? I feel like we're heading into events and it would be nice to respond creative manner.
We have some players in this game who are on a tight schedule, which won't allow them to post as frequently as some people in this game will. I would hate for 3 people to go ahead of the game and other players. I, unfortunately, can only respond on the weekends (Fri evening-Sun). It's all I have time for. I know you guys are excited for this game, but I don't want to get behind and neither do the other players with busy lives.

Things may change later when I get more rights, but I won't phase up until maybe next month when I take my PT test. For now, I have to get good grades to prepare for my phasing.
Wednesday was the greatest 9/11 tribute battalion run ever. We even had the Navy join us (since they don't PT...ever lol). I was soaked when we were finished and the company commander was so pumped.

I passed my quiz and exam. I got another exam to pass Tuesday. If you don't pass these exams with 76 or better, you lose college credit and you also go to remedial or something. I think you have to make it up, but there's a comprehensive exam at the end of each book. We're in Lab right now. If I fail ANY of those exams then I'd have to take the comprehensive for Lab, and seriously, fuck that business. It's too much material to have to go back and study. I already have to study two sections for this one test by Tuesday and during the weekday, there's no time for that. So I'm doing Unit 3 today and Unit 4 tomorrow.

But I was just sharing for motivational purposes lol. If you have bad grades, then you'll never phase up. This guy was phase 4 until his last month here. I think they just phased him up to 5 and then I just heard his platoon sergeant this morning say that she didn't phase him lol. Sucks. It happens though.

But pretty much phase 5 is when you look like a civilian for once and you can go to chow on your own without having to march there (so more freedom without the dictatorship), and 5+ you can leave the base. Right now, I'm in my camo all day except for evenings. I'm in my PT gear then. Call me nerdy, but as long as I got my laptop and cell phone, I'm good. I don't need anything else (training too short for anything else). This training, total, is 52 weeks long. Phase 1 is 26 weeks (this is the one you need to desperately pass), and then Phase 2 is 26 weeks (hard to fail once you get to this point). I will be changing duty stations AGAIN once I graduate Phase 1. I'm not sure if Phase 2 is my permanent duty station that I'll be at once I finish training, but maybe. What I didn't know, is that at times the Army will have lab techs perform an autopsy. I find that strangely interesting, but once one Sergeant described how he had to do one on an obese woman, all I could think of was, hell no lol.
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Wednesday was the greatest 9/11 tribute battalion run ever. We even had the Navy join us (since they don't PT...ever lol). I was soaked when we were finished and the company commander was so pumped.

I passed my quiz and exam. I got another exam to pass Tuesday. If you don't pass these exams with 76 or better, you lose college credit and you also go to remedial or something. I think you have to make it up, but there's a comprehensive exam at the end of each book. We're in Lab right now. If I fail ANY of those exams then I'd have to take the comprehensive for Lab, and seriously, fuck that business. It's too much material to have to go back and study. I already have to study two sections for this one test by Tuesday and during the weekday, there's no time for that. So I'm doing Unit 3 today and Unit 4 tomorrow.

But I was just sharing for motivational purposes lol. If you have bad grades, then you'll never phase up. This guy was phase 4 until his last month here. I think they just phased him up to 5 and then I just heard his platoon sergeant this morning say that she didn't phase him lol. Sucks. It happens though.

But pretty much phase 5 is when you look like a civilian for once, and 5+ you can leave the base. Right now, I'm in my camo all day except for bed time I'm in my PT gear lol. Call me nerdy, but as long as I got my laptop and cell phone, I'm good. I don't need anything else (training too short for anything else). This training, total, is 52 weeks long. Phase 1 is 26 weeks (this is the one you need to desperately pass), and then Phase 2 is 26 weeks (hard to fail once you get to this point). I will be changing duty stations AGAIN once I graduate Phase 1. I'm not sure if Phase 2 is my permanent duty station that I'll be at once I finish training, but maybe. What I didn't know, is that at times the Army will have lab techs perform an autopsy. I find that strangely interesting, but once one Sergeant described how he had to do one on an obese fat woman, all I could think of was, hell no lol.

Geez, don't you want to go all Mad Scientist and Dr Frankenstein?!?! Besides, cutting into an obese body could be highly motivational. You'll see what happens to organs and muscles that have excess. Dun dun DUN!!!

What all do you get to do in lab? I have a handful of friends who are geneticists and another handful Docs in practice and research. Can be interesting stuff. Though, the ER stories are more on the spot entertaining/blech effect.

Hope you're having fun swimming in 100+ degrees.
Geez, don't you want to go all Mad Scientist and Dr Frankenstein?!?! Besides, cutting into an obese body could be highly motivational. You'll see what happens to organs and muscles that have excess. Dun dun DUN!!!

What all do you get to do in lab? I have a handful of friends who are geneticists and another handful Docs in practice and research. Can be interesting stuff. Though, the ER stories are more on the spot entertaining/blech effect.

Hope you're having fun swimming in 100+ degrees.

I would never want to live in TX not only because of the weather, but I heard there's just so much dirty around here (people trying to steal your money).

Just look up the 68K MOS. There's too much to explain, but in the Army, just because you're trained in that one MOS doesn't mean you won't perform other duties. Sometimes, you'll be doing another MOS's job because they lose people all the time for stupid, and sometimes lawful reasons.

I'm not staying in this MOS. I'm going right back to Intel when it comes time for me to reclass. My heart just isn't in medical but it's a good job to fall back on in the civilian world if I don't get to work for any of the three letter agencies.

Last two players who still need to post are: SiaKlynn and babyblueeyes