Democrat party ideas...

bill-pix-trade said:
Very good point.
Its a bit of a gamble of course as it makes those that venture over to the new party very vulnerable.

Furthermore I dont see ANYONE up there (besides possibly Coburn) who is willing to risk getting beat over any particular position or stand.
sillywabbit said:
It would seem to require a certain select group of politicians to make such a scheme workable.
Its workable all right, but I dont see 10 up there with the balls to try it. Not even 2.
sillywabbit said:
It would seem to require a certain select group of politicians to make such a scheme workable.

And we definately need some NEW ones of those guys. Most of these older ones are pretty broken or bought by now...
crazybbwgirl said:
And we definately need some NEW ones of those guys. Most of these older ones are pretty broken or bought by now...
Maybe you could "straighten 'em out"
bill-pix-trade said:,2933,187718,00.html
"Democratic leaders objected to an immediate vote, saying Feingold's resolution deserved more time for consideration."

I am not some neo con making baseless claims.

Fox news article- says nothing about him backing down. The Other dems held off from voting.

cnn- again really doesn't say he backed down from anything.

Saying Feingold backed out was wrong.
bill-pix-trade said: in this box.

Shown full size:

Eeek, politics!
Well, foa, I'm so tired of hearing all the shit dumps on the Democrats and Clinton. As if the current prez and administration is doing such a great job. At this point, I'm almost thinking anything else would be better than what's there presently. I certainly didn't vote for this one.

I think Democrats are going to have to speak up much louder or can't keep quiet any longer if there's to be an image improvement. This is the party that cares more about the needs of the ordinary people. The compassionate party.
On the other hand, Republicans have been using fear tactics on the American people to win by emphasizing anti-terrorism and national security, leaving far behind the economy, whilst spending billions on continuing in Iraq. Democrats should not be afraid to question Bush's handling of spending, and of the war in Iraq. Or Bush's authority of allowing wiretapping without court approval.

Plasmaball said:
Fox news article- says nothing about him backing down. The Other dems held off from voting.

cnn- again really doesn't say he backed down from anything.

Saying Feingold backed out was wrong.
No all the dems did. It was not wrong. They backed down.
bill-pix-trade said:
No all the dems did. It was not wrong. They backed down.

You said fiengold did. He didn't. The other dems did.
The debate wasn't about the other dems. It was about fiengold flaking.

NIETHER Links show that.
Plasmaball said:
You said fiengold did. He didn't. The other dems did.
The debate wasn't about the other dems. It was about fiengold flaking.

NIETHER Links show that.
You are right, I was wrong.

I stand corrected.
sillywabbit said:
Unfortunately, you are right about the current state of the Democratic Party.

However, I have yet to be conviced that the GOP is worthy of my vote. Please explain to me why I should vote Republican instead.

vote for the idiots that'll screw you the best, not the worst.....
Plasmaball said:
1) oh and it worked out well
2)Nominate a fucking dumbass who can read and gives speeches like he has been hit in the head one to many times.
3) deflect and bring everything back to clinton. NSA wiretaps? CLINTON. Border partol? CLINTON, rise , lather, repeat
4) when dems come up with new idea Reps deflect and insult.

You see Republicans have one thing going for them. ( these are the ones in office) National security.They blanket everything they can in it. Which allows them to pass anything they want. Which means they can make dems look weak. There is not much you go against "we must protect the homeland".
Yeah most people are going to be for that.

But to say or even try to make one party better than the other is stupid. BOth suck( minus a few people) and both are hurting this country.

So please stop with "its hard to think like a dem. shit" Its not hard at all. A 6 year old can do it. Just like anyone can think like a repubican.

Ya know, for someone who claims to NOT being a sure do like to get your panties in a serious wad when they are attacked...

this thread was actually light hearted.....for a minute...
Clairebutterfly said:
I think they should have a spongebob-squarepants themed bar-b-que.
With a slip n' slide to play on and a bouncy house.

That would be a fun party.

I always wanted to dress up like Patrick.....only I'd have real suckers on my appendages.....and be all "touchy, feely" and shit....then I could call myself a Democrat....
vetteman said:
How about these Bill:

Illegal Alien Amnesty, And Reparations Act

Texas To Mexico Transfer Of Ownership Bill

Oil Company Nationalization Act

Internet Political Neutrality Act

Internet Sales Tax Act

National Voluntary Public Service Day

National Profits Donation Day

Nation Bed Bug Protection Act

National Military Stand Down For Peace Week

National White Male Sensitivity Week
No facts plaese. :D
sillywabbit said:
Sadly, this is true. So in the absence of any substantive ideas from the opposition, we have the ideas from the party in power, whether they're good or bad. *sigh*

We need a real multiparty system.

I agree with you there....what seems to be at the crux of most voters disgust is the power brokers on both sides eliminating any meaningful third party candidates from running.

Ross Perot was a fine example....Although he proved to be a nutjob, he scared the hell out of the Repubs, and Dems.
Tungwagger said:
Ya know, for someone who claims to NOT being a sure do like to get your panties in a serious wad when they are attacked...

this thread was actually light hearted.....for a minute...

I have left leanings. But almost everything the repulicans have done i have been against. i hate the fact that republicans tend to try to shift blame on things when they have the power.

I want SMART lower taxes.
I want closed borders.
I want smaller government.
I want a basic healthcare program. ( what i am saying is just normal checks-ups. Anything else would need other insurance.Seriously is that bad to want?
I am for a decent/best military we can have, BUT the budget for them should be a smart budget.
I am for getting rid of all "pork" in government. Well stupid pork. See bridge to nowhere.
I am for gay marriage.
I am for abortion. I am willing to relent on late term abortions unless at th risk of a mothers health, rape or incest. (last two if it gets that far.)
I am for attacking enemies that need to be attacked. Not for some made up bs reason.
LadyFunkenstein said:
Folks (vetteman and bill), surely you don't want me to show you quotes from W regarding illegals...
No need. How about finding a democrat idea. You have until the end of the month.