Democrat party ideas...

1) Actually do something to improve homeland security at our ports and ariports.

2) Plug up the ridiculous open borders that we have to our south and north

3) Try and repair our image that has been so badly tarnished over the last few years

4) Make Alternative Energy Development more than just lip service.

5) Begin reducing the national deficit immediately

6) Get rid of pork barrel legislation and earmarked funds

7) Reduce the size of our bloated and inefficient government
zipman said:
1) Actually do something to improve homeland security at our ports and ariports.

2) Plug up the ridiculous open borders that we have to our south and north

3) Try and repair our image that has been so badly tarnished over the last few years

4) Make Alternative Energy Development more than just lip service.

5) Begin reducing the national deficit immediately

6) Get rid of pork barrel legislation and earmarked funds

7) Reduce the size of our bloated and inefficient government
Link me to the bills they are proposing. Or do they just say this stuff, but don't know how to present a bill?

The Democrats have never proposed any thing to help 1,2,5,6,7 .
bill-pix-trade said:
Link me to the bills they are proposing. Or do they just say this stuff, but don't know how to present a bill?

The Democrats have never proposed any thing to help 1,2,5,6,7 .

Sorry, I thought you meant my ideas for the democratic party.

I didn't realize you were just bitching and moaning
crazybbwgirl said:
BINGO! Time to clear the decks.... start over... new party!!! Is the country ready for a new party?

Tom Clancy wrote a fine book about the Japanese of all people(s), after a war, a disgruntled Japanese pilot steered a commercial airliner into the capitol house during a state of the union speech, killing all inside.

Jack Ryan (who was VP) was made president (as he was the only survivor, one must not be in the chambers during the SOU speech)...Interesting was how he developed his cabinet and policies with all new members of the House and Senate.

Then 9/11 happened......(meaning the book came out before 9/11)

I tend to vote third party in local and state elections (when candidates appeal to me)

I don't know if nationally we are ready for a new party....I'd prefer to do away with all party affiliation, and force everyone to run on an independant ticket. All have equal air and advertising free of charge. No PAC' Lobbyists....Get the money out of politics.....but unfortunately, the Congress controls the laws...

So....I guess I took a long winded aproach to say...

No....we're not ready...
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zipman said:
Sorry, I thought you meant my ideas for the democratic party.

I didn't realize you were just bitching and moaning
Again it's like saying "I like good", but how do you do it. I have a great idea, lets solve world hunger. Everyone agrees that this is a good idea. Now how do we do it? We all know what the problems are now how about some ideas on how to solve them.
LovingTongue said:
Bill Pix, care to make a poll?

Which is worse - having no ideas, or having ideas that are head strong and dead wrong? :D
You already asked your questions about Republican wows in the threads you started, and you do a great job at it.

Lets stay on point, and answer this question. I did not say that either party was better. My point is what ideas have the Democrats brought to the table to solve the major problems we have facing the country and the world.

I think this is a reasonable narrow question to ask.
It's funny I was reading an article in the New York Times magazine about Mark Warner and how his backers think that he should be the nominee over Clinton because he's more electable than she is.

How many wishy-washer nobodies along the lines of Gore and Kerry do the Democrats have to nominate in the interest of "electability" before they release that their electable candidates get their butts kicked? Take a chance on a Clinton or a Dean.
crazybbwgirl said:
That is a good question. I want to say having "NO" ideas is the worst thing of all. But then I think of pre-WWII Germany and can't say that...
Yeah, I'd rather be standing still than get dragged down in the name of "doing something".
Drinking Cap said:
It's funny I was reading an article in the New York Times magazine about Mark Warner and how his backers think that he should be the nominee over Clinton because he's more electable than she is.

How many wishy-washer nobodies along the lines of Gore and Kerry do the Democrats have to nominate in the interest of "electability" before they release that their electable candidates get their butts kicked? Take a chance on a Clinton or a Dean.
Hillary has some stones. She was cool when she started the young Republicans at Wellesley.
bill-pix-trade said:
Hillary has some stones. She was cool when she started the young Republicans at Wellesley.

Being a young Republican at Wellesley just means that you date guys, doesn't it?
Drinking Cap said:
Being a young Republican at Wellesley just means that you date guys, doesn't it?
Now it means you are leaving the College soon, because you will be shunned.
bill-pix-trade said:
Now it means you are leaving the College soon, because you will be shunned.

As well it should. Partying with young Republicans is either boring or hypocritical.
Drinking Cap said:
As well it should. Partying with young Republicans is either boring or hypocritical.
Or not allowed at Wellesley. They allow free speech as long as they like what you are saying.
bill-pix-trade said:
Or not allowed at Wellesley. They allow free speech as long as they like what you are saying.

Damn Bill... yer a fookin' genius.... ;)

You just brought us full circle once again to the Democrat ideals... :D
bill-pix-trade said:
Or not allowed at Wellesley. They allow free speech as long as they like what you are saying.

So? Want a college where you can say and do whatever you want, go to Arizona State. Oh, and be hot.
bill-pix-trade said:
Or not allowed at Wellesley. They allow free speech as long as they like what you are saying.
Yeah, damn them Democrats. I'd much rather go to Guantanamo than be rejected from Wellesley!
Drinking Cap said:
So? Want a college where you can say and do whatever you want, go to Arizona State. Oh, and be hot.

Yeah Bill, you didn't think that 1960s free speech movement meant anything other than swapping orthodoxies on campus, did you?
LovingTongue said:
Yeah, damn them Democrats. I'd much rather go to Guantanamo than be rejected from Wellesley!
Have you ever been to Wellesley. I live fairly close, and know quite a few grads. It is a fantastic school, but PC to the MAX. I would not want my daughter going there, or Smith. If you had a daughter, you would think the same way.
Plasmaball said:
I have left leanings. But almost everything the repulicans have done i have been against. i hate the fact that republicans tend to try to shift blame on things when they have the power.

I want SMART lower taxes.
I want closed borders.
I want smaller government.
I want a basic healthcare program. ( what i am saying is just normal checks-ups. Anything else would need other insurance.Seriously is that bad to want?
I am for a decent/best military we can have, BUT the budget for them should be a smart budget.
I am for getting rid of all "pork" in government. Well stupid pork. See bridge to nowhere.
I am for gay marriage.
I am for abortion. I am willing to relent on late term abortions unless at th risk of a mothers health, rape or incest. (last two if it gets that far.)
I am for attacking enemies that need to be attacked. Not for some made up bs reason.

Right on man! Now only if the Democrats can find someone who is strong and a leader. and not yell "We're gonna go to the white house!!! and scream all over TV*cough cough* Howard Dean. I was looking down in shame when he went ape