Democrat party ideas...

bill-pix-trade said:

Pro choice, no late term abortions except life of the mother.

School choice for under preforming schools. Religious schools must provide a non denominational alternative to take vouchers.

University and College grants for qualified students based on merit and performance.

Legalization of Pot and the regulation and taxation of same.

Same sex Marriage.

Term limits.

Across the board program cuts until the budget is balanced.

Defense based war in Iraq. Or carve the place three ways and get out.

Damn! Not bad at all. Great job.
bill-pix-trade said:

Pro choice, no late term abortions except life of the mother.

School choice for under preforming schools. Religious schools must provide a non denominational alternative to take vouchers.

University and College grants for qualified students based on merit and performance.

Legalization of Pot and the regulation and taxation of same.

Same sex Marriage.

Term limits.

Across the board program cuts until the budget is balanced.

Defense based war in Iraq. Or carve the place three ways and get out.
I like it. Maybe a term limit on the Supreme Court, too. Say 20 years. This way no old coot gets to cling to the gavel until their preferred party gets the Presidency, and you don't get to put a young guy in there just for the chance of him being there for 35 years.
What shall be taught in science class? Darwinism? Intelligent design?

And more incentives for other forms of energy. LOTS more incentives.

What about guns/gun control?

Death penalty?

Paendragon said:
I like it. Maybe a term limit on the Supreme Court, too. Say 20 years. This way no old coot gets to cling to the gavel until their preferred party gets the Presidency, and you don't get to put a young guy in there just for the chance of him being there for 35 years.

I LIKE that - say a nice even 25 - quarter of a century then yer out!
crazybbwgirl said:
What shall be taught in science class? Darwinism? Intelligent design?

And more incentives for other forms of energy. LOTS more incentives.

What about guns/gun control?

Death penalty?


I can answer some of that.


More energy incentives.

Moderate forms of gun control.

I'm pro death penalty, provided something can be done about the disproportionate number of minorities who end up on death row.

I'm not well versed in euthinasia. Which is one of many reasons why you need to be on the platform committee.
crazybbwgirl said:
What shall be taught in science class? Darwinism? Intelligent design? Science should be taught.

And more incentives for other forms of energy. LOTS more incentives. Synthetic fuels. Nukes?

What about guns/gun control? Minimal standards for obtaining them, registration,

Death penalty? Only in the case of strong DNA evidence and other scientific evidence

Euthinasia? up to the doctors and the patients family.
sillywabbit said:
I can answer some of that.


More energy incentives.

Moderate forms of gun control.

I'm pro death penalty, provided something can be done about the disproportionate number of minorities who end up on death row.

I'm not well versed in euthinasia. Which is one of many reasons why you need to be on the platform committee.


Oh - and everyone is only allowed to spend $______ amount of money on campaigning. Just set a number and everyone has to stick with it. I'm tired of the richest people running me.
Paendragon said:
I like it. Maybe a term limit on the Supreme Court, too. Say 20 years. This way no old coot gets to cling to the gavel until their preferred party gets the Presidency, and you don't get to put a young guy in there just for the chance of him being there for 35 years.
No, it requires a constitution change. Maybe support an agreement with the judges that we nominate that they will step down after x years.
crazybbwgirl said:

Oh - and everyone is only allowed to spend $______ amount of money on campaigning. Just set a number and everyone has to stick with it. I'm tired of the richest people running me.

How about a short election season, like Canada and Britain have? None of this 16 month shit.
sillywabbit said:
How about a short election season, like Canada and Britain have? None of this 16 month shit.

Actually - that should be change number 1! I'm already tired of hearing about 2008!!!
sillywabbit said:
How about a short election season, like Canada and Britain have? None of this 16 month shit.
We can nominate any way we like.

I like the idea of 5 or 6 regional primaries where all states in a region at one time.
crazybbwgirl said:
Bunch of old windbags.

NO WINDBAGS ALLOWED! That's our motto.

"No self-important, holier than thou windbags allowed. "

"Vote A.C.P., because we're not dominated by the religious right or the far left. Just by our own self-interests."
Paendragon said:
You might want to attract a Democrat to this thread. One who understands the issues. Otherwise, it's going to degenerate into the usual crapfest of "Liberals are (whatever)," and "Republicans are (insert insult)".

The truth is, both parties have serious flaws. I can't understand anyone who votes exclusively for one or the other, unquestionably (or more accurately, believes that thei way is correct, and anyone with a lick of sense should be able to see that).

The truth about politics is that no matter which party you are from, there is a core group of nutjobs you have to cater too. Lately, the one that getting the most press is the religious right (although I have to admit, as a staunch supporter of separation of church and state, this just might be the group I've noticed the most), but they're far from the only ones out there.

Therein lies the problem. The truth is, their are more moderate centrists in this country than radicals, but who do we vote for? It almost always comes down to the person who turns your stomach least.

Its interesting to note that the most electable of the moderates of the two parties (in my opinion anyway) are Lieberman and McCain. And neither has a chance of winning the nomination.

Lets face it. Party's are run both those that are the most active and those are generally the ones most passioned for their positions and their money (ie far left and far right).
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Its interesting to note that the most electable of the moderates of the two parties (in my opinion anyway) are Lieberman and McCain. And neither has a chance of winning the nomination.

Lets face it. Party's are run both those that are the most active and those are generally the ones most passioned for their positions and their money (ie far left and far right).
There lies the problem
bill-pix-trade said:
There lies the problem
Dont expect it to change anytime soon.


Several such as Lieberman, McCain, Brough, Nelson, Hagel, etc. from a new party. My guess is it will take at least 10 of them with at least one heavy hitter (like McCain) from each party to make the new party a real player.
Wow, this became a rip roaring thread.........Damn, I'm sorry I missed all the fun.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dont expect it to change anytime soon.


Several such as Lieberman, McCain, Brough, Nelson, Hagel, etc. from a new party. My guess is it will take at least 10 of them with at least one heavy hitter (like McCain) from each party to make the new party a real player.
The problem is there is so little grass roots support in each state for it.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dont expect it to change anytime soon.


Several such as Lieberman, McCain, Brough, Nelson, Hagel, etc. from a new party. My guess is it will take at least 10 of them with at least one heavy hitter (like McCain) from each party to make the new party a real player.

I would agree. There have to be more names than that though.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
My name is not Bill....and Im not holding my breath.

Nor should you (as if your brain could stand much more oxygen deprivation).

stupid. That lat sentence is answering Bill-pix. dumbass
sillywabbit said:
I would agree. There have to be more names than that though.
Dont be so sure....

If 10 pulled out and formed a party they would determine which of the other 2 parties controlled each house. Making them real power players. This would in turn pull in more moeny for them AND would require the other two parties to moderate their positions some.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dont be so sure....

If 10 pulled out and formed a party they would determine which of the other 2 parties controlled each house. Making them real power players. This would in turn pull in more moeny for them AND would require the other two parties to moderate their positions some.
Very good point.
bill-pix-trade said:
We can nominate any way we like.

I like the idea of 5 or 6 regional primaries where all states in a region at one time.

That brings up another pet peeve of mine. Wtf do Iowa and New Hampshire get to select the front runner for the rest of us unwashed masses every four years? I think the idea of a rotating schedule, where each region gets a shot at it, is more fair.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Dont be so sure....

If 10 pulled out and formed a party they would determine which of the other 2 parties controlled each house. Making them real power players. This would in turn pull in more moeny for them AND would require the other two parties to moderate their positions some.

It would seem to require a certain select group of politicians to make such a scheme workable.