Democrat party ideas...

Plasmaball said:
I have left leanings. But almost everything the repulicans have done i have been against. i hate the fact that republicans tend to try to shift blame on things when they have the power.

I want SMART lower taxes.
I want closed borders.
I want smaller government.
I want a basic healthcare program. ( what i am saying is just normal checks-ups. Anything else would need other insurance.Seriously is that bad to want?
I am for a decent/best military we can have, BUT the budget for them should be a smart budget.
I am for getting rid of all "pork" in government. Well stupid pork. See bridge to nowhere.
I am for gay marriage.
I am for abortion. I am willing to relent on late term abortions unless at th risk of a mothers health, rape or incest. (last two if it gets that far.)
I am for attacking enemies that need to be attacked. Not for some made up bs reason.
You don't sound like a Democrat to me. It all makes sense.
Pro choice, no late term abortions except life of the mother. I'd go along with that as long as abstinence is also taught in schools as an alternative to condom distribution. (11 year old daughter here)

School choice for under preforming schools. Religious schools must provide a non denominational alternative to take vouchers. I say school vouchers for any parent wanting it, regardless of religion or not....Parents are still responsible for raising their kids, not the school system.

University and College grants for qualified students based on merit and performance. Ok...I can get behind that one.

Legalization of Pot and the regulation and taxation of same. The problem the lawmakers have is how do you prove "driving under the influence"...THC stays in the body for 30+ days for a regular smoker...but I'm with ya there...

Same sex Marriage. Have no problem with it at all

Term limits. I agree

Across the board program cuts until the budget is balanced. Again...agree

Defense based war in Iraq. Or carve the place three ways and get out. Best suggestion I've heard yet
What shall be taught in science class? Darwinism? Intelligent design? Both, as long as they are both presented as opposing points of view...the object of learning is cognitive thought process...not spoonfed a theory as fact

And more incentives for other forms of energy. LOTS more incentives. I agree

What about guns/gun control? Keep the 2nd amendment alive. I see no problem with waiting periods

Death penalty? All for it....but in the most heinous of murders. More than one with forethought and malice...crimes of passion excluded.

Euthinasia? We make a decision when an animal has suffered enough, why can't we decide for ourselves?
bill-pix-trade said:
You don't sound like a Democrat to me. It all makes sense.

The problem is that one canidate might be for say lower taxes. But also for banning abortions.

Abortions over rule Taxes in my book. So its a crap shoot finding someone who agrees with most of the things i want.
Plasmaball said:
I have left leanings. But almost everything the repulicans have done i have been against. i hate the fact that republicans tend to try to shift blame on things when they have the power.

I want SMART lower taxes.
I want closed borders.
I want smaller government.
I want a basic healthcare program. ( what i am saying is just normal checks-ups. Anything else would need other insurance.Seriously is that bad to want?
I am for a decent/best military we can have, BUT the budget for them should be a smart budget.
I am for getting rid of all "pork" in government. Well stupid pork. See bridge to nowhere.
I am for gay marriage.
I am for abortion. I am willing to relent on late term abortions unless at th risk of a mothers health, rape or incest. (last two if it gets that far.)
I am for attacking enemies that need to be attacked. Not for some made up bs reason.

Ironically, I almost made a thread last night about people who try to put me in a box based on one or two observations.

I do not register as a Republican as the entire platform doesn't jibe with my OVERALL beliefs.

I tend to consider myself as 50% Republican, 30% Libertarian, and 20% Democrat. As all aspects of my political leanings are the best of each philosophy (in my opinion of course)

Early on in life, I was a hardcore Liberal, during my business ownership years, I swung hard to the right. (During the Clinton years coincidentally)

Now, I'm happy as a pig in shit being in the middle.

The Repubs and Dems like us bickering amongst each other as to which party is the best, because it keeps us from focusing on the fact that they are both fucking us.
Plasmaball said:
The problem is that one canidate might be for say lower taxes. But also for banning abortions.

Abortions over rule Taxes in my book. So its a crap shoot finding someone who agrees with most of the things i want.
Taxes are more important as far as candidates go for me. Rowe is harder to over turn.
Tungwagger said:
Pro choice, no late term abortions except life of the mother. I'd go along with that as long as abstinence is also taught in schools as an alternative to condom distribution. (11 year old daughter here)Abstinence should be taught as the best form of birth control, but not the only.

School choice for under preforming schools. Religious schools must provide a non denominational alternative to take vouchers. I say school vouchers for any parent wanting it, regardless of religion or not....Parents are still responsible for raising their kids, not the school system. I agree, my point is that if religious schools want fed dollars they have to provide a nonreligious alliterative./

University and College grants for qualified students based on merit and performance. Ok...I can get behind that one.

Legalization of Pot and the regulation and taxation of same. The problem the lawmakers have is how do you prove "driving under the influence"...THC stays in the body for 30+ days for a regular smoker...but I'm with ya there...

Same sex Marriage. Have no problem with it at all

Term limits. I agree

Across the board program cuts until the budget is balanced. Again...agree

Defense based war in Iraq. Or carve the place three ways and get out. Best suggestion I've heard yet
My reply in
bill-pix-trade said:
Taxes are more important as far as candidates go for me. Rowe is harder to over turn.

which is more important, being able to do Private things in your home or taxes?
Plasmaball said:
which is more important, being able to do Private things in your home or taxes?
You are missing the point. It is not a matter of what is more important. Rowe will not be over turned, and if it is it will be political death for the party responsible. So Abortion is a non issue. Taxes are always an issue.
vetteman said:
No skin off my nose, his biggest fault as far as I'm concerned. I'm just trying to amplify some Democrat wet dreams to help get them elected. :)

Just keeping you honest is all. ;^)
bill-pix-trade said:
My reply in

Now we understand why the quote selection is best....this is getting hard on the eyes.

As for abstinence: It is still and the only REAL birth control there is...The rest give a certain amount of assurance is all, for all others, there is abortion....on that we'll disagree.

On Vouchers for religious schools. I have a real problem with tax dollars being collected from religious people, but this fear that their children are going to somehow be taught religious concepts and lessons on the tax payer dollar is a little over the top. While I have no use for organized religion, I don't fear it either.

Who are we as a society to say that the money that would have been used in a religious school is better applied to that child's growth in a public school setting. That seems a bit elitist to me. As long as the three "R's" are taught, I don't see a problem. Maybe because I have a belief that the Constitution protects government infringement on religion. And others believe that the Constitution protects against Religion in government... Both are valid viewpoints to be sure.
Tungwagger said:
Now we understand why the quote selection is best....this is getting hard on the eyes.

As for abstinence: It is still and the only REAL birth control there is...The rest give a certain amount of assurance is all, for all others, there is abortion....on that we'll disagree.

On Vouchers for religious schools. I have a real problem with tax dollars being collected from religious people, but this fear that their children are going to somehow be taught religious concepts and lessons on the tax payer dollar is a little over the top. While I have no use for organized religion, I don't fear it either.

Who are we as a society to say that the money that would have been used in a religious school is better applied to that child's growth in a public school setting. That seems a bit elitist to me. As long as the three "R's" are taught, I don't see a problem. Maybe because I have a belief that the Constitution protects government infringement on religion. And others believe that the Constitution protects against Religion in government... Both are valid viewpoints to be sure.
Maybe I am not being clear. I we ever had a voucher program, and public money went to private schools, and some of those schools were religious, then those schools would have to provide a non religious alliterative. For example if Arlington Catholic took a voucher they could not require the person with the voucher to take religion courses.
bill-pix-trade said:
Maybe I am not being clear. I we ever had a voucher program, and public money went to private schools, and some of those schools were religious, then those schools would have to provide a non religious alliterative. For example if Arlington Catholic took a voucher they could not require the person with the voucher to take religion courses.

I understood what you were saying. Maybe I was being my obtuse self again.

Most understand that a private school, religious in nature or not, would possibly be more costly than the voucher would provide for. Therefore, the parents would be required to make up any shortfall on the tuition side.

Any parent, knowing they would have to make up the difference, would obviously check out the curriculum of the school and make the decision THEY felt was best for their child.

So, at that point, the religious aspect in my mind becomes moot as the parents have decided what is the best course of study for their child. To put the decision into the hands of a governmental body to decide whether or not the curriculum was appropriate for the administration of tax dollars (based on religious or non-religious ideology) becomes once again subjective. Which is what most parents disgusted with the current school system are trying to get away from.

The only curriculum requirements the Feds should oversee is the three "R's".
Thanks for a very interesting thread Bill....

But, gotta be at work in less than 8 hours.....

See ya tomorrow..
Tungwagger said:
Thanks for a very interesting thread Bill....

But, gotta be at work in less than 8 hours.....

See ya tomorrow..
Ya I need to crash too.

take it easy dude.
DevilishTexan said:
I'm actually from Mass but Kennedy and Kerry have me so bitter I'm dying to be a Texan. :p

I lived there when I was younger (Mass), it was nice there.

Too bad I came late and missed most of the conversation. I have to go to work early too.
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Tungwagger said:
....snip.......The Repubs and Dems like us bickering amongst each other as to which party is the best, because it keeps us from focusing on the fact that they are both fucking us.

BINGO! Time to clear the decks.... start over... new party!!! Is the country ready for a new party?
Plasmaball said:
I have left leanings. But almost everything the repulicans have done i have been against. i hate the fact that republicans tend to try to shift blame on things when they have the power.

I want SMART lower taxes.
I want closed borders.
I want smaller government.
I want a basic healthcare program. ( what i am saying is just normal checks-ups. Anything else would need other insurance.Seriously is that bad to want?
I am for a decent/best military we can have, BUT the budget for them should be a smart budget.
I am for getting rid of all "pork" in government. Well stupid pork. See bridge to nowhere.
I am for gay marriage.
I am for abortion. I am willing to relent on late term abortions unless at th risk of a mothers health, rape or incest. (last two if it gets that far.)
I am for attacking enemies that need to be attacked. Not for some made up bs reason.
Almost all of that sounds exactly like the DNC Party platform.

Dewd...face it....You're a Democrat. Go join, they need all they can get.
Re: Vouchers for Religious schools

Do I need to remind everyone of the GI Bill?

There is nothing in the GI Bill that says tax dollars cant go to religious colleges and universities or that students cant study particular religions or dogmas. So why is it such a big deal for high school and below?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Do I need to remind everyone of the GI Bill?

There is nothing in the GI Bill that says tax dollars cant go to religious colleges and universities or that students cant study particular religions or dogmas. So why is it such a big deal for high school and below?


In our new party - if you want to go to a religious school - then YOUR god should pay for it.

ha! That ought to work?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Do I need to remind everyone of the GI Bill?

There is nothing in the GI Bill that says tax dollars cant go to religious colleges and universities or that students cant study particular religions or dogmas. So why is it such a big deal for high school and below?
Trying to make it palatable, and compromise, and being reasonable. It will alleviate the issues that non religious people will raise.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Do I need to remind everyone of the GI Bill?

There is nothing in the GI Bill that says tax dollars cant go to religious colleges and universities or that students cant study particular religions or dogmas. So why is it such a big deal for high school and below?

As long as the particular college or university is sufficiently accredited by the regional accrediting body and the VA approves the course of study. The VA doesn't always do this. My point is that the GI Bill does not cover attendance at every college.