Depression. Anxiety. Panic Attacks. etc

Well I thought yesterday was bad, but the one I feel coming on now, not even going to bother fighting this one, just going to curl up and let it rip me apart, at some point I guess it will pass, or at least sleep will come in a day or so.
sxylegs said:
Hi.....since you dont know what you want to do.....maybe just try what they have to never may like it......or if you dont ....then you have some experience in is really hard to get a job without some sort of experience....

Good luck in whatever you do!!! :heart:
Thanks. I have aplied for a sumer jopb in the local steel-factory, and I gonna apply in the food store (though I have sworn I will never do that) and on the local wood factory. :)

Right now, I feel kinda good. If I had a nice, willingly and understanding gf also, the picure would be perfect... :nana:
quoll said:
Well I thought yesterday was bad, but the one I feel coming on now, not even going to bother fighting this one, just going to curl up and let it rip me apart, at some point I guess it will pass, or at least sleep will come in a day or so.

Interesting, I took a break and just walked away, slept a bit and did a few other things, kept waiting for it to come and get me, it hasn`t yet. ;)
I've been reading a few of the posts in this thread. In hindsight I realise I suffered a mild form of depression for years during my marriage. I literally have only fragmented memories of my daughter's first six months of life because of post natal depression. I got a stomach ulcer in the last year or so of my marriage because I was so stressed and didn't realise it. I had been unhappy for so long I forgot how to enjoy life and was just existing. :(

To finally pluck up the courage to do something about it, and to literally change my life, was so difficult. The day I moved out I stood in my living room and cried so hard the tears ran down my face. I'm not sure whether it was relief, or fear, or a mixture of the two. I literally did not know what I was going to do with the rest of my life.

It took two years of reading, and learning, and making mistakes - I made a very big one by getting involved with someone who was not free to be with me, but he did give me the chance to explore my sexuality and I'll always think of him fondly for that. He started me on my journey to finding someone I love very much, and now I do know what it's like to be happy, even though Gil has health problems we work through day by day and we are each other's strength. Sure we have bad days, but we are there for each other and it helps so much to be able to just go and cuddle together. For so many years I missed out on loving touch. Now I just can't get enough of it, I've found I'm very tactile and love to touch and be touched. Even when we're sleeping part of us is always touching :cathappy:

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, and if I can help anyone at all my PM box is always open :)

There, that's better.

A couple of things from experience and knowledge:

1. Depression comes in all forms and dimensions. I myself came out of a very long term one -- no meds but there's more on that later -- but mucho therapy. The transition was from depression (dysthymia technically) that had been around for decades to anxiety to self-esteem. It's HARD WORK don't kid yourself. But if you have the mind to do it and good solid help -- it can be defeated.

2. Meds generally and specifically -- I'm not a doc, nor do I play one on TV. The facts are, however, that brain chemistry (where the meds work) is not very well understood. You might get lucky with the first med prescribed or you may hop onto the med-go-round for depressives particularly. It truly depends on the nature and depth of the depression. Meds are not panaceas though but adjuncts to serious therapy. As for me -- I don't care for meds of any kind. That, coupled with the fact that my depression would fall into the "mild to moderate" variety -- and with my backgound -- I tried St. Johns Wort. Not just any one off the shelf since I work in the indusry. I chose the brand carefully and specifically. I consume it every day without fail. For me -- the impact was within a couple of days -- a og seemed to lift from in front of my perception -- and guess what -- No Side Effects. This too, sadly, is not a panacea and I cannot state that it will work for anyone other than for me. However, if you are looking -- don't forget to look under the botanical supplement bush as well as the chemical cocktail approach.

Be well and thanks for the forum to tell of this.
I would really like to hear what it felt like for people not on meds to cope with or handle depression, any or all forms, I have no label for what i have nor do i care or want one it makes no diference to how i feel.
Would jus tlike to know how they coped because i keep reading all this stuff allover the place how they beat depression without meds, I`m on the damn things and I`m still fucked, am I that bad or just weak, curios too know.
quoll, you've heard what I've been going through and shits. Yes I have more problems in life but that's like picking a grain from the rice field and keep talking about it. I've been adviced to use meds both in highschool and college... I still haven't. College councelor told me that it would take off some of my weight from the shoulders so I can think clearly about what I need to do in life. I rejected that offer... and will try to deal with it myself. If I can't... well then... it won't be a wonderful sight. I don't know what to do in life... but my rules of morality is very strong for it to break. So even if its the last step I take after the world has broken apart... suicide won't be an option. Just to let you know. I'm sure meds would keep me away from thinking so profoundly, but I think in my own sickening way, this is healthy for me to move on...

The rest of the advices... are from you guys that keeps me going...
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What do I do when I am depressed and wants to be better. Well, I try to be with people I am not related with, doing something that makes my mind go of my depression.

It rarely works. So, I just want to be alone. Not alone as in alone sitting in a corner, but alone in the entire house doing normal things. When I had a gf I went over to her, not that it helped, as she also was kinda down.

Hm, I GOT to get a own apartment and a job. >_<

Oh yea! I sometimes go out on adult sites and jerk of, in lack of gf or fuckbuddy.
Music also tends to help. Or a good movie. Or a walk in the sun, or something.
I know what makes me feel anxious and panicky--it's the prospect of another fight with my husband. We seem to trigger each other's tempers so easily and say all kinds of wild crazy mean things. I wish I had an answer to how to cope with anxiety without meds but I'm pretty dependent on my anti-anxiety pills these days. I do yoga breathing and that helps, too.
Inner Strength

If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills,

If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it,

If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you time,

If you can overlook when people take things out on you when, through
no fault of yours, something goes wrong,

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,

If you can face the world without lies and deceit,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without liquor,

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

If you can do all these things,

Then you are probably the family dog.
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I do almost all those things, maybe except complaining a bit. Am I a familly dog? :confused:
Ibsen said:
I do almost all those things, maybe except complaining a bit. Am I a familly dog? :confused:

You say that like it is a bad thing :confused:

So many positives, you know the whole licking thing, room service, walks, etc...
Ok the neutering thing is a bit of a worry.
Man this sucker is cycling fast, still i guess it wont be long and I`ll be on the up again.
MercyMia said:
I know what makes me feel anxious and panicky--it's the prospect of another fight with my husband. We seem to trigger each other's tempers so easily and say all kinds of wild crazy mean things. I wish I had an answer to how to cope with anxiety without meds but I'm pretty dependent on my anti-anxiety pills these days. I do yoga breathing and that helps, too.

I hope this comes out right......but when I have anxiety I pray.......I pray that he wont be in a bad mood, I pray that I wont be defensive......I pray about everything, but I pray different than most.....I pray outloud and for some reason when I hear myself saying things the anxiety lessens.....and I was on anxiety medication at one time......

Good Luck!!!! :eek:
Shotokan07 said:
quoll, you've heard what I've been going through and shits. Yes I have more problems in life but that's like picking a grain from the rice field and keep talking about it. I've been adviced to use meds both in highschool and college... I still haven't. College councelor told me that it would take off some of my weight from the shoulders so I can think clearly about what I need to do in life. I rejected that offer... and will try to deal with it myself. If I can't... well then... it won't be a wonderful sight. I don't know what to do in life... but my rules of morality is very strong for it to break. So even if its the last step I take after the world has broken apart... suicide won't be an option. Just to let you know. I'm sure meds would keep me away from thinking so profoundly, but I think in my own sickening way, this is healthy for me to move on...

The rest of the advices... are from you guys that keeps me going...

Sho, not up to me to advise on meds one way or the other and if you are coping without, well done.

For me the meds were a "lifesaver" quite literally.
For me, my inspiration and creativity and sexuality all came back to almost normal levels, before that, to think in anyway other than in a negative aspect, was quite simply an impossibility.
My mind was simply an endless loop playing all the things I hated about myself and everything else.
There are a lot of negative aspects to medication, but have a read back over this thread and you will find some truly wonderful people that are here only because of them.
My point?
Meds are not for everyone, but they should not be discounted as evil either.
quoll said:
Sho, not up to me to advise on meds one way or the other and if you are coping without, well done.

For me the meds were a "lifesaver" quite literally.
For me, my inspiration and creativity and sexuality all came back to almost normal levels, before that, to think in anyway other than in a negative aspect, was quite simply an impossibility.
My mind was simply an endless loop playing all the things I hated about myself and everything else.
There are a lot of negative aspects to medication, but have a read back over this thread and you will find some truly wonderful people that are here only because of them.
My point?
Meds are not for everyone, but they should not be discounted as evil either.

Meds are very good......*****savers......they have kept some of my very favorite people from killing themselves......
why are we depressed ?

Are we depressed because of something that we fear?

I would like to hear opinions on this question.

south_florida_bicur said:
Are we depressed because of something that we fear?

I would like to hear opinions on this question.


A very simple and straight forward question, but......I hope you get a lot of replies because it is a hard one to answer.

Depresssion is generally accepted as a clinical illness, a chemical imbalance in the brain.
As to what triggers the initial attack, it can be many things, trauma, sorrow, the loss of a loved one, so many things.

It is not unusual for the depressed person to be afraid, particularly of the thoughts and emotions running through the mind.

For me it tends to re-inforce any fears or insecurities I already have, this can lead to self loathing and anger, which unfortunately we tend to take out on those closest to us.

I guess in a way fear can cause depression, if we are constantly worrying about our fears and if we are unable to face them deal with them in some way, which by the way is not a sign of weakness, that is why it is called an irrational fear, because we might know we shouldn`t have it, but it can`t be stopped just by not wanting it.

Hope there was something of value in all of that, these are my opinions based on my experiences.
We had a real argument, my familly today. Now I remember why I so desperatly want to move out...
My wife has suffered from chronic clinical depression for over 12 years. In the initial stages we had no idea as to what was going on. Whilst there does seem to be a predisposition in her family the trigger was an overdose of hormone via HRT therapy. i can understand why there are so many relationship bustups when this illness strikes.

Anyway with medication my wife does have a reasonably stable life. But we now the monster is always in the background ready to strike. She is one of the 1 percent who requires continuous treatment to keep the chemical imbalance in check.

The one side effect has been the loss of libido due to the medication. we have not made love for over four years. but i would sooner put up with that than to have her deteriorate. Anyhow i always have Mrs Palmer and her five daughters to help along with all u sexual people with your stories
I spoke to my mother on the phone yesterday and she reported that the crystals I gave her still appear to be working. She takes them to bed with her and puts them under her pillow. If she feels stressed during the night she will hold them in her hand and they have a calming effect. She has even reduced her medication, and her checkup at the doctor's last week revealed her blood pressure is good (it has been high quite a lot of the time due to the stress of my dad's illness).
Hi everyone & Quoll why hadn't I followed your links sooner
:rolleyes: I've never had any medial help but likely need it as I often have a shit load of trouble just coping day to day with what is happening to me, my poor health is a major concern & I did break down while in hospital only to have the very young shrink they sent to see me in tears *strangely it lifted my spirits seeing her crying listening to me* I think it made me realise I do have a lot of problems.

I also started a thread to help a lady of LIT who was having suicidal thoughts because of her abuse & I needed help to try to convince her to live & fight her demons which pleases me to say she did but many other abused also posted that they do suffer depression ect.

My own daughter is on treatment for depression.
Take me in my sleep.
Make sure there is no pain.
I don't want tomorrow.
Please God Hear my plea,
And tell me why
You had to choose me

Fatigue turns into insomnia,
Confusing my system
Causing memory loss,
And blood shot eyes,
Heart beating rapidly
Inside of my chest,
Making me sweat
Without any feelings
Of rest.

Being on heart meds,
Always in fear,
For nineteen years,
Tension filled muscles
Inside of my neck,
Wondering why
You didn't take me
Back in that '70s wreck.

I can't take my life.
To hell is where I'll go.
God, can't You hear me?
It's time that I go home.

Like, no biggy. Who'd want to steal it. <grins>
This was written about a year ago.

Just wanted to say hugs to all. You're not alone. :rose:
saldne said:
Take me in my sleep.
Make sure there is no pain.
I don't want tomorrow.
Please God Hear my plea,
And tell me why
You had to choose me

Fatigue turns into insomnia,
Confusing my system
Causing memory loss,
And blood shot eyes,
Heart beating rapidly
Inside of my chest,
Making me sweat
Without any feelings
Of rest.

Being on heart meds,
Always in fear,
For nineteen years,
Tension filled muscles
Inside of my neck,
Wondering why
You didn't take me
Back in that '70s wreck.

I can't take my life.
To hell is where I'll go.
God, can't You hear me?
It's time that I go home.

Like, no biggy. Who'd want to steal it. <grins>
This was written about a year ago.

Just wanted to say hugs to all. You're not alone. :rose:

That is a biggie hon, and beautiful and sad too, so much in there that is familiar to many I am sure.
Glad you are still here. :rose: