Did your parents teach you about sex? Was it helpful?

Nothing from my parents. All my father told me is no means no. Didn’t know what the hell he meant at the time.

I learned most of the sex talk from my friend’s older brothers and found copies of Playboy.
My dad told me it’s ok to kiss your wife’s breasts. Hmmm.
Romance novels

My sister would give me her romance novels and share the good parts with me. For a long time I thought girls that had sex had breathing problems, and the magic button turned out to be something very different than what I pictured.
I just realized of my friends and myself included, many never received any type of sex ed from our parents. I pretty much learned from porn.

What, if anything, did you learn from your parents and did you find it helpful later in life?
Literally EVERYTHING... and it was beautiful. The expansiveness and curiosity to always seek and know more is from the hunger awakened in my youth... and is seemingly eternal!
My mom taught me about sex only so far as to explain human reproduction when I asked. It was a very accurate account, but she gave ZERO indication that sex was ever just for pleasure.
My parents didn't speak about sex. Which was helpful and not helpful all at the same time.
My Dad told me enough on the mechanics to not end up getting anyone pregnant at 18 but his real advice was on the emotional side and that was really helpful
Not enough.

Dad gave me a book to read. Mother kept telling him he ought to talk to me. He kept responding to her, "What do you want me to ask him?"

I learned nothing about how females work, nothing more than "stick it in". Not how to approach a girl, how to make Her feel loved (not to mention horny).

Not a word about petting, oral sex, alternate forms of sex, reciprocation, nothing useful. Just don't get her pregnant. ☹️🤔

By my wedding night, I was a virgin who had never received a BJ or hand job. A few weeks after the wedding, my bride taught me cunnilingus.

Long story about where she got her experience, including the loss of her virginity.

I didn't even know enough about how a sexual relationship should go to realize that I should have dumped her.
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All I remember was that we got a book about reproduction for young kids. I assume it was read together, but I can't remember.

Indirectly they taught us that intimacy is a good thing and sex can and should be enjoyed.

And then they did something sneaky. They put adult sex books in the bookshelf (which covered a whole long wall, mostly novels but informative books too). Never said a word about them before we had all been adults a long time. You know what teenagers will do? Grab them in secret and read them cover to cover, of course 😂 i.e. mission accomplished. Those books were not porn, they taught that sex can be wonderful thing, biological basics, how to learn what you and your partner like, responsible attitude etc.

Edit. And yes, it was helpful.
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Since I was a child, I've had access to a medical encyclopaedia, and I particularly liked the section on genitals. My mother did not forbid me to be interested in all this, and she herself taught me many useful things, including contraception and the fact that a man would get much more if he thought about his woman's pleasure first, rather than his own.
When I was 15 there was a big book in our house about sexual positions and their influence on pleasure and health, I used to look through it quietly in front of the adults and they often discussed some pages with me.
It all had its advantages, and my first sex wasn't a big embarrassment because I paid a lot of attention to that woman )
I just realized of my friends and myself included, many never received any type of sex ed from our parents. I pretty much learned from porn.

What, if anything, did you learn from your parents and did you find it helpful later in life?
My parents gave me “the talk” but it was a very clinical explanation of what sex was and how to resulted in a baby. There wasn’t any explanation of masturbation, oral sex, or anything else. No explanation of tips or anything that would be helpful later in life.

Like most others, porn and movies were my example of what was supposed to go on in the bedroom.
Parents told me nothing. I was clueless. Read books in college that helped but I sure could have used them earlier
Here sex ed is mandatory in school in the whole country. How well it's done varies a lot, but at least they try. So you simply cannot get to high school totally clueless.
Larry Flynt and Bob Guccione taught me most of it. Then I found a copy of "Everything you wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask" and read that thing cover to cover multiple times, usually while jacking off. 😀
My father's only words on the matter where this: "Just because you ordered a pizza, that doesn't mean you are going to have sex with the delivery girl."

And dammit if he wasn't right!
Well they bought me a book, "Learning To Love With Sex". Didn't really have much in the way of verbal learning. Heard them having sex a few times, which was stimulating to a young mind, especially my mum's moaning.
I just realized of my friends and myself included, many never received any type of sex ed from our parents. I pretty much learned from porn.

What, if anything, did you learn from your parents and did you find it helpful later in life?
No but my stepdad’s brother did. I heard him fucking his GF one night while I was visiting his place for the summer. The next day he told me all about it … and then more.
My mother and I had some discussions, typical mom-daughter talk. I never talked to my father about sex at all, however I did discover his porn stash. Reading stories and viewing the image sparked my erotic nature I think. Even back then I was aroused by photos of two women together.
I grew up on a farm so knew where babies came from, from a young age. I had my arm up many a pussy long before most guys knew what one was. Before you get too excited I better point out that's nothing weird during lambing season.

As for human sex education, I picked it up through the usual sources, the classroom and the internet. My parents believed a happy healthy sex life was a normal part of life that was to be encouraged and not hidden away like a dirty shame.

Now we didn't practice incest or attend sex parties as a family, nor did my coffee ever spill as my parents fucked on the breakfast table. We're a real family not a porn one.

But I was never told any of that, "keep your virginity until you're married," nonsense. If I wanted to bring a guy home on a friday night for a game of hide the sausage, they were OK with it. In fact, once I was sexually active they encouraged me to have a good time and bring guys home because it was safer than going to their place.

Now I admit the first few mornings were awkward knowing they probably heard me take a pounding but I appreciate the safe space to grow sexually.