Dirty details

See, it's tough to be Pouty. Maybe you need to be safe like me and Wyn. Then we might be able to turn the table on James. *big cheesy toothy James grin*

But you can take the pictures, k?

And whoo and hoo on the macro exam. You're a better woman than I. My hubby BEGGED me not to take any more econ classes. Said I was miserable when I took them.
James G 5 said:
You distract her husband for me, OK?

Oh no, WAIT
I got a BETTER idea
You want to learn how to beat people?
I think her hubby would let another WOMAN beat her
And she makes an excellent practice subject, plus I already know her anatomy intimately enough to use her as a demo subject for you

Feel like jaunting a bit North?

Be afraid Wyn.......be very VERY afraid
Imi said:
See, it's tough to be Pouty. Maybe you need to be safe like me and Wyn. Then we might be able to turn the table on James. *big cheesy toothy James grin*

But you can take the pictures, k?

What, by ruining a perfectly happy life with *shudder* marriage? :p

Safety ain't all it's cracked up to be :D

And you ALMOST got a spanking at the restaurant, huband or no
Smart aleck :p
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oh no dearie...you're the smart aleck.
I'm just a sweet, innocent, 'nilla matron. *nods convincingly*
Imi said:
oh no dearie...you're the smart aleck.
I'm just a sweet, innocent, 'nilla matron. *nods convincingly*

I'm not convinced
I bet if we took a poll of everyone on this thread, they'd say that you were the smart aleck.
James G 5 said:
You distract her husband for me, OK?

Hah! The only thing that'll distract him is me naked... Or me in bondage gear... or me in thigh highs... or... well you get the picture. :devil:
James G 5 said:
Oh no, WAIT
I got a BETTER idea
You want to learn how to beat people?
I think her hubby would let another WOMAN beat her
And she makes an excellent practice subject, plus I already know her anatomy intimately enough to use her as a demo subject for you

Feel like jaunting a bit North?

Be afraid Wyn.......be very VERY afraid

LOL. Can I show her how to do florentine flogging? I'll need a vic... err volunteer of course.

And he's always wanted to see me Top another woman. :devil:

Not quite the shy innocent lil slave girl anymore, eh?
Now wait one gosh darn minute here! I'm sitting, reading through the post, being as good as good can be...why do I get all the wicked things done to lithe ole me? <<pouting>> Do I have to start being bad? ::grins:: Wyn I think he has more ideas than he needs right now also!! ::smiling:: Now I'm going to go back to being good...hrmph
Moonie some days
Moon-ster others

WynEternal said:
Just cause you have 200ft of rope... BTW... need any help planning wicked things to do to Moonie? :devil:
MoonduskSub said:
Now wait one gosh darn minute here! I'm sitting, reading through the post, being as good as good can be...why do I get all the wicked things done to lithe ole me? <<pouting>> Do I have to start being bad? ::grins:: Wyn I think he has more ideas than he needs right now also!! ::smiling:: Now I'm going to go back to being good...hrmph
Moonie some days
Moon-ster others

Yes, and you avoided a few of them Saturday night
Wait till I see you next, when they've had time to percolate.............
James G 5 said:
Yes, and you avoided a few of them Saturday night
Wait till I see you next, when they've had time to percolate.............

Hmmm. Doesn't avoidence call for being tied over a coffee table and lots of torments?

Wyn, to answer your question in the Agony/Ecstasy thread, yes, she DOES blush as red
Especially when I undress her in the parking lot at her building :D

*EDITED to say : ACK! I didn't realize Pouty had switched over to HER log on!
I must go change this to my name now LOL
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Imi said:
oh no dearie...you're the smart aleck.
I'm just a sweet, innocent, 'nilla matron. *nods convincingly*

That is what you have always claimed
WynEternal said:
If he's keeping a tally book, my butt is in trouble. :eek:

Tally book hell, I keep it all in my head
And Imi, yes, I am...........you got a problem with that? :D
Pouty Kitten said:
Seems like a fews names are missing off your list. Are you trying to protect the not so innocent? ;)

Would that make the ones he did mention the innocent? Oh and by the way James...just because I love to bitch ::smiles viciously:: One, I am not a sub, two, Tyr isn't a mistress and three you forgot to mention I am close friends with Ex evil. Just to clear things up. I know your life is soooo complicated to get it all right ::winks:: ~M~

Serious question :)

Just glancing through the play and repartee, I wonder, James, when is enough enough?

Do you have an idea in mind concerning how many submissives you could, should or would have?

When introducing a new sub, is there a protocol involved for doing so so as not to cause hard feelings and conflict?

I find this all very interesting and just want to know....


Serious side of the coin.

MissTaken said:
Serious question :)

Just glancing through the play and repartee, I wonder, James, when is enough enough?

Do you have an idea in mind concerning how many submissives you could, should or would have?

When introducing a new sub, is there a protocol involved for doing so so as not to cause hard feelings and conflict?

I find this all very interesting and just want to know....



I can honestly state that James is a very responsible Dom. Putting kidding aside, I doubt very highly that James would ever put anyone in a situation that made them feel akward or uncomfortable with regard to having multiple subs. I also think I can say without stepping on toes (mostly James little pitties) that when he states the multiple subs that they are "his" persay, but rather they are a collective of subs that "play" with James. In his original post he mentions "play dates". If anything, James is probably the most sensitive Dom I have met with concern to those in his charge. Especially if play is in a public place.

When you brought up when is enough enough. I got the feeling you perceived he had several subs in which were totally devoted to James and visa versa. I may be wrong about that perception but it has been my experience that James keeps it all in perspective and doesn't go in above his head (except with psycho ex ~~ sorry no one ever imagined that would explode, empath or not lol)

I also have never seen James take on a new sub while in a relationship without their knowledge and agreement to the situation. I am severely protective of James for all the picking I may do of him. I respect him and love him dearly and am proud to see the way he has evolved as a Dom and a man. ~M~


Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Pouty Kitten said:
Currently none :( .

Unlike James, it takes me longer to make friends and to warm up to people. Plus, I'm not much of a social butterfly so unless I'm visiting James or he's visiting me I don't go out much.

Would love to have a special friend on the side. Think I would be less envious of James if I had someone to spend time with when he's out with his "special" friends. It's hard sometimes knowing his out having a good time while I'm sitting home alone.

BTW, to any available men, women, couples reading this:
SWF, 38
nearly 6 feet tall, around 215 pounds
red hair
green eyes
40 DDD
Currently in an open relationship
located in Tampa, FL

Getting to old to be picky. Looking for anyone willing to spend time with me.

Hmmmm ... maybe I put this in the wrong thread.

Tampa, you say??


Anelize-"fleeing from the hordes in Daytona"