Dirty details

Re: Serious side of the coin.

MystiqDrgn said:
I can honestly state that James is a very responsible Dom. Putting kidding aside, I doubt very highly that James would ever put anyone in a situation that made them feel akward or uncomfortable with regard to having multiple subs. I also think I can say without stepping on toes (mostly James little pitties) that when he states the multiple subs that they are "his" persay, but rather they are a collective of subs that "play" with James. In his original post he mentions "play dates". If anything, James is probably the most sensitive Dom I have met with concern to those in his charge. Especially if play is in a public place.

When you brought up when is enough enough. I got the feeling you perceived he had several subs in which were totally devoted to James and visa versa. I may be wrong about that perception but it has been my experience that James keeps it all in perspective and doesn't go in above his head (except with psycho ex ~~ sorry no one ever imagined that would explode, empath or not lol)

I also have never seen James take on a new sub while in a relationship without their knowledge and agreement to the situation. I am severely protective of James for all the picking I may do of him. I respect him and love him dearly and am proud to see the way he has evolved as a Dom and a man. ~M~


Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Yes, he's a gentleman to the fullest, first and foremost (no I'm not saying that because of his tally book). I remember an incident at a club when he was my "chaperone." When we first met several years ago, it was myself, Mistress, him and another female submissive. We all got along great. There were even other submissive friends over a couple of times. I really think that he's a gentleman first, before a Dom or top.

And all kidding aside, I really do have great love and respect for him.

Thanks for your responses.

I didn't mean to sound offensive in my post. I am truly curious and I do have a lot of respect for James and think he is a pretty special person.

But, you are correct, M, in assuming I didn't understand the context of the relationships. I don't know why my brain fogged over and lapsed :)

And admittedly, as I live in a very isolated area with no lifestyle socialization, I am a bit envious of the time you can spend out with BDSM friends.

Very nice.

See, I am green with envy! ----------->:p
Sometimes we just take it for granted that we have so much BDSM contact that we forget there are some who are somewhat isolated from it. I must admit that is me. I have never been without BDSM friends for over 22 years now (damn I am getting old). I had my first true bdsm experience at 16.

I didn't think you came across as offensive at all Taken. But then again, I felt what you meant.

We will just have to get you to come here to DC and attend Black Rose. I promise you will be surrounded by literally hundreds of people in the bdsm world (and a real dog and pony show to boot Laughs)

I promise a damn good time! ::smiles viciously:: ~M~


Take me away from all this.... death.
MystiqDrgn said:
Would that make the ones he did mention the innocent? Oh and by the way James...just because I love to bitch ::smiles viciously:: One, I am not a sub, two, Tyr isn't a mistress and three you forgot to mention I am close friends with Ex evil. Just to clear things up. I know your life is soooo complicated to get it all right ::winks:: ~M~


See, *I* even have trouble keeping all the details straight :rolleyes:
That's why I drag you all here to Lit, so you can give your sides of the stories LOL
Think we could get S to start posting here in between slopping the hogs? :p
Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

WynEternal said:
Yes, he's a gentleman to the fullest,

Y'all know that you're in dangerous territory here. I mean, you know James...You trying to make him more arrogant?

*Imi runs away to get a head start*
Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

Imi said:
Y'all know that you're in dangerous territory here. I mean, you know James...You trying to make him more arrogant?

*Imi runs away to get a head start*

We've already had a conversation about running & leg length
Sooner or later, I WILL catch you :D

Especially since they never seem to REALLY try too hard to get away.........:devil:
*sticks out drunk tongue* Who are you kidding? The chase invigorates you.
MissTaken said:
Serious question :)
Just glancing through the play and repartee, I wonder, James, when is enough enough?
Do you have an idea in mind concerning how many submissives you could, should or would have?
When introducing a new sub, is there a protocol involved for doing so so as not to cause hard feelings and conflict?
I find this all very interesting and just want to know....



Play & repartee is exactly what it is :D
in GENERAL I have one serious core relationship going in my life at any given time....a long term thing with a good degree of commitment
Pouty is my serious sweetie now, we've been together a year + and she put up with me so far
Moon is my occasional playmate D/s wise
I have a few other long time friends who I VERY occasionaly do public scenes with at clubs or conventions & the like (and that hasn't even happened since last summer)
And also very occasionally a few friends with whom I share physical intimacy
I am fortunate that Pouty is mostly accepting of this......it's how I am comfortable living. I say "mostly" because no relationship is ever without its road bumps. So far we've managed with communication, a little yelling, and a lot of hugging, to get thru most of them.
I've ALWAYS done better at being friends with woman than with men, and I'm a tremendous flirt.....hence the reparteee you mention. Just part of my nature, and I'm generally not TOOOO serious. Mostly. :D
But I love my lady friends and some times that carries over in to the physical. I meant what I've said in my posts about non-monogamy & believing in the beauty & power of sexual expression & contact.......Sure, sex is a wonderful special thing between comitted partners (which is where I see "making love" coming up) but handled well it can be a terrific bonding between friends as well.

Getting back to the original question, right now the answer is "none"
I've stated before that I am a TOP because I don't want the responsibility that comes with being a DOM
I make the distinction (for myself) as being one who Tops versus one who has subs.....the later being a deeper level of commitment that carries a lot more responsibility
I joke about Moon being my sub or subbie girl, but it's just that, joking....Moon is a long time FRIEND who I happen to play with, filling an area of personal need for us both. Luckily she & Pouty get along, and Pouty is interested in exploriong her Toppy side with Moon, so we'll see where it goes for the 3 of us.....we were all friends first and I hope regardless of anything else it stays that way!

Will I ever WANT a sub? I don't know
I have issues with having my primary relationship also being a Dom/sub relationship for a ton of reasons
And given my feelings about the level of commitment necessary to HAVE a sub, I'm not sure I could reconcile it with the commitment of a primary relationship. It would REALLY depend on the people involved & how they interacted with each other as well as myself.

I hope this had made SOME sense & answered your question LOL

i haven't even read any other responses in this thread, and it makes perfect since to me.

i wish MORE Tops/Dom/me's could make the distinction of what exactly they are.. i think it would be wonderful for some to realize that they are Tops and not Doms.. just as i think there are alot of subs out there who are really bottoms.. but for lack of knowledge, or lack of wanting to feel inferior, say they are subs..

Kudos to You James.. it is nice to see honesty, communication and the ability to know Yourself, before trying to Top or Dom someone else..
His_sugar said:

i haven't even read any other responses in this thread, and it makes perfect since to me.

i wish MORE Tops/Dom/me's could make the distinction of what exactly they are.. i think it would be wonderful for some to realize that they are Tops and not Doms.. just as i think there are alot of subs out there who are really bottoms.. but for lack of knowledge, or lack of wanting to feel inferior, say they are subs..

Kudos to You James.. it is nice to see honesty, communication and the ability to know Yourself, before trying to Top or Dom someone else..

I try :D
I don't always suceed LOL
But I try :D
James, that was a really great post. ;)

MissT, I am not lucky enough to have met James in r/l. He is one of the very few people here I would consider a friend. Talk to him for any length of time and you really get a sense of just how genuine a person he is.

I realize this has nothing to do with his D/s relationships, or maybe it does? I bet the reason he can hold it together where others fail is that he seems to be so true to himself.

Ok, enough ass kissing!!

redelicious said:
James, that was a really great post. ;)

MissT, I am not lucky enough to have met James in r/l. He is one of the very few people here I would consider a friend. Talk to him for any length of time and you really get a sense of just how genuine a person he is.

I realize this has nothing to do with his D/s relationships, or maybe it does? I bet the reason he can hold it together where others fail is that he seems to be so true to himself.

Ok, enough ass kissing!!


No, a little more, please :p
Amazing what you can blackmail them in to saying when you have their soul in a jar on your shelf ;)

Seriously, thanks Red ;)
James G 5 said:
No, a little more, please :p
Amazing what you can blackmail them in to saying when you have their soul in a jar on your shelf ;)

Seriously, thanks Red ;)

Oh yeah, did I mention he is the DEVIL???
James G 5 said:
Play & repartee is exactly what it is :D
in GENERAL I have one serious core relationship going in my life at any given time....a long term thing with a good degree of commitment
Pouty is my serious sweetie now, we've been together a year + and she put up with me so far
Moon is my occasional playmate D/s wise
I have a few other long time friends who I VERY occasionaly do public scenes with at clubs or conventions & the like (and that hasn't even happened since last summer)
And also very occasionally a few friends with whom I share physical intimacy
I am fortunate that Pouty is mostly accepting of this......it's how I am comfortable living. I say "mostly" because no relationship is ever without its road bumps. So far we've managed with communication, a little yelling, and a lot of hugging, to get thru most of them.
I've ALWAYS done better at being friends with woman than with men, and I'm a tremendous flirt.....hence the reparteee you mention. Just part of my nature, and I'm generally not TOOOO serious. Mostly. :D
But I love my lady friends and some times that carries over in to the physical. I meant what I've said in my posts about non-monogamy & believing in the beauty & power of sexual expression & contact.......Sure, sex is a wonderful special thing between comitted partners (which is where I see "making love" coming up) but handled well it can be a terrific bonding between friends as well.

Getting back to the original question, right now the answer is "none"
I've stated before that I am a TOP because I don't want the responsibility that comes with being a DOM
I make the distinction (for myself) as being one who Tops versus one who has subs.....the later being a deeper level of commitment that carries a lot more responsibility
I joke about Moon being my sub or subbie girl, but it's just that, joking....Moon is a long time FRIEND who I happen to play with, filling an area of personal need for us both. Luckily she & Pouty get along, and Pouty is interested in exploriong her Toppy side with Moon, so we'll see where it goes for the 3 of us.....we were all friends first and I hope regardless of anything else it stays that way!

Will I ever WANT a sub? I don't know
I have issues with having my primary relationship also being a Dom/sub relationship for a ton of reasons
And given my feelings about the level of commitment necessary to HAVE a sub, I'm not sure I could reconcile it with the commitment of a primary relationship. It would REALLY depend on the people involved & how they interacted with each other as well as myself.

I hope this had made SOME sense & answered your question LOL

James..thanks for this wonderful post..told in such an honest way, and a way that does not make Dom/me more or less than Top...just different for all the right reasons!
Shadowsdream said:
James..thanks for this wonderful post..told in such an honest way, and a way that does not make Dom/me more or less than Top...just different for all the right reasons!

Thanks for the kind words :D
James G 5 said:
That's the anti-perspirant Porph got me for XMas LOL

And here I thought your fresh clean aroma was from prision style showers in the backyard... damn! Just destroy all my realities James ::winks::

And yes, James is one of two people on earth that can go near my ankle without me beating them senseless. I do thank him for his abilities but wish he didn't get the phantom pains. At least you know I am not bullshitting when I say....stop stop stop...get off! and kick you across the room. ~M~
MystiqDrgn said:
And here I thought your fresh clean aroma was from prision style showers in the backyard... damn! Just destroy all my realities James ::winks::

And yes, James is one of two people on earth that can go near my ankle without me beating them senseless. I do thank him for his abilities but wish he didn't get the phantom pains. At least you know I am not bullshitting when I say....stop stop stop...get off! and kick you across the room. ~M~

Let's not mention the prison showers *shiver*

And you put the ankle thing in thr wrong thread LOL
That belongs over in the "Psychic Answers" stuff :p
James G 5 said:
Let's not mention the prison showers *shiver*

And you put the ankle thing in thr wrong thread LOL
That belongs over in the "Psychic Answers" stuff :p

You have my permission to move it ::smirks::
Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

Imi said:
Y'all know that you're in dangerous territory here. I mean, you know James...You trying to make him more arrogant?

*Imi runs away to get a head start*

Beyond what he already is? Is it possible? ;) :p
Just a little note from someone in the shadows....

James is probably one of the only men I've ever had this much respect for. He's a great friend to boot and would never steer you wrong. If I took his advice more often I probably wouldn't be living a Jerry Springer life right now. And yes I know he's the devil.