dirty haiku

Stopped writing .. is exactly why I started doing dirty haikus.
It's a quick nibble that gets the juices flowing, and in just a couple of weeks I've done a few poems, a few exercises, a bunch of starts and rough drafts and one actual submitted short story.
Hopefully, I will have the next one done today, spit-polished and submitted by the end of the weekend.

and then I can worry about mowing the lawn.
You must link me when it gets approved!

i read you to drink

narcotic bloom
within weeds

no trace
of this meal
you have always been

neon to places
out there.

on the way.
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Wow ... many thanks to ben, jax, ero and honey for very hot contributions yesterday.

It makes this pervert happy.

Hey thanks, nerk. I didn't think anybody actually read my scrabble. I think your stuff is quite interesting, too.
Hey thanks, nerk. I didn't think anybody actually read my scrabble. I think your stuff is quite interesting, too.

sometimes my daily haiku come easily
sometimes i have to force something out

I think there's maybe half a dozen worthwhile ones.

but none of mine are as fun as yours.
I still snicker at "urinal my dreams."
well urine mine too, pal.
you have always been

neon to places
out there.

on the way.

What I love about your poems (that I've read on this thread, anyway) is that they create an immediate feeling. There is always that sense that these words are just a single facet of something much larger.
day eighteen

nipple stiffens in
the breeze from the open door
waiting blindfolded
interloping here

perhaps the air of nectar

forgive the trespass
Silver Lining

thunder split the night
the cock arose fore the dawn
and the storm banged on
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t'is so simple, this:

distilled to cadence

she steps
where she will
Day Nineteen

tangled in her hair
his fingers pull – she struggles
to push him deeper
day twenty

tendrils cling, vines climb
the old elm. pull her to her
feet, licking her lips
Welcome river breeze!
Blossom tucked behind my ear
petals my shoulder.

I love this for the
exclamation mark, haiku
can be excited!

Something I tend to forget. As I rassle with images, I always seem to be pushing towards some sort of stillness. This is even sillier of me, given my chosen subject matter.
rumbling, mumblin noise
a distant sound rolling through
moans escaping me
Land Ho!

steadfast rudder be
lapping swells on tempest sea
spray upon the rocks
day twentyone

at dawn, reeds swaying
the party girl fish do not
see the heron's beak
fine example of erotica

Hey you!

Good to see you again. I've missed your thoughts. Your advice on the first days of my little project here were invaluable.

Many thanks if I hadn't thanked you before, and many more if I had. :D
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