Do men watch lesbian porn because they are insecure?

Maybe guys love woman/woman porn for the dominant females

You might be onto something here, at least from my standpoint. I like lesbian porn, but when I really like it is if one of the girls is dominant and the other is submissive. Something about a woman taking control of another woman seems to be a huge turn on for me. But that's just my opinion.
Lesbian porn means two girls, more of what we like.

Most man/woman porn is focused on body parts. Its all about close ups of some guy getting blown or of him shoving his cock in her pussy or up her ass. Not really very interesting to watch after the first few seconds.

Lesbian porn on the other hand tends to be about how each woman responds to what the other is doing. It's about female arousal, pleasure, and orgasm, which as a man I find very exciting to watch.
Lesbian porn means two girls, more of what we like.

Most man/woman porn is focused on body parts. Its all about close ups of some guy getting blown or of him shoving his cock in her pussy or up her ass. Not really very interesting to watch after the first few seconds.

Lesbian porn on the other hand tends to be about how each woman responds to what the other is doing. It's about female arousal, pleasure, and orgasm, which as a man I find very exciting to watch.

Great explanation Hans...although I don't lose interest after a few seconds. I find women making love tend to have patience in their love making as they explore each others pussy deeply and fav forplay indeed!!!
Do Men Watch Lesbian Porn Because They R Nsecure?

With me, it's just curiosity.
If certain men saw real lesbians, really fucking ...

Then they WOULD feel insecure.

Just saying. :p

Maybe certain ones, yeah. Unfortunately. The ones the OP was talking about. Super alpha fucks who can't. Can't fuck I mean.

I grew up with an aunt and a cousin who were lesbians and another cousin who is gay and my best friend whom I lived with for a year is a lesbian. I've seen everything from real life to lesbian made porn for lesbians.

Do I feel insecure or inferior? No. But then I never had much of an ego/self-esteem issue either. I KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt that straight, bi or other women I meet rarely if ever find me the slightest bit attractive.

I KNOW that my cock is not the center of the whole universe, or even MY universe. I do not worship my dick, nor does any woman on earth, including my much older girl friend. I know that I know nothing. But I DO listen and follow instructions and enjoy my partners pleasure and all aspects of sex in general. Does this make me don Juan D'marko? No.

I enjoy seeing passion. In any aspect. Women making love to another woman they lust or love...there isn't much in this world more passionate than that, short of watching two people kill each other and I get that with action flicks.
I have enjoyed Lesbian videos for years and don't feel insecure about either my manhood or my sexuality in the least. Women are erotic and sensual so why would we not like to see two together at once??