In the context of consensual sex, the act of anal sex is NOT inherently humiliating OR dominating. Why would it be any more of those things than, say, putting a tongue in someone else's mouth?I love being on the receiving end, but again, au contraire: if I allow my partner to use a dido on me I'm vulnerable and submissive. Doubly so if a man holds me down and fucks me; I only do it because the feeling of emasulation and humiliation are exquisite.
My wife doesn't feel humiliated or dominated by it. ..I don't feel humiliated or dominated by it. We both have a pretty keen sense for when we're being treated badly by someone but anal sex, giving or receiving, conjures NO such feelings in either of us. So why?
If someone derives kinky pleasure from feeling humiliated or dominated by consensual anal sex it, that's fine. ..But it's their choice to feel that way.
As to being held down and forcibly fucked in the ass? ..Well, that sounds like rape to me. Just sayin'
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