Do you have any font preferences?

wildsweetone said:
i don't know if this is helpful to anyone or not, but if you're having a hard time seeing the print on the screen AND if you have a scrolling mouse, then:

hold down the 'CONTROL' key, and

SCROLL ONE CLICK with your mouse.

you'll see the size of the font changing and that might make web pages easier for you to read.


Now I didn't know that either. This thread is a font of information. A font of font information. :D
Angeline said:
Now I didn't know that either. This thread is a font of information. A font of font information. :D

Your task is to write a melancholy love story poem that centers around the village font.

ETA - Villanelle, darling. Villanelle.
The_Fool said:
Your task is to write a melancholy love story poem that centers around the village font.

ETA - Villanelle, darling. Villanelle.

i can't wait to read it. :)
Eluard said:
I was wondering if any of you folk have any font preferences for your poems? Do you like to see your poems in, say, Garamond, or Bembo — or doesn't it matter at all to you.

A few years ago I set a book of poems of mine in Quark. And it was very important to me that the poems looked right — and for those poems that meant setting the whole thing in Bodoni. Now I am putting everything into Garamond Premium from Adobe.

I remember some time ago reading the views of an older poet saying that she thought her poems looked best in Monotype Baskerville.

I'm actually quite fond of Trebuchet MS, which is a Microsoft font. I find the sans serif fonts friendlier as it is, but I think there is something quite appealing about Trebuchet.