Do you hide your sexual needs from your significant other?

I think everyone goes through phases in life. Sexless marriage, try talking but doesnt matter. Not her thing now. Menopause , depression meds, so i come on Lit. Miss love making and closeness. Hope this will pass but been years, so chat with friends here and meet more new ones to help get through the tuff days.
I think everyone goes through phases in life. Sexless marriage, try talking but doesnt matter. Not her thing now. Menopause , depression meds, so i come on Lit. Miss love making and closeness. Hope this will pass but been years, so chat with friends here and meet more new ones to help get through the tuff days.
I hope it works out for you.
I tried having a conversation about new interests and was told that's disgusting and she became very judgemental. Needless to say that was the end of our sex life. She's a great woman and we've been together a really long time. I'm choosing to stay so I have to own that. Thankfully I found Lit and some like minded people so I don't have to completely hide that part of me. Wishing everyone all the happiness and satisfaction you can find. Stay safe
I think everyone goes through phases in life. Sexless marriage, try talking but doesnt matter. Not her thing now. Menopause , depression meds, so i come on Lit. Miss love making and closeness. Hope this will pass but been years, so chat with friends here and meet more new ones to help get through the tuff days.
Wow, is this my life? I know I need to communicate my feelings with my wife, but previous conversations have not gone well. So that makes it hard to bring up the topic again.

It’s also not a great feeling to constantly here about how she’s tired and I’m just another thing on her to do list that’s causing her stress. I back off and just play the supportive husband role while My life ticks by.

I wonder if this is a bigger problem in the US due to our hush hush society towards sex. I fucking hate it. I want to talk about sex all day. Thankfully Lit is here 😄👏🏻👏🏻👊🏻
Wow, is this my life? I know I need to communicate my feelings with my wife, but previous conversations have not gone well. So that makes it hard to bring up the topic again.

It’s also not a great feeling to constantly here about how she’s tired and I’m just another thing on her to do list that’s causing her stress. I back off and just play the supportive husband role while My life ticks by.

I wonder if this is a bigger problem in the US due to our hush hush society towards sex. I fucking hate it. I want to talk about sex all day. Thankfully Lit is here 😄👏🏻👏🏻👊🏻
I bring it up , here and there. Tend to do my own thing. Gotten more bold. Used to get caught stroking my cock. Nows it want to get caught to feel the rush of being caught. Well wife has come to the oint of just turning around and leaving the room. Can chat more if want about this wives or husbands , drop me a pm .
I tried having a conversation about new interests and was told that's disgusting and she became very judgemental. Needless to say that was the end of our sex life. She's a great woman and we've been together a really long time. I'm choosing to stay so I have to own that. Thankfully I found Lit and some like minded people so I don't have to completely hide that part of me. Wishing everyone all the happiness and satisfaction you can find. Stay safe
The one comment you made that raises a concern for me is the judgemental. Always being worried how your words will be weaponized against you. I have been there, I respect your choice, enjoy lit. 😍
If I had a SO, I wouldn't. :)

Good for you. Having talked to a few people in real life and virtually, sometimes situation evolves over years in a manner that was not previously assumed. Subtle changes happen and one day you realized, “oh my, how things are different.”

So what do you then?

Talk about it? That’s a good idea. What if talk gets you nowhere?

Leave that person? Not an easy situation especially if kids are involved.
I’m in a slightly different boat then some of y’all. I’m not married. When I get into a relationship. I tell her fairly early on what I like. That’s gone good and bad. Once in awhile I get that.. oh hell no. If you want that you better go find someone else. In most cases I do. I can’t do nilla relationship. Not saying I’m hard player but I need some kink in the relationship.
Just had a thought. If you have a hard time breaking the ice on sexual topics. Maybe make a joke. Like if they ask… what do you want to do this weekend? Tell them something new you want to do sexually. If they balk. Chuckle and say you were kidding. If they don’t balk. You just opened the door to talking about it
I tried having a conversation about new interests and was told that's disgusting and she became very judgemental. Needless to say that was the end of our sex life. She's a great woman and we've been together a really long time. I'm choosing to stay so I have to own that. Thankfully I found Lit and some like minded people so I don't have to completely hide that part of me. Wishing everyone all the happiness and satisfaction you can find. Stay safe
I know how you feel. Its great that i found lit. Makes all the sexual frustration satisfied 💯
I cannot talk to my husband about my fantasies he is too straight laced
Hide is probably wrong but as he is not remotely interested he certainly doesn't want to talk about them
My wife is the same way, the few I've shared were not well received. I learned to just stop there and keep the rest to myself.

Lit has helped me express some of them and it has also made me crave to want to experience others even more.

Do I hide my sexual needs from my significant other?​

Not all of them, but yes, a few.
(the poor guy's getting older and I'm getting ... wiser and a little more sneaky about them lol)
Someone else needs to comment here, I've read this 6 times now 🤔

Do I hide my sexual needs from my significant other?​

Yes! She has never had any interest in sex. I went from the best sex partner(who was crazy as hell and I found out was on some hard drugs) to the exact opposite! Never wants anything to do with sex and would probably kill over if she knew all my needs!
Unfortunately yes....
My wife knows some of my sexual history but thinks it's all forgotten now.
I love her and our life together but I know her feelings towards my kinks and desires and I also know they are turn offs for her so I don't raise them.
I dont even think my sig other even knows or cares i have any needs at all. I tried sharing a kink with her of my CD discovery. She was disgusted. It wasnt long after i turned to men and never looked back.

This could be ambitious.......but my partner (f) and I never hid anything, but we would hold that hiding? Guess it could be classed that it is. Anyway....

We would have open discussions etc, some recieved well, some causing hurt, but it was always refreshing and exciting. Fast forward to last week - I randomly over txt whilst she was away with work asked if she had any fantasy that I didn't know about. She did, but wanted to tell me over the ph, so I had to wait all day! Ohhhh the torture.....the excitement of thinking what could it be....

I'll cut a long story short haha - she told me, I was intrigued as fuck where it came from as previously it wasn't something she was into. I had a heap of questions, but she couldn't answer and started getting a bit grumpy with me..totally legit questions, but she hadn't spent much time thinking about the fantasy and why she felt that way and I guess my questions were too much - fair enough.

She got home a few days later and we spent the next three days covering that fantasy and a few others and it's been so farking hot.. the feelings of good and bad are crazy.... the emotions involved are....hard to explain.

We are totally honest with each other and the key thing with is, is that whatever comes from the fantasies - they involve both of us. They may happen, or they may not, but I'm fine with that, and would never push her to do something she may be uncomfortable or unsure of..

Long live the chats!
Depends on your relationship. But to me hiding such things from a partner seems harmful. We share everything and often the other is either excited to try it out, or at least willing to give it a shot. Sometimes it's a no go and that is okay to. Rather know for sure than not when it comes to your live long partner.
I don't hide them, but I've gotten to the point where I really don't try to address them with her anymore. It's become pretty obvious to me she doesn't care about them unless it affects her, so not much point in trying to address them anymore.
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