Do you read what you write?

Do I re-read my work? Now and again, for different reasons, such as say...I want to write a story that is either a sequel or a spin-off of sorts, and want to make sure my facts are down before I begin/submit it.

That's another reason I read over stuff I've written; wouldn't want to be caught out in an inconsistency or repeat a phrase.
Read what you write?

I am a new member to Literotica this month and I enjoy reading stories that are posted. I have to agree it is tiresome trying to read stories off the monitor screen, exspecially if the paragraphs are too long!

I read and re-read my own writings for several reasons. Mainly because I am my own editor and look for typo's, spelling errors and grammer mistakes but also because I write for my own pleasure and enjoyment. I write adult erotica fiction, I don't consider it porn or in bad taste, but everyone is an individual and has their own interests, fetishes and desires.
Quiet_Cool said:
but people who have it in thier heads that what is read in the Penthouse Forum is actual fiction.

That's kind of funny, becuase I got my start writing "dirty stories" by reading Penthouse Forum and thinking 'I could write a better story than that' and I just used to do it for fun. A lot of my stories are kind of along those lines. Before I found lit, everything I wrote was either totaly dirty or totaly clean, I was afraid to put sex into my other work. Now I might mix it up a bit and you might start to see more literary work from me, but right now its mostly just porn. But I do try to write the type of porn that *I* like, so I do usually reread it. Sometimes when I do I'm surprised that those words or ideas came from me- but that usually happens with all my writing. Its sort of like an out of body experience for me.
PoliteSuccubus said:
I'm trying to become more "erotica literate" and read more stories and poems on the site and other places, but I am finding a lot of it leaves me cold....Is this just me? Your thoughts?

I used to read a lot (how I came to find this site to begin with).

Once I started writing, I found I couldn't enjoy reading the way I used too. Now when I read, I'm drawn more to the technique and style, and don't enjoy the content like the old days.

Maybe something akin to finding out how a magic trick is done. Once you know it's not *really* magic, either you lose interest completely, or admire the skill of the magician. Either way, the magic is gone.
Re: Re: Do you read what you write?

OT said:
I used to read a lot (how I came to find this site to begin with).

Now when I read, I'm drawn more to the technique and style, and don't enjoy the content like the old days.

I think this is true of almost everything. If you play music, for example, you find yourself listening to technique and style instead of listening for content. If you play sports, you're probably watching with a different eye than someone who doesn't play. The flip side is that (in theory, I guess) you end up appreciating true excellence a lot more.

I've also noticed that with truly wonderful creations (music, literature, movies, etc.), you end up experiencing it all anyway -- the technique slips into the background, even if you can identify it to some extent later. That should be one definition of mastery at any skill: to be able to hide the effort, even from other masters...
I read some smut. But generally not a lot here. I read some here. My usual reading pattern for reading here is to read the first paragraph. If it catches my interest, I'll read the rest. Otherwise, I read none of it.

I generally read my own about six months to a year after it's been posted. If ever.

You have to read to write and I read a lot. I read erotica, I read pornography, I read romance novels, I read smut masquerading as romance novels, I read poetry, I read literature, I read general fiction, I read science fiction. I read tons of non-fiction.

Not as much as I used to, not enough time, but I read. If I find a story I like, I'll take it apart and see how it was put together and why it worked for me.
Re: Re: Do you read what you write?

OT said:
I used to read a lot (how I came to find this site to begin with).

Once I started writing, I found I couldn't enjoy reading the way I used too. Now when I read, I'm drawn more to the technique and style, and don't enjoy the content like the old days.

Maybe something akin to finding out how a magic trick is done. Once you know it's not *really* magic, either you lose interest completely, or admire the skill of the magician. Either way, the magic is gone.

I don't think the magic is gone for me, though I know exactly what you mean, as I think every writer does. Just like those magicians, when you can do some of those tricks yourself, it gets harder for others to impress you.
When i was younger, I loved the book A Wrinkle In time by Madeline L'Engle, and I still admire the creativity she put into her work, but her words and style don't really impress me any more. Now, I need a Stephen King or someone like him, someone whose writing goes the extra steps, to impress me. Just goes with the territory I guess. Once you learn sentence structure and style, they become part of the reading experience, instead of keeping your focus solely on the storyline and creativity behind it.