Does feedback change your writing?

Tatelou said:

The only feedback that would, and has, ever changed my writing is from fellow writers whom I admire and respect. I guess I would also take on board a critique from anyone, provided the critique itself was well written and made some constructive points.

My piece of advice: turn your bloody spellcheckers on!

Lou :rose:

When I'm working on a story that I really like, I do look at my bad habbits and try to correct them. If a story is exciting to me after a while then I will take it and work it over.

Spellcheckers won't catch wrong or missing words.
I just checked my stories and they have jumped a couple hundredths with no new votes, so obviously some low votes have been eliminated.
I have posted only two stories and received about 60 feedbacks, roughly divided in half by gender. While I appreciate all of the feedback, none of it was of a quality that would cause me to change my writing.
One story was about an older man betting that he could seduce a young bride on her honeymoon. The sex was a quickie during a party and the climax of the story was the woman's orgasm which ended the story -- he had won his bet, finis. The sex scene was purposefully short, intended to leave the reader a little frustrated. Well, none of the responders got it. Many called for a longer sex scene, others wanted a sequel when there wasn't enough plot for one, and several wanted the woman to get pregnant, which I don't understand at all.
Feedback - Woo woo woo

Occasionally I get feedback that has a profound effect on my writing. I got this one today. It's like a breath of fresh air <sigh>
This message contains feedback for: MathGirl
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Please write of young girls who demo'su-
periority over boys by sitting on their
faces & humilliating them,starting with
unwilling but helpless younger brother's.
And of black who sit on breasts & necks
of unwilling(at 1st)white virgin's & tea-
ch them to worship penises & sperm oraly
Woo hoo,
To date I have received only ONE comment/feedback on my stories. One. The rest have all been "Great story!" "Give us more!" "Continue this series!" with a few smatterings of more demonstrative commentary which was greatly appreciated but not very helpful in the way of improving my skills.

There is a fine line between opinion and critique, between taste and technical precision. And I think that the general readership on Literotica either lacks the know-how to tender serious critiques or helpful feedback. I wish there was a way to say, "Stop sending me fluff feedback" without sounding like an ass.
Mathgirl, that critique is just priceless. I think the same person sent me a critique that simply said, "more lesbian nurses."

Oddly enough, I have gotten two responses from men living in Greece on my story Greek Men Are Like This. One man said that he loved it and that I am right about all Greek men. He sent me a video file of his ejaculation. In a way, that's a sincere form of flattery. The second man said that I was all wrong, Greek men have more to offer than my story implied. He also wanted me to read some of his poetry.

You never know what you are going to get.
Originally posted by Marie Lavallois He also wanted me to read some of his poetry.
Dear ML,
I get a lot of people writing who want me to read their stuff. It often seems that's the main reason they write any feedback. I don't understand that.

I like getting feedback, but I very seldom read anything on Lit. Actually, DurtGurl is my favorite writer.
Ps. I never respond to feedback containing pictures and would never open a .mpg file sent by a reader. Especially a Greek. There's hair all over the place.
I enjoy reading the feedback. It is kind of funny when the feedback suggests what the main player of the story should and shouldn't do! Some suggestions are great while others just don't jive with the ideas in my mind; but, that is okay too.

It personally gives my a thrill when I get feedback from someone that says, "I loved your story! It made me so wet!".

Just a quick thought and personal opinion.
Practically the only feedback I ever got on Lit (other than from other writer's at AH) was about the RamSlut, a plot bunny from "Connie's Cure for Copulation."

The response: "Gee! Where can I get one of those?"

I don't even know how to take that, much less answer it. :rolleyes:

Elsewhere I get long, analytical, argumentative, or expansive feedback, but you tend to expect that when writing Science Fiction. ;)
Well, if Og is planning to try to shoot down "Onion Skinner" tell him to bring his lunch. :D


What is all this about, Math? :rolleyes:

"Let's you and him fight?" :confused:

Referring to Dr. M's thread on a new form of feedback it seem correct to post here. I get a lot of feedback of two kinds.

By far the most numerous kind is the "Great job..." feedback. That does nothing for me.

But occasionally, I get something else, either an honest comment about the style, plot, characters, etc. or an idea about a sequel. Those I always pay attention to and respond, happily.

Just my experience.
well, it depends . . .

Like some others have mentioned, I have always tried to have at least two people look over a story before it gets submitted. The biggest help here is that someone will tell me that the plot 'jerked' with a bad transition, or that something was not clear at all. I like to think I'm pretty good at proofing, so I try not to let too many of routine errors show up in anything.

The only lengthy responses I have seen were not for me, but for other, female authors. In one case it was plainly apparent that the criticism was nothing more than a way to get a dialog going in the hopes of more. Another, my only reaction was that the reader just didn't 'get it'. The writer was trying for an effect with style, and for this particular reader it was totally unsuccessful.

But the best feedback of all that I have ever seen was sent to a friend. I'm will post it here, edited to save potential embrassment.

>Hi there 'LIT NIC', This is a guy from India, My name is Rajiv,
>I am 27, from a sophisticated family.
>I really love & admire older women, I know I can really get along very
>well with older ones and I am sure seeing your snap that You are the
>one I was in search of.I would like to know you dear . I am sure our
>vibes will match to immense & we
>both can have a very long term relationship. Hey, I really mean it.
>My contact No. "overseas phone number"

>Do send your kind response.
>Awating your e.mail. I wanna hear from you Please.
>My e.mail-
>Give your contact no. & suitable time so that I can call.

all I want to know, is why I don't get any like this ????

But of course it is good to receive letters from readers:) but it would be impossible for me to change a story because of comments, the story is in my head and happens:( I have no control of it:)
OldnotDead, yes, I have gotten feedback like that also, flat out personals ads. I just ignore them.