Doxxed - Trump's MAGA has gone nuts

I don't give a shit. I'm merely commenting on the consequences of your labor.
Which is not relevant to my comment, outside of someone saying they did something. The receipts will confirm the amount.
Yet where was your outrage when Maxine Waters wanted dems to acost and harass republican politicians and their supporters? Just more double standard hypocrisy
Pretty thin whaddaboutism, even for you.
Trump has 30% of America will to line up to lick his shoes clean.
Maxine Waters probably has fewer than ten fanboys who'd at most offer to pick up her drycleaning.
When the jury and judges commit treason, yes they will hang, just like the rest of them that committ treason! What has Trump done the last 4 years? He has brought forward the treasonous communists in this country's judicial system, lured them out of hiding, and exposed them all for the world to see! Now its his turn to have fun with these stupid commies who thought they could get Trump on 100% bogus charges! Guess what? Now they die! Paybacks are a bitch! Watch what happens! I will ask again since none of you brainless wonders have answered. Why hasnt Commie Joe closed GITMO? After all, he ran his 2020 campaign on that promise. And Trump put a half a billion into it! i can promise you, it wasnt to give the 911 camel jockies more room to roam!🤪😁🤪 and why are there over 700 Missouri National guard stationed there? NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!
When the jury and judges commit treason, yes they will hang, just like the rest of them that committ treason! What has Trump done the last 4 years? He has brought forward the treasonous communists in this country's judicial system, lured them out of hiding, and exposed them all for the world to see! Now its his turn to have fun with these stupid commies who thought they could get Trump on 100% bogus charges! Guess what? Now they die! Paybacks are a bitch! Watch what happens! I will ask again since none of you brainless wonders have answered. Why hasnt Commie Joe closed GITMO? After all, he ran his 2020 campaign on that promise. And Trump put a half a billion into it! i can promise you, it wasnt to give the 911 camel jockies more room to roam!🤪😁🤪 and why are there over 700 Missouri National guard stationed there? NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!
Another post of yours to pass on to your fans....Thank you!!
When the jury and judges commit treason, yes they will hang, just like the rest of them that committ treason! What has Trump done the last 4 years? He has brought forward the treasonous communists in this country's judicial system, lured them out of hiding, and exposed them all for the world to see! Now its his turn to have fun with these stupid commies who thought they could get Trump on 100% bogus charges! Guess what? Now they die! Paybacks are a bitch! Watch what happens! I will ask again since none of you brainless wonders have answered. Why hasnt Commie Joe closed GITMO? After all, he ran his 2020 campaign on that promise. And Trump put a half a billion into it! i can promise you, it wasnt to give the 911 camel jockies more room to roam!🤪😁🤪 and why are there over 700 Missouri National guard stationed there? NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!
The Missouri national guard is stationed at the border in Texas, per the governor.
I see none of you communists have an answer to Why Biden hasnt closed GITMO when he doesnt even need congress or the senate! All he has to do is sign his name! You know,like Trump did to Gay boi Obama's order to shut it down! I will give you all a hint! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!

Life is grand unless your a RETARDED communist LEFTIST! Then not so much and its gonna get much much worse for you all! Thats a PROMISE!🤪😂😅😆🤣. WWG1WGA!
I see none of you communists have an answer to Why Biden hasnt closed GITMO when he doesnt even need congress or the senate! All he has to do is sign his name! You know,like Trump did to Gay boi Obama's order to shut it down! I will give you all a hint! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!

Life is grand unless your a RETARDED communist LEFTIST! Then not so much and its gonna get much much worse for you all! Thats a PROMISE!🤪😂😅😆🤣. WWG1WGA!
Nobody is required to answer your delusional rant about made up shit in your head.

What I see is a delusional freak who deserves what they get. (Wisiadfwdwtf) 👍
If it is proven that you have committed treason you will die like the others have died! If you have committed crimes against humanity you will die like the others! If you have committed Sedition, you will die! Its not a secret, GITMO has remained open for a reason! Why do you think the news media will say AnYTHING to keep Trump out! They KNOW its a matter of life and DEATH as do many many MANY politicians! Like DJT says over and over. QUICK TRIALS, BANG!i you can read. about executions going on on numerous websites if you choose to. You can do your own research if you choose to. Executions were started immediately after Trump took office and have continued to this day! We dont care if you believe it or not, we really dont! Why is GITMO still open after Commie Joe ran his campaign on closing it? Why did Trump put a half a billion into it? Well you will all find out sooner or later and yes, communist liberal mental breakdowns will be rampant and hilarious to watch! Remember, Trump doesnt get upset, not even a little, he gets even X1000!

Disgraced Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows received an unceremonious trip to the netherworld on May 26 as she was hanged to death at Guantanamo Bay for having committed treason against the United States of America.

As reported, a military panel found Bellows guilty a week earlier and recommended JAG impose the maximum punishment. As expected, the verdict enraged the Deep State stooge, who spent the last six days of her life sobbing uncontrollably and begging for a chance to appeal the ruling to Joseph R. Biden.

Admiral Crandall, known for witticisms and gallows humor, entertained Bellows’ request and stood beside her while she dialed the White House, identified herself to an operator, and said she needed Biden to parley for her freedom. “There’s no Joseph Biden here,” she was told and hung up on. The admiral broke the news to her: Biden had never set foot in the actual White House, but had he, he would’ve at once been arrested, tried, and executed as a war criminal. The admiral encouraged her to prepare for a “long nap.”

That siesta came shortly after 10:00 a.m. on May 26, subsequent to Bellows feverishly begging for her life atop the gallows with a loop of rope around her neck and a black sack covering her head.

“Please don’t kill me. I’ll do whatever you ask,” Bellows cried out.

“Will you apologize to President Trump and ask his forgiveness?” asked Admiral Crandall.

“Yes, yes I will,” Bellows replied.

“Will you go on television to say Trump is not an insurrectionist and you were wrong to want to keep his name off the ballot? Will you say you’re sorry to all the residents of Maine and the United States?” Adm. Crandall said.

She nodded her bagged head vigorously. “Yes, Yes, Yes…I’ll do all that. Whatever you ask. I don’t want to die.”

“The only thing worse than a traitor, detainee Bellows, is a cowardly traitor,” the admiral said condescendingly. “At least have the courage to stand on your principles and face death courageously.”

“Oh, God, no,” she wailed.

“Don’t bring His name into this. It’s your doing.”

The admiral instructed the hangman behind Bellows to open the door beneath her trembling legs.

She was pronounced dead a few minutes later.

“They’re all the same,” the admiral told a few White Hat officers in attendance.
God I hate seeing you in the lesbian/bi women threads