Doxxed - Trump's MAGA has gone nuts

Pretty thin whaddaboutism, even for you.
Trump has 30% of America will to line up to lick his shoes clean.
Maxine Waters probably has fewer than ten fanboys who'd at most offer to pick up her drycleaning.
So because she is a weak ass piece of shit what she did gets a pass from you. Gotcha. Hypocrite.
So because she is a weak ass piece of shit what she did gets a pass from you. Gotcha. Hypocrite.
No it's demonstrating how deep that you had to dive to come up with your weaksauce "false equivalency" fallacy.
It's deflection, specifically "whaddaboutism", in its most pure form.
You're hardwired to try and force your political opponents to "play defense", and now you're pouting because you've failed to accomplish your mission.

We mock you, not just because we can, but also because you deserve it.
Did you support Maxine Waters and her outright telling people to get in the face of republican lawmakers and conservative voters? To harass and accost them in public?
Oh, not get in their faces! You are almost as big of an idiot as those tandt meth heads.
No it's demonstrating how deep that you had to dive to come up with your weaksauce "false equivalency" fallacy.
It's deflection, specifically "whaddaboutism", in its most pure form.
You're hardwired to try and force your political opponents to "play defense", and now you're pouting because you've failed to accomplish your mission.

We mock you, not just because we can, but also because you deserve it.

I also recall Maxine Waters (etc) being motivated by the fact that a MAGAt cop had murdered a black man in handcuffs in police custody with apparent indifference not long after the corrupt orange traitor encouraged cops to be rough on handcuffed individual in police custody. Maxine Waters (etc) was also motivated by the fact that the officers involved in the murder and the police department they worked for had already tried to cover up the murder.


I recall the MAGAts being motivated by “The Big Lie”, etc.

All that, ^ makes TH’s attempt at whataboutism even more pathetic.

No it's demonstrating how deep that you had to dive to come up with your weaksauce "false equivalency" fallacy.
It's deflection, specifically "whaddaboutism", in its most pure form.
You're hardwired to try and force your political opponents to "play defense", and now you're pouting because you've failed to accomplish your mission.

We mock you, not just because we can, but also because you deserve it.
It's no deflection. Where was your outrage when one of your heroes told people to openly harass, accost, and make republicans feel afraid to be out in public? You had none because you are nothing but a liberal fucking tool. Whatever your side does is fine, but everything the other side does is wrong. That's as fucked up an opinion as you are fucked up.

I'm not trying to make you do anything except realize that your hypocrisy is shining through bright and strong. TDS has its hold on you and you can't let go.

In order to mock me I must first respect your opinion. I don't respect your opinion, or you, or give a damn what you say to me. You have a history of dragging shit up, or making shit up, to try and silence me. Too bad, so sad, I'm not shutting up or going away. Move along little man you have no power here.
It's no deflection. Where was your outrage when one of your heroes told people to openly harass, accost, and make republicans feel afraid to be out in public? You had none because you are nothing but a liberal fucking tool.
I'm not saying this didn't happen, but no names come to mind for a person from the left. Care to share the name?

Also I can list of a dozen rightwing members of the Republican party without thinking about it and the bunch here doing the exact same and zero outrage from you about it.
Well, darling, that would be highly illegal if that were true of his campaign.

Again, I’ll wait for the FEC filings to come out.
Not true dear, there were no legal limits on the amount of money a billionaire could contribute to a political super PAC (Political Action Committee). However, they must adhere to the regulations and disclosure requirements set by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Which is not relevant to my comment, outside of someone saying they did something. The receipts will confirm the amount.
People are handing Trump boatloads of money because of the destruction wrought by the party you voted for and their communist ideas.
No it's demonstrating how deep that you had to dive to come up with your weaksauce "false equivalency" fallacy.
It's deflection, specifically "whaddaboutism", in its most pure form.
You're hardwired to try and force your political opponents to "play defense", and now you're pouting because you've failed to accomplish your mission.

We mock you, not just because we can, but also because you deserve it.
Rob is a big fan of Maxine "Melting Hound Dog" Waters.
Not true dear, there were no legal limits on the amount of money a billionaire could contribute to a political super PAC (Political Action Committee). However, they must adhere to the regulations and disclosure requirements set by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
I understand that. I’ve done a lot of work in campaign finance. A PAC is far different than a campaign, which is what you said.
No they do not. Nor can they work directly with campaigns on how the money is spent.
This from a simple search:

A political action committee (PAC) can contribute to a campaign through various means, subject to the regulations set forth by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and other relevant laws. Here are some common ways a political super PAC can support a campaign:

  1. Independent Expenditures: A super PAC can spend unlimited amounts of money on independent expenditures to advocate for or against a candidate. This can include advertising, mailers, phone banks, and other forms of communication that expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a specific candidate. These expenditures must be made independently of the candidate's campaign and cannot be coordinated with the candidate or their campaign staff.
  2. Issue Advocacy: Super PACs can also engage in issue advocacy by promoting or opposing particular policies, initiatives, or legislative proposals. While these activities may indirectly benefit certain candidates or parties, they are not subject to the same contribution limits and disclosure requirements as direct campaign contributions.
  3. Fundraising: Super PACs can raise funds from individuals, corporations, labor unions, and other entities, subject to certain contribution limits and disclosure requirements. They can then use these funds to support candidates through independent expenditures or other activities.
  4. Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) Efforts: Super PACs may conduct voter mobilization and turnout efforts to support their preferred candidates. This can include voter registration drives, canvassing, and other activities aimed at encouraging supporters to vote on Election Day.
  5. Legal Defense: In some cases, super PACs may provide financial support for legal defense expenses incurred by candidates or political parties. This can include legal challenges to campaign finance regulations, ballot access disputes, or other legal matters related to the campaign.

That said, I believe you to be in error.
This from a simple search:

A political action committee (PAC) can contribute to a campaign through various means, subject to the regulations set forth by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and other relevant laws. Here are some common ways a political super PAC can support a campaign:

  1. Independent Expenditures: A super PAC can spend unlimited amounts of money on independent expenditures to advocate for or against a candidate. This can include advertising, mailers, phone banks, and other forms of communication that expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a specific candidate. These expenditures must be made independently of the candidate's campaign and cannot be coordinated with the candidate or their campaign staff.
  2. Issue Advocacy: Super PACs can also engage in issue advocacy by promoting or opposing particular policies, initiatives, or legislative proposals. While these activities may indirectly benefit certain candidates or parties, they are not subject to the same contribution limits and disclosure requirements as direct campaign contributions.
  3. Fundraising: Super PACs can raise funds from individuals, corporations, labor unions, and other entities, subject to certain contribution limits and disclosure requirements. They can then use these funds to support candidates through independent expenditures or other activities.
  4. Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) Efforts: Super PACs may conduct voter mobilization and turnout efforts to support their preferred candidates. This can include voter registration drives, canvassing, and other activities aimed at encouraging supporters to vote on Election Day.
  5. Legal Defense: In some cases, super PACs may provide financial support for legal defense expenses incurred by candidates or political parties. This can include legal challenges to campaign finance regulations, ballot access disputes, or other legal matters related to the campaign.

That said, I believe you to be in error.
None of that says a PAC can give money directly to a campaign, which you have said they can do twice. I understand you think I am in error, and keep trying to prove me wrong, but this is an area I know well. Google away, but understand what you are posting. :)
None of that says a PAC can give money directly to a campaign, which you have said they can do twice. I understand you think I am in error, and keep trying to prove me wrong, but this is an area I know well. Google away, but understand what you are posting. :)
Through those five means, they can contribute to a campaign, my dear.
Not true dear, there were no legal limits on the amount of money a billionaire could contribute to a political super PAC (Political Action Committee). However, they must adhere to the regulations and disclosure requirements set by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Here is where years of intellectual dishonesty are of immense benefit to weak minded individuals like Vetteman.
Agalphome remarks that billionaires are limited to what they can contribute to individual political campaigns.
What does Vetteman do? Rather than be a man and concede the point to Agla, he effortlessly moves the goalposts and substitutes "political super PAC" for "campaign". This is also a red herring.

A political Super PAC cannot solicit funds for an individual candidate.

Vetteman brings great shame to himself, his father and his family name.
Small wonder he was banished to Idaho.
Through those five means, they can contribute to a campaign, my dear.
Call it what you will, but it is not “campaign funds” given to his “campaign”. Words have meanings.
Trump said that he was "beating Biden, by the way, by a lot," adding that "right after the announcement of this, more campaign funds were given to this campaign than any campaign they think in history, almost $400 million."
Call it what you will, but it is not “campaign funds” given to his “campaign”. Words have meanings.
Not to wrong guide. Look at his sources.

Question is, when Daddy Vlady tells him he is loved, will he know what that means?

When he suggests he take his plane to get home, will he know what that means too?

I’m guessing not.
Here is where years of intellectual dishonesty are of immense benefit to weak minded individuals like Vetteman.
Agalphome remarks that billionaires are limited to what they can contribute to individual political campaigns.
What does Vetteman do? Rather than be a man and concede the point to Agla, he effortlessly moves the goalposts and substitutes "political super PAC" for "campaign". This is also a red herring.

A political Super PAC cannot solicit funds for an individual candidate.

Vetteman brings great shame to himself, his father and his family name.
Small wonder he was banished to Idaho.
Does he think anything he posted means they can “funnel money into campaigns?”

Trump’s campaign can have zero input into how a PAC spends their money, zero.
Does he think anything he posted means they can “funnel money into campaigns?”

Trump’s campaign can have zero input into how a PAC spends their money, zero.
Took Capone down by following the money
