Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

I disagree with your opinion on the matter.

You are wrong. Sorry but there it is. On this you are wrong.
No, I am not wrong at all. Stop being in denial.

You are using hyperbole.
I'm using facts.

Being, essentially, just as stupidly emotional as the MAGA morons.
Why shouldn't I be emotional? I'm being honest.

Yes we have something of a plutocracy
So having said that I'm wrong, you now say that I'm right.

mostly enabled by an apathetic electorate.
In reality, it's a rejection of the big two parties rather than apathy.

However it does not mean we do not have a democracy and that we have no recourse.

Try voting in an authoritarian regime.
What democracy? How do I exercize my vote to stop billionaires running the big corporations and banks in America? How do I stop the seemingly endless wars of the military industrial complex and their wasting of our federal taxes on this madness? Certainly not by voting Democratic or Republican. That system must be torn down, not protected and not propped up. A vote for Biden would be the best way to prop up that system.
I disagree with your opinion on the matter.

No, I am not wrong at all. Stop being in denial.

I'm using facts.

Why shouldn't I be emotional? I'm being honest.

So having said that I'm wrong, you now say that I'm right.

In reality, it's a rejection of the big two parties rather than apathy.

What democracy? How do I exercize my vote to stop billionaires running the big corporations and banks in America? How do I stop the seemingly endless wars of the military industrial complex and their wasting of our federal taxes on this madness? Certainly not by voting Democratic or Republican. That system must be torn down, not protected and not propped up. A vote for Biden would be the best way to prop up that system.

Actually it's an exercise in not being aware of harm reduction.

What democracy? The one that most of ignore. That's the one. You know, the one where we have literally 4 to 5 times as never voters as always voters.

Torn down? Fuck right off. Sorry but I'm not in the mood for complete anarchy because your knickers are in a knot. I didn't realize you were an idiot that wants the chaos and instability of a destroyed country because you are delusional enough to think that we have a populace interested and intelligent enough to remake society.

Yeah you are being as stupidly emotional as the MAGAs. Practicality is more useful.
Actually it's an exercise in not being aware of harm reduction.

What democracy? The one that most of ignore. That's the one. You know, the one where we have literally 4 to 5 times as never voters as always voters.

Torn down? Fuck right off. Sorry but I'm not in the mood for complete anarchy because your knickers are in a knot. I didn't realize you were an idiot that wants the chaos and instability of a destroyed country because you are delusional enough to think that we have a populace interested and intelligent enough to remake society.

Yeah you are being as stupidly emotional as the MAGAs. Practicality is more useful.
Where there's chaos, there's opportunity.

Do you really think the status quo isn't chaos already? US authority across the world weakening, over half of Americans working from pay check to pay check, a dislike of both Biden and Trump even as they overwhelmingly dominate their parties' primaries. Chaos is here already. I don't want to prop up the status quo, I want to tear it down.
Where there's chaos, there's opportunity.

Do you really think the status quo isn't chaos already?

I believe that you are living in lala land about any sort of revolution.

Most people can't be bothered to vote more than once every two years, and a good chunk of them only once every four years. Yet they are supposed to be interested, knowledgeable enough and able to rebuild and recreate a society and government.

You are not operating from reality. You are engaging in wishful thinking.
Where there's chaos, there's opportunity.

Do you really think the status quo isn't chaos already? US authority across the world weakening, over half of Americans working from pay check to pay check, a dislike of both Biden and Trump even as they overwhelmingly dominate their parties' primaries. Chaos is here already. I don't want to prop up the status quo, I want to tear it down.
Tearing the system down is a stupid idea.
Hmm? To not vote for the lesser evil opens the White House who wants to be a Dictator for jussssssst ONE DAY!


Nope! I can’t stand aside

I want 20? Reps in the House and Senate to get their asses in gear to force the middle voice to be heard! So many things need to be fixed!!

Stop all election bribery!! Create public election system for those who want change

Eliminate the filibuster

Rebalance the Supreme Court

Make a common election system nationwide

Stop Gerymandering

Put teeth into Constitutional ideas like Emoluments and hmmm the 14th Amendment

Make some laws to govern the goddamn courts and judges!! Who knew the bullshit they were allowing one another??

Stop all congressional/government inside trading

Make voting proportional nationwide. Let the electoral college balance remain.

Create new states. Start with Washington DC
If Puerto Rico doesn’t want it, at least change the archaic shipping rules!!!
Where there's chaos, there's opportunity.

Do you really think the status quo isn't chaos already? US authority across the world weakening, over half of Americans working from pay check to pay check, a dislike of both Biden and Trump even as they overwhelmingly dominate their parties' primaries. Chaos is here already. I don't want to prop up the status quo, I want to tear it down.
Hey RR. How are the grandkids? Getting together for Easter? Apologies from me now for I’m about to throw stones at you while you bear your burdensome and silly cross. As stated before, I’m of the same general inclination of many of your opinions. Less wars? Uh, yeah! More 3rd party and political options to lessen the power of money? Woohoo! Unfortunately, because of you, I almost wish that this angle of opinion would be, in this forum, left as an empty, waiting to be filled space. You do such a poor job advocating on virtually every issue (except abortion) that it makes me want to turn and run away instead of sparking an interest to entertain your position. You are doing a disservice to the cause. I’ve hoped for you to get better but ya haven’t. Folks have asked for better explanations for your support of 3rd party candidates and you seem clueless. I’m sorry but until someone other than you comes along doing the hard work of building a foundation and not showing up once every 4 years to recklessly toss Molotov cocktails at high flying planes then I will not be wasting my vote for them especially in the face of a Republican Party bent on authoritarianism worship.
Trump doesn't even remember his four Easters at the White House where the very same policy has been in effect and determined by the American Egg Council. This isn't new, but Donald doesn't seem to remember that.

FYI - irrational anger is a sign of dementia.

(Considering he spends all day seething, his dementia must be very advanced.)

This is how a victim of dementia and alzheimer's wishes everyone a Happy Easter.


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Joe Biden should take out a one-page ad in some major newspaper and post it without comment. It speaks volumes for itself. The visual Press would be all over this commentary in a heartbeat. Lots of free advertising.
Joe Biden should take out a one-page ad in some major newspaper and post it without comment. It speaks volumes for itself. The visual Press would be all over this commentary in a heartbeat. Lots of free advertising.

And let's be honest here. Imagine for one moment that Biden posted that message.

Holy cow. The noise from all the people freaking out would be heard from Mars.

Language problems​

  • using words incorrectly – for example, calling a sheep a dog
  • loss of vocabulary
  • repeating a limited number of phrases
  • forgetting the meaning of common words
  • slow, hesitant speech
  • difficulty making the right sounds to say words
  • getting words in the wrong order
  • automatically repeating things other people have said

Problems with mental abilities​

  • difficulty working things out and needing to be told what to do
  • poor planning, judgement and organisation
  • becoming easily distracted
  • thinking in a rigid and inflexible way
  • losing the ability to understand abstract ideas
  • difficulty recognising familiar people or objects
  • memory difficulties, although this is not common early on

Physical problems​

  • slow, stiff movements, similar to Parkinson's disease
  • daily activities may be more difficult including eating and problems swallowing
  • loss of bladder control
  • loss of bowel control

There's a lot of Trump's behavior outlined there.
'Demented' Trump 'incapable of doing the job' as psychologist spots 4 signs of Donald's dementia

Amid the dozens of gaffes the former president has made at rallies over the past several months and even years as he pushes for a second term in the White House, Dr. John Gartner took it upon himself to warn the public of what they might be getting themselves into as the Republican frontrunner is slated to face off against incumbent Democrat Joe Biden - who has made his own fair share of gaffes during speeches and public events.

"Trump is very manic. He's got all this energy and charisma," Gartner told TheMirror.com. "But actually, he's more like the Wizard of Oz. He appears strong, but pay no attention to that demented man behind the curtain. Once you pull that curtain away and people see him for who he really is, not strong but so cognitively weak, I would say he's no longer just unfit for the job - he's now incapable of doing the job."

From the article:

Gartner listed four signs of dementia he and other experts say they've noticed in the former president — language use, memory fallacies, behaviour and motor performance.


Experts who signed the petition said Trump constantly makes language mistakes called phonemic aphasias, which Gartner said are "strongly indicative of dementia." A phonemic aphasia occurs when the root or stem of a word is present but the word actually used doesn't exist — for example, when Trump tries to say a word like "Christmas," but it comes out as "Chrissis" or something similar.

Trump also makes semantic aphasias, which are similar but pertain to the definition of a specific word. For example, he might say something along the lines of, "You can see the truth in the oranges of the case," Gartner said, where he misuses the word oranges.


Dwindling memory skills are also a hallmark sign of dementia, if they fall under a specific category of gaffes. Both Trump and Biden have been known to forget names here and there — but it's when Trump mixes people up that concern grows.

But when Trump confuses Nikki Haley, his opponent in the Republican race for the presidential nomination and his former UN Ambassador, with the leader of security at the U.S. Capitol, that's a sign of dementia, he said. Mixing or combining two individuals or transcending generations is deeper than a simple memory gaffe, Gartner explained.


Shifts or changes in behaviour are also hallmark signs of dementia, Gartner said, noting the way Trump has been more confused, more irritable, more paranoid, more impulsive, more aggressive and more impaired than usual.

Insiders who used to work with Trump in the White House have come forward and said the real estate mogul behaved aggressively, and in an over-the-top manner, at times when it wasn't appropriate.

Motor functionality​

Another obvious sign of dementia is a decrease in motor functions. Gartner noted Trump's "wide-based gait" in which he swings his leg around in a semicircle when he walks, as if his leg is a "dead weight."Trump is also pictured frequently leaning forward, which Gartner said could be a sign of frontotemporal dementia, or a form of the syndrome that impacts the frontal lobe of the brain.

Videos that went viral during and after his presidency show Trump struggling to hold water bottles and glasses, too, shaking as he attempts to sip from them, even as he holds them with two hands. A video of him struggling to drink Fiji water went viral during his tenure in office. Other images show him leaning on tables. Gartner said his father had Alzheimer's, so Trump may also have that.


Unhinged? Try mentally off his rocker, in full blown cognitive decline. Dementia has taken hold.

So, Donald did you enjoy your Easter?

77 posts of crazy, demented bullshit.

Yeah this man is not doing well.
Somebody mentioned it before.

Might be fun for the DNC to run ads with nothing but Don L'Orange speaking, or posting screenshots of his posts. Let him do his own talking.

Then at the end, something like ... 'Is this who you'd trust?'
'Demented' Trump 'incapable of doing the job' as psychologist spots 4 signs of Donald's dementia
Yet Trump becomes across as pompous and comedic, and Biden comes across as senile. They both come across as dangerous, one in a crazed, hot-headed way and the other in a cold, detached way.
Yet Trump becomes across as pompous and comedic, and Biden comes across as senile. They both come across as dangerous, one in a crazed, hot-headed way and the other in a cold, detached way.

Biden as senile? Pffft step away from the mainstream and right wing media. If he's senile then every freaking president should be considering all he's gotten accomplished with massive headwinds.