
Now look here this wet dreams thing is very sexist and unfair ..... mind your there could be a poem in there ' she was only his wet dream' hmm will have to think on that

Penis envy?
Just a fact of physiology. Same applies to ease of going behind the bushes to relieve oneself.

Nice wet dream poem you took the trigger and ran away with it well!
Penis envy?
Just a fact of physiology. Same applies to ease of going behind the bushes to relieve oneself.

Nice wet dream poem you took the trigger and ran away with it well!

God no I wouldn't want a cock or balls for that matter apart from anything else there's too much risk of injury to my mind, just dangling there and it's not a very pretty sight either. Last turkey in the shop springs to mind then there's all the worry about is it big enough?

Thanks for getting the juices running lol (pun intended grooooooan)
God no I wouldn't want a cock or balls for that matter apart from anything else there's too much risk of injury to my mind, just dangling there and it's not a very pretty sight either. Last turkey in the shop springs to mind then there's all the worry about is it big enough?

Thanks for getting the juices running lol (pun intended grooooooan)

The balls are especially sensitive hanging out there.
My wife probably had envy when just a girl and needing to pee.
Now with me, its more desire than envy!;)
Had a dream last night where there was some kind of weird cult leader and his little boy running away from some sort of law enforcement official. They ran up a hill and into some woods. The dad took off his clothes as they ran. The sheriff gave chase.

The father and son got away and spent three days in the woods. They had their clothes back on but it got very cold and the little boy was very cold. They tried to pile up leaves for insulation. Also, they came to a stream and the dad through the boy into it to try to get across and he got even colder.

I think it ended there.
Last week, I had three dreams featuring bald eagles. By the third dream, I was curious what bald eagles mean in dream interpretation. Though I don't necessarily believe in that as I believe much of the meaning in dreams is too personal to be universal. However, I also believe Jung's philosophy of archetypes.

Anyway, the dream analysis resource said that bald eagles signal goals and aspirations. Being that I am a very goal-oriented person, I could believe that. Then, I saw that if the eagle is tethered to something, that is considered what is holding the dreamers back from their goals. In each of my dreams, the eagle was attached to me. hmmm.. I thought that was interesting and actually rather insightful.
that is interesting. i feel the same away about dream interpretation books... there is so much that is so personal in dreams... but still, like you say, the theory of archetypal stories and such i guess suggests that even the personal elements have somehow been processed through something in the self that leaves a sort of universally relevant personal experience... or something :)
Had a dream last night where there was some kind of weird cult leader and his little boy running away from some sort of law enforcement official. They ran up a hill and into some woods. The dad took off his clothes as they ran. The sheriff gave chase.

The father and son got away and spent three days in the woods. They had their clothes back on but it got very cold and the little boy was very cold. They tried to pile up leaves for insulation. Also, they came to a stream and the dad through the boy into it to try to get across and he got even colder.

I think it ended there.

Could it be that the man was throwing away encombrances, do you feel there is something holding you back? If that is so strange that you and Lady have had similar dreams although I suppose we all have that sort of feeling at sometime or other
Any idea about trains in train stations? I've had 3 dreams recently (this month) with trains and train stations. Lots of the other details are different, and some dreams on other subjects.
Any idea about trains in train stations? I've had 3 dreams recently (this month) with trains and train stations. Lots of the other details are different, and some dreams on other subjects.

sounds very phallic to me :) do you go into any tunnels? :D
sounds very phallic to me :) do you go into any tunnels? :D

Sometimes a locamotive is just a locamotive?

Say, I just read that the Obamas are spending the weekend in the very town in NC to which we are currently moving. And the first place they went is this great bbq place we ate when we were there before. So this just goes to show that the Obamas have taste as good as eagleyez and Angeline! (Or um vice versa.)
Sometimes a locamotive is just a locamotive?

Say, I just read that the Obamas are spending the weekend in the very town in NC to which we are currently moving. And the first place they went is this great bbq place we ate when we were there before. So this just goes to show that the Obamas have taste as good as eagleyez and Angeline! (Or um vice versa.)

Wow you are trend setters for the rich and famous :)
didn't want my boys to be late for school
one of them doesn't like cream cheese on his toast
No tunnels - just train stations & passenger cars (coach, not sleeper). One seemed to be set at Union Station in Chicago, another in one of the western suburbs on the Burlington line, the third was less clear.
a weird one last night - like a lot of dreams i know i've forgotten lots of it, but i'd met up with someone from Lit that i already know, and we were spending some time picnicking at a big park ... just friends hanging out on a sunny afternoon. he disappeared off a few times, but that was fine, since i went for a wander too, but didn't want to go too far in case we missed meeting up again. well our paths crossed and i guessed he's been to look at the aberdeen angus there.

as we walked and talked (must have been making our way home) he took my hand and held it; only by now he was this super-tall (about 8'!!) slender black man with superb exotic features (like a Maasai but no neck rings). his fingers really drew my attention - so long and finely made, very smooth; anyway, he was wearing this modern three-quarter length silver grey fake fur coat. i buried my face into the sleeve as we walked and didn't speak any more, the fur was about an inch and a half long and so soft!

lmfao. dreams are so stupid! hahahahaha
Any idea about trains in train stations? I've had 3 dreams recently (this month) with trains and train stations. Lots of the other details are different, and some dreams on other subjects.

I looked in my friend's dream book at work. Here are the entries for train and travel. I forgot to write down the name of the book. It's a rather old, battered, yellowed paperback book if that helps.

Train. If the train was standing in the station or on a side track, it
forecasts an unexpected hitch or delay in your plans; otherwise see Travel.

Travel. A sudden substantial increase in status and/or income is forecast in
a dream of traveling for pleasure. Other travel dreams must be interpreted
by references to the cause, means, and other details of the dream.

So there you go. My friend suggested perhaps the dreamer had been watching too much Harry Potter LOL. I don't know if I go in for the forecasting aspect of the train entry.
Could it be that the man was throwing away encombrances, do you feel there is something holding you back?

Why yes, I do feel that way. Hard to say exactly what it is though :) Or I'd rather not go there LOL

a weird one last night - like a lot of dreams i know i've forgotten lots of it, but i'd met up with someone from Lit that i already know, and we were spending some time picnicking at a big park ... just friends hanging out on a sunny afternoon. he disappeared off a few times, but that was fine, since i went for a wander too, but didn't want to go too far in case we missed meeting up again. well our paths crossed and i guessed he's been to look at the aberdeen angus there.

as we walked and talked (must have been making our way home) he took my hand and held it; only by now he was this super-tall (about 8'!!) slender black man with superb exotic features (like a Maasai but no neck rings). his fingers really drew my attention - so long and finely made, very smooth; anyway, he was wearing this modern three-quarter length silver grey fake fur coat. i buried my face into the sleeve as we walked and didn't speak any more, the fur was about an inch and a half long and so soft!

lmfao. dreams are so stupid! hahahahaha

Have you seen the movie version of Where the Wild Things Are? It made me want to snuggle with big furry stuffed animal people. :)


Last night I dreamed that I was taking a flight somewhere, and I had my ticket and I walked onto the plane and the flight attendant looked at it and pointed toward the front of the plane where my seat was. It turns out that my seat was at the very nose of the plane; the cockpit was at the back of the plane. It was a real small plane and the whole front was rounded glass and my seat was right in front and I was very nervous that I was going to experience a lot turbulence up there and was going to be sick for sure LOL.
I looked in my friend's dream book at work. Here are the entries for train and travel. I forgot to write down the name of the book. It's a rather old, battered, yellowed paperback book if that helps.

Train. If the train was standing in the station or on a side track, it
forecasts an unexpected hitch or delay in your plans; otherwise see Travel.

Travel. A sudden substantial increase in status and/or income is forecast in
a dream of traveling for pleasure. Other travel dreams must be interpreted
by references to the cause, means, and other details of the dream.

So there you go. My friend suggested perhaps the dreamer had been watching too much Harry Potter LOL. I don't know if I go in for the forecasting aspect of the train entry.

Thanks for checking it out. Not sure I'd buy the interpretation, but who knows?
I've only seen one Harry Potter movie, nearly a year ago - also last time I had anything to do with trains in Chicago, place with most of my involvement with trains long ago.

I think I'd like to sit at the front of a plane so I could see better. I choose a window seat so I can look out - sometimes its worth it.
In a similar vein, seems like some people like to look out when crossing a bridge (like me), while others avoid looking.
Why yes, I do feel that way. Hard to say exactly what it is though :) Or I'd rather not go there LOL

Have you seen the movie version of Where the Wild Things Are? It made me want to snuggle with big furry stuffed animal people. :)


Last night I dreamed that I was taking a flight somewhere, and I had my ticket and I walked onto the plane and the flight attendant looked at it and pointed toward the front of the plane where my seat was. It turns out that my seat was at the very nose of the plane; the cockpit was at the back of the plane. It was a real small plane and the whole front was rounded glass and my seat was right in front and I was very nervous that I was going to experience a lot turbulence up there and was going to be sick for sure LOL.

no, i haven't seen it. perhaps i should :)

sounds awesome, if you're into panoramic views! i dunno, P, one one hand being held back - on the other, being propelled forward at high speed with little visible protection ... a fear of flying, or being forced to move out of your comfort zone? aw :rose: