
Last night I dreamed that my soon-to-be wife and I weren't together and I was at some sort of event and she was there and I was nervous. It was like I went back in time and relived how we got together in a twisted way, but this time we didn't get together. She had a partially shaved head and a mohawk for some reason. In real life I hadn't seen her in a couple years and she was basically this fireball of desire. In dream world she was disinterested and apparently a little famous for music or something. I understand nightmares, fears, and desires being played out in dreams, but I don't know that they actually make you more ready for real life in any way. When I was a kid I'd dream about sharks and heights and in real world I'd still be as afraid of those things.
Last night I dreamed that my soon-to-be wife and I weren't together and I was at some sort of event and she was there and I was nervous. It was like I went back in time and relived how we got together in a twisted way, but this time we didn't get together. She had a partially shaved head and a mohawk for some reason. In real life I hadn't seen her in a couple years and she was basically this fireball of desire. In dream world she was disinterested and apparently a little famous for music or something. I understand nightmares, fears, and desires being played out in dreams, but I don't know that they actually make you more ready for real life in any way. When I was a kid I'd dream about sharks and heights and in real world I'd still be as afraid of those things.

dreams are weird creatures, but if we experience them as real they do add to our 'catalogue' of experiences just as any other real life interaction with the world would. sometimes, just sometimes, they might help us better understand where others are coming from ... it all depends on how/what you dream.

have you never expereinced that thing of going to sleep with some issue or other troubling you, and your brain kinda sorts it out for you while you sleep so you wake up with a plan of action?

most dreams are, for me, pretty much like having the tv on in the background as to their value - they're on but not really worth taking interest in with the odd exceptions that might make you sit bolt upright and take notice.
Once I let go and trusted the ropes it was amazzzzzzzzing! One girl wouldn't let go and had to be hauled back in, I was the oldest of the lot and I did it!

i'd love to have a go of that. it sounds liberating, and the views!

would NOT want to do what that french guy does - the climbing of city buildings without any gear at all :eek:
i'd love to have a go of that. it sounds liberating, and the views!

would NOT want to do what that french guy does - the climbing of city buildings without any gear at all :eek:

The ones I did were for charity, the second one was down from the hospital roof you can imagine the jokes! Good views yes waiting for your turn but all you see coming down is your feet on the wall. Not very glamorous either lol I did have a pic somewhere of me just going over the top strapped up in all the paraphenalia and helmet. The cheers as you come down are pretty good though
I got that dream book sitting on my desk at work but forgot to look up the airplane dream. Oh well.

Last night I had a sex dream. Ex-GF riding on my face. Quite realistic. And pleasant. And then I daydreamed about it quite a lot at work today LOL

There were some other parts of the dream that are fuzzy now. I believe me and the xgf were at my grandparent's home... and there were some relatives there and possibly even a different xgf... can't remember now... i think one of my cousins may have been one of the xgfs :eek: LOL
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Not sure if this was one dream or two I was at a Masonic function (men in DJs ladies in evening dresses) and I was appalled that everyone was smoking. Goodness knows why because I smoke myself. Anyway I was saying they shouldn't as it was against the law to smoke in the building but got told that it was ok because it was a private function, I didn't believe him but there was nothing I could do about it as every person in the room was smoking and I was in a minority. That possibly came about because earlier in the evening I stood up for someone in a chatroom against all odds and against my friends who were none too please about it!
The next bit I had a bad leg which wasn't very well bandaged and the walking stick was the wrong length, making me stoop over. I think my hubby was there but very much in the background and I was supposed to be helped by McGee (yes the nerdy one in NCIS keeps cropping up for some reason) up this very steep flight of concrete steps where loads of holiday makers in shorts and summer clothes kept getting in my way. We had a young woman with us (I think she was the driver) and McGee wanted to be with her and I had to keep asking him to come back and help me.
I had a boring work dream where I just accept that I go to work to get paid. I'd rather one about punching fat faces in the face.
Interesting dream UYS... I would like to hear more about these mysterious Masonic functions...

DJs? Is that tuxedos or something?
Usually in my work dreams there's a bizarre mix of software and people, with the programs someone able to come alive and be like people. Don't have too many dreams like that, though.
Interesting dream UYS... I would like to hear more about these mysterious Masonic functions...

DJs? Is that tuxedos or something?

DJ is the same as a tux stands for dinner jacket
Don't know what you mean about mysterious lol My husband is a Freemason (as am I too) and every year the Master of the lodge has what is called a Ladies Night where the wives (and especially the Master's lady) are wined, dined and many glasses raised in her honour. All the ladies present get a gift and then a band plays after the meal for dancing
I wrote some notes down about my dream the other night. I think they are three separate dreams. I kinda remember the middle one, but not the others:

horror film
car parked in sewer

Shawn's apartment, it was one big room. Heidi(Shawn's boss) was in the other part of it. I was taking a nap on the couch and decided I needed to take my pants off. I was wearing extremely brief underoos but I couldn't find a blanket to cover up with so was feeling a bit awkward, even though the back of the couch was to Heidi. Everyone else was out in the hall. There was a pet cat and a dog that was growling.

shuttle journey
raised rates
pay when you get there
Depression Dreamt as Metaphor

Driving to the ferry yesterday,
a crow flew across the road
in front of me, the thin wire of a snake
twisting wildly in its beak.
Another crow pursued. They flew

up, left, down, nearly
through my windshield, before
they shot off through a breach of sun
into an open, grassy field to eat

the desperate reptile. Last night

I dreamt I could not find my wife
in some foreign subway
formed of joined, octagonal tubes. I searched

and searched for her, but kept getting lost,
so that I finally settled in our hotel room
to wait for her return, which

never came. This dream made me cry
all day, unfortunately,

for when I woke she was there beside me,
but my brain insisted still,
captured snake.

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Depression Dreamt as Metaphor

Driving to the ferry yesterday,
a crow flew across the road
in front of me, the thin wire of a snake
twisting wildly in its beak.
Another crow pursued. They flew

up, left, down, nearly
through my windshield, before
they shot off through a breach of sun
into an open, grassy field to eat

the desperate reptile. Last night

I dreamt I could not find my wife
in some foreign subway
formed of joined, octagonal tubes. I searched

and searched for her, but kept getting lost,
so that I finally settled in our hotel room
to wait for her return, which

never came. This dream made me cry
all day, unfortunately,

for when I woke she was there beside me,
but my brain insisted still,
captured snake.


you make me read this poem
its sudden imagery
stalls me, then drags me forward

just a few heavy tears
then spill their escape
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irresistible, irrational

subject to the dream-time suffering,
where the dream's become the day
and the night's dreamt of the day,
and the object of the dream is no longer you,
but the dream-time you of you,
because you're mine you're mine--
dream-time you of you,
you're the dreamt of day that is my dream-day,
and the oft lost moment of my day-dream.
I got a job transfer to another city
But I could not find any pants to wear
In the dream (and in reality, I assume)
They dress much more formally there

Intermixed in the dream was elements
of a job I had ten years ago doing
a very different kind of work

In the dream, at the new office,
my friend S was there with me
we were at a conference table
getting a little orientation

During a break, S was saying
very S things: "Aw, Jessica's a
sweetie" etc. I agreed with him
as I usually do.

The woman giving us the orientation
told us of a problem they have with
lost files. She said they've lost some
files up to three times

It's funny because I have been trying
on and off to get transferred to this
other office for a couple years (in real life).
Today, after the dream, there was a major
exchange over email with the HR
guy at the other office. I had discovered
on his twitter feed of all places that
they were still hiring for a position
that I had been told was filled. Well
it had been filled, that was true, but
they had multiple positions open, which
they had neglected to tell me. Jerks.

Well, I'm not actually too bummed,
as I am thinking of changing careers
this morning i dreamt of being offered a bit of work for one day, a one off, while i was out at some 'do' or other. the weather was sunny and fair. i knew some of the people. anyway, some friend knew someone there who needed someone

it was for January 1st, 7am-1pm, and entailed loosening the tops of approximately 800 jars/containers of food in fridges ready for the kitchen staff to prepare the meals for the evening. seemed not too complicated. the venue was for Per Una, in London, and the job would pay me £120. weird.

so fast forward to the next moment and i was there, looking at all these containers. some had screw tops, some had ringpull tops and needed plastic covers, and then there were the clothes that needed unpacking and hanging. again, not too hard. except for the dozy elephant that kept wandering about the premises getting in the way, snaffling the food and a flirty young man distracting me. i don't know if i got finished or not, i woke up!

what a stoopid dream!

edited to say i blame QI (tv programe) for the elephant in the room part. i was watching it last night and they look out for it ... the elephant in the room. grrrr
Last night in my dream my uncle was telling me I should ask this old friend out. Just call her up, he was saying.