
Last night I had a dream about interpretation grids - there was a problem and I was helping another poet who frequents us here - someone who as far as I known doesn't even know what they are! I can still clearly see the scene - imaging a map with several different rectangles, each color coded according to the depth of a possible oil exploration target. That part was clearer than the problem I was trying to solve.
Last night's dream was a lot simpler.
We put a wheelbarrow with a bad wheel for pickup - often someone will take something like that before heavy trash comes by. In my dream I saw it 3 houses down, so someone had taken it and then discarded it again.
Last night I had a dream about interpretation grids - there was a problem and I was helping another poet who frequents us here - someone who as far as I known doesn't even know what they are! I can still clearly see the scene - imaging a map with several different rectangles, each color coded according to the depth of a possible oil exploration target. That part was clearer than the problem I was trying to solve.

Last night's dream was a lot simpler.
We put a wheelbarrow with a bad wheel for pickup - often someone will take something like that before heavy trash comes by. In my dream I saw it 3 houses down, so someone had taken it and then discarded it again.

Interesting dreams, EO. The dream with the grids sounds wonderfully wacky LOL
Last night I dreamed that I was driving my friend's fiance's car and I was going to race my brother in his car.

The car I was driving is very suped up, big engine, fancy paint job, wheels, etc. In the dream, though, it had a rocket engine, and the guy was sitting next to me with the switch in his hands, ready to switch on the rocket booster. (I was reading about the history of rocketry before bed time, it's an interesting topic, actually).

All this was taking place at night on a golf course with paved paths, but very curvy and gravel in some places and in some places the road was like the bottom of an aluminum fishing boat, kinda curved and dented and metallic-like. There were a lot of other cars and people strolling about, and I lost my brother before we ever found a suitable place to race so it never happened, and the rocket booster never got switched on either :(
Depression Dreamt as Metaphor

Driving to the ferry yesterday,
a crow flew across the road
in front of me, the thin wire of a snake
twisting wildly in its beak.
Another crow pursued. They flew

up, left, down, nearly
through my windshield, before
they shot off through a breach of sun
into an open, grassy field to eat

the desperate reptile. Last night

I dreamt I could not find my wife
in some foreign subway
formed of joined, octagonal tubes. I searched

and searched for her, but kept getting lost,
so that I finally settled in our hotel room
to wait for her return, which

never came. This dream made me cry
all day, unfortunately,

for when I woke she was there beside me,
but my brain insisted still,
captured snake.


Very good actually, IMO. Catchy title too. :]
Anyone here ever had (or induced) a lucid dream? Y'know, the ones in which you can choose what happens next?
Yes. One time when I was a student, I had a very easy job that I didn't have to be at until 10 AM. So I slept a lot and kept a dream journal and read a book on lucid dreaming.

I dreamt one night I was going down an escalator, but at the bottom my shoelace got stuck or something and I got sucked down below, into the gears of the escalator, and I was yelling out to the escalator operator to stop the machine and I was about to get crunched and then I realized how ridiculous it all was and realized I was dreaming LOL... The situation changed and I maintained lucidity for just a few moments...

It happened a few other times. One time it happened and I got busy with a friend in the dream LOL.

Another time it happened and I wanted to fly in a dream and never have so I just blasted through the walls of the building I was in and flew. That one was cool.:D

I think it happened one other time, but it hasn't really happened in years.
Last night I had a dream which was quite vivid when I got up to take a leak and was sure I'd remember it when I really got up. I tried to recall then, but nothing. Maybe I should have one of my notebooks in a convenient place so I can turn on the light and jot it down.
dream is sweet!!!!!


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Last night I had a dream which was quite vivid when I got up to take a leak and was sure I'd remember it when I really got up. I tried to recall then, but nothing. Maybe I should have one of my notebooks in a convenient place so I can turn on the light and jot it down.

This has happened to me a few times too. I do have a notebook by my bed, but sometimes I'm too tired to write in it. Also, at least one night I dreamed that I wrote my dream down, but really I didn't. LOL.

It's kind of a nice casual thread, though, and I'm trying to keep a casual attitude about it. If I remember I remember, if not, no big deal. :)
This has happened to me a few times too. I do have a notebook by my bed, but sometimes I'm too tired to write in it. Also, at least one night I dreamed that I wrote my dream down, but really I didn't. LOL.

It's kind of a nice casual thread, though, and I'm trying to keep a casual attitude about it. If I remember I remember, if not, no big deal. :)

There's also the possibility in my case that I wouldn't be able to later read what I wrote.
When I woke during the night I actually thought about writing down my dream!
(But I'd have to poke around for pencil & paper.)
It's vague now - my wife was in it, but not erotic or romantic, nor with any confilict.
Also something with branches - this morning a big branch had crashed across our next door neighbors\'s driveway. Fortunately, eveything but the tree appears to be OK.
When I woke during the night I actually thought about writing down my dream!
(But I'd have to poke around for pencil & paper.)
It's vague now - my wife was in it, but not erotic or romantic, nor with any confilict.
Also something with branches - this morning a big branch had crashed across our next door neighbors\'s driveway. Fortunately, eveything but the tree appears to be OK.

thank goodness no-one was harmed.
maybe you heard it while asleep and your brain understood the sound so worked a dream into it/around whatever else you were dreaming at the time
mine was pretty odd last night, and while i forget a lot of what came before, do remember the ultra wide roads, odd angles and no 'lanes', a red car speeding past, and crossing safely since there was only that car ... something to do with a school but not one i've ever been to before and i wasn't a schoolkid. there was running involved (i was fitter in my dream, lol) and it was a bit dr who-ish what with the running and firestairs and looking for something at the same time, only to suddenly come upon the thing (i think) i was meant to avoid - or find, i'm still unsure:

i blame an av from yesterday, of the nether regions of a nubile chick, for this part. i sort of happened upon this convoluted figure (mostly all you could see was butt and vagina with twisted limbs (like some nude contortionist where you couldn't see the face or most the torso so twisted was it). this 'thing' kind of shuffled forwards, and i'm looking in fascinated horror ... it twists in on itself even more, like the limbs tightening, and desiccating at the same time. the tightening of the position meant the breasts were now in view, but they (and all the flesh) turned the colour of putty and were as dry as beef jerky, but crumbly, flaky. as the back parts moved into the front parts (from face on), the areolas kind of swelled, cracked and crumbled as desiccated nipples projected through them, like some dead obscene thing and the vagina split and crumbled and spread. i'm not saying it was scary, more alien, shedding its human-type pretense. all of it was really dry, but puffy, but stick thin at the same time so as if there was no muscle, no moisture.

sorry, this should have come with a warning :D it really sounds, typing it out, like some bad metaphor for the menopause and fear of losing one's sexuality!

anyway, by now i'm all like dr. who and saying "yeah, well what is it you want to show me then? come on, get to it"

anyway, this thing then starts moving forward (with dry scratchy sticklike haste) and i'm off running down some more stairs. this thing is right behind me though, and i'm in an underground cellar-type affair and turn to face the 'thing'.

stop laughing :p

it stops, and now there're more people in the cellar with me, which is in sort of half-light. the skeletal 'hands' take a hold of each side of the aperture that was once a vagina, and pull apart ... as this is happening, and the body (what's left of it) is splitting, a damned great metal safe or chest (a bit ornate, but metal and with doors that meet in the middle) is erupting (for want of a better word) from its centre and then its doors break open ...

now this chest must be about 5' high by 3 or 4 wide ... and as the doors break open, a load of brown, loam-like stuff spills out of the chest, and amongst this loam or peat are eggs, a bunch of them buried in it and now being exposed ... about 8" high, maybe metallicy looking again, but with movement under their skins.

i'm like, Wow! what is THIS? and really really interested, if a bit ewwww at the same time

and then i woke up.

lmfao. is this about my menopause and new writing stage i feel about to happen? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

my dreams are so freakin corny sometimes.
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mine was pretty odd last night, and while i forget a lot of what came before, do remember the ultra wide roads, odd angles and no 'lanes', a red car speeding past, and crossing safely since there was only that car ... something to do with a school but not one i've ever been to before and i wasn't a schoolkid. there was running involved (i was fitter in my dream, lol) and it was a bit dr who-ish what with the running and firestairs and looking for something at the same time, only to suddenly come upon the thing (i think) i was meant to avoid - or find, i'm still unsure:

i blame an av from yesterday, of the nether regions of a nubile chick, for this part. i sort of happened upon this convoluted figure (mostly all you could see was butt and vagina with twisted limbs (like some nude contortionist where you couldn't see the face or most the torso so twisted was it). this 'thing' kind of shuffled forwards, and i'm looking in fascinated horror ... it twists in on itself even more, like the limbs tightening, and desiccating at the same time. the tightening of the position meant the breasts were now in view, but they (and all the flesh) turned the colour of putty and were as dry as beef jerky, but crumbly, flaky. as the back parts moved into the front parts (from face on), the areolas kind of swelled, cracked and crumbled as desiccated nipples projected through them, like some dead obscene thing and the vagina split and crumbled and spread. i'm not saying it was scary, more alien, shedding its human-type pretense. all of it was really dry, but puffy, but stick thin at the same time so as if there was no muscle, no moisture.

sorry, this should have come with a warning :D it really sounds, typing it out, like some bad metaphor for the menopause and fear of losing one's sexuality!

anyway, by now i'm all like dr. who and saying "yeah, well what is it you want to show me then? come on, get to it"

anyway, this thing then starts moving forward (with dry scratchy sticklike haste) and i'm off running down some more stairs. this thing is right behind me though, and i'm in an underground cellar-type affair and turn to face the 'thing'.

stop laughing :p

it stops, and now there're more people in the cellar with me, which is in sort of half-light. the skeletal 'hands' take a hold of each side of the aperture that was once a vagina, and pull apart ... as this is happening, and the body (what's left of it) is splitting, a damned great metal safe or chest (a bit ornate, but metal and with doors that meet in the middle) is erupting (for want of a better word) from its centre and then its doors break open ...

now this chest must be about 5' high by 3 or 4 wide ... and as the doors break open, a load of brown, loam-like stuff spills out of the chest, and amongst this loam or peat are eggs, a bunch of them buried in it and now being exposed ... about 8" high, maybe metallicy looking again, but with movement under their skins.

i'm like, Wow! what is THIS? and really really interested, if a bit ewwww at the same time

and then i woke up.

lmfao. is this about my menopause and new writing stage i feel about to happen? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

my dreams are so freakin corny sometimes.

Damn, Chip. Corny is not actually the word I would use to describe this dream. I'm not sure what word I WOULD use, but corny is not it. Thanks for sharing. :D
Damn, Chip. Corny is not actually the word I would use to describe this dream. I'm not sure what word I WOULD use, but corny is not it. Thanks for sharing. :D


well, corny as in obvious (to me, at least) ... such thinly veiled metaphors. sigh. :D
I just noticed that I seem to have a better immediate recall of my dreams if I wake naturally (including to go to the bathroom) than if abrubtply wakened (such as alarm clock).
I dreamt I was in hospital and to calm the patients the nurses were using vibs on them and I thought well it's very nice but not as nice as my big one at home! Then I was ina different part of the hospital where a lot of couples waited in identical rooms (mind you the couples were identical too I think) for the wife to give birth. So in I came with the hospital issue vibrator which one woman found shocking but accepted it anyway and I told her I would go and get my bigger one which had a much stronger buzzzzzz. Poor baby come to think of it lol but anyway there was the usual stuff of not being able to find my way and there being not many people around to ask as it was getting dusk and then I did find somebody (the gardener/groundsman I think) but the instructions were so convoluted I had to have sheets and sheets of paper with it all written down. Then a group of pilots rushed past and I knew they were pilots because they were wearing flying jackets etc aka world war two. The gardener then told me that if I changed into my school uniform to show that I was allowed to be on this huge hospital grounds and got to the airport one of the pilots would fly me back to the maternity unit. When I got there mother to be that I was trying to get back to with my large vib (that somebody enroute had carelessly left in the road but luckily the cars missed it) had already given birth to a girl and when I went to look at her she started getting bigger and it turned out she hadn't given birth at all but adopted her and that's when I saw she was a Downs Syndrome of about 6 years old and I kept telling her how beautiful she was but she didn't understand me
In my dream we (not sure who else was there but me, but the others were poeple I knew) were working our way thru a big software program. We wer physically inside the program, much like being inside a building!
In my dream we (not sure who else was there but me, but the others were poeple I knew) were working our way thru a big software program. We wer physically inside the program, much like being inside a building!

All your programs seem to swallow you up!
I was driving into the sunset (pretty cloudy to the west, with white, orange and purple clouds) along an interstate and the light on one of the posts over the roadway turned into a bird and flew away.
I dreamt I was in hospital and to calm the patients the nurses were using vibs on them and I thought well it's very nice but not as nice as my big one at home! Then I was ina different part of the hospital where a lot of couples waited in identical rooms (mind you the couples were identical too I think) for the wife to give birth. So in I came with the hospital issue vibrator which one woman found shocking but accepted it anyway and I told her I would go and get my bigger one which had a much stronger buzzzzzz. Poor baby come to think of it lol but anyway there was the usual stuff of not being able to find my way and there being not many people around to ask as it was getting dusk and then I did find somebody (the gardener/groundsman I think) but the instructions were so convoluted I had to have sheets and sheets of paper with it all written down. Then a group of pilots rushed past and I knew they were pilots because they were wearing flying jackets etc aka world war two. The gardener then told me that if I changed into my school uniform to show that I was allowed to be on this huge hospital grounds and got to the airport one of the pilots would fly me back to the maternity unit. When I got there mother to be that I was trying to get back to with my large vib (that somebody enroute had carelessly left in the road but luckily the cars missed it) had already given birth to a girl and when I went to look at her she started getting bigger and it turned out she hadn't given birth at all but adopted her and that's when I saw she was a Downs Syndrome of about 6 years old and I kept telling her how beautiful she was but she didn't understand me

Wow what a dream! Excellent recall, too, I might add :)

In my dream we (not sure who else was there but me, but the others were poeple I knew) were working our way thru a big software program. We wer physically inside the program, much like being inside a building!

Like that movie TRON?!

I had a dream I remembered for a while but I didn't write it down right away cuz I was sure I would remember. Now I don't recall. Damn. I wonder if there's a word for that feeling where you're just so sure you'll remember it but then you don't?
Wow what a dream! Excellent recall, too, I might add :)

Like that movie TRON?!

I had a dream I remembered for a while but I didn't write it down right away cuz I was sure I would remember. Now I don't recall. Damn. I wonder if there's a word for that feeling where you're just so sure you'll remember it but then you don't?

Never saw the movie, so don't know, but everyone was inside.

I could use that word, too. Similar experience, just a couple of days ago.