
Wow what a dream! Excellent recall, too, I might add :)

Like that movie TRON?!

I had a dream I remembered for a while but I didn't write it down right away cuz I was sure I would remember. Now I don't recall. Damn. I wonder if there's a word for that feeling where you're just so sure you'll remember it but then you don't?

That's the first one I have remembered for a long time. Have you ever had something 'break your dream' ...... remind you of what you dreamt the night before? It's supposed to be lucky
Last night I went to bed after reading lots of fairy tales and hoping for a dream to inspire my muse.
Instead, I literally bumped into some one named Linda Maldonado. I don't personally know anybody by that name! Perhaps a local TV reporter or announcer. My adviser and I had a local newswoman interview us once, but her name was MacDonald. So surprising it was so specific in terms of a name - I usually know the folks in my dreams, but their names are a part of the common background knowledge.
I did come up with an idea, but not sure if dreams had anything to do with it.
Last night I had trouble with my Arrythymia and my heart seemed to be going like the clappers so I went to bed early and know I had some weird dreams and my husband said I was talking loudly although he couldn't quite make out what I was saying. The only think I can remember is lots of words written down in chunks (as if they had been copy/pasted) but they were extremely heavy lumps of dark grey/black granite and impossible to pick up from the white paper background
My dream last night seemed to be quite long. Only part I cleary remember is a big door, not hung, but standing in the middle of the room. There were 4 screws at the bottom of the door, which the contractor refused to adjust. I had to do it, so the door would stand up straight.
I am so jealous of both of you remembering your dreams so well.

And take care of that heart, UYS!
I wrote notes on two dreams the other night, but I do not recall the dreams at all now.

These are the notes:

Gu Man Austin B. Mom Mall
Drink Jonah

Dad cutting trees dark

I kind of remember the first one,
I was with a couple people, and then some other people I knew showed up (the Gu Man, a guy I know, being one of them)

Then I remember being nervous that the two different groups were not going to get along very well
I wrote notes on two dreams the other night, but I do not recall the dreams at all now.

These are the notes:

Gu Man Austin B. Mom Mall
Drink Jonah

Dad cutting trees dark

I kind of remember the first one,
I was with a couple people, and then some other people I knew showed up (the Gu Man, a guy I know, being one of them)

Then I remember being nervous that the two different groups were not going to get along very well

Are there conflicts in your dreams or just the concern over conflicts?
Never seem to be any confrontations and the like in my dreams these days.
I told my husband my dream so I wouldn't forget it and blow me it's gone! no good asking him men never listen
Are there conflicts in your dreams or just the concern over conflicts?
Never seem to be any confrontations and the like in my dreams these days.

Hmmm, that's a good question. Looking back over a couple of my posts on this thread I see that I mention nervousness a couple times... being nervous about a plane flight and being nervous about my friends. I don't recall fighting in dreams usually. I guess that makes sense as I am a fairly nervous person in general and don't get into conflicts much. I was just telling my friend how I'm nervous for my vacation next week LOL because it's a change in my routing I guess :)

I told my husband my dream so I wouldn't forget it and blow me it's gone! no good asking him men never listen

Sorry, were you saying something? I must have missed it. ;)
Methinks I watch too much NCIS, last nights slumber brought me about to have a baby girl by Jethro! Then I was way out at sea at night and the shore was in the far distance and I never get out of my depth in water but I had to swim or drown, I could see the lights and I had to keep swimming towards them I'm pretty sure I made it!
There often seems to be some current influence on what we dream.
Only thing I remember were these plates being spin-tossed up so that the stuck in the acoustic tile ceiling.
Sort of a whirring sound - which was actually my alarm clock going off.
There often seems to be some current influence on what we dream.
Only thing I remember were these plates being spin-tossed up so that the stuck in the acoustic tile ceiling.
Sort of a whirring sound - which was actually my alarm clock going off.

makes you wonder what outside influences account for out dreams that we never wake to identify
Last night's dream had women in bikinis. Fair figures, but the exposed skin also showed some less attractive aspects. Might be an echo from a commercial I saw yesterday.
Massive tornadoes. Many tornadoes. And big ones, too. I think I was in a car for a part of it.

Tornadoes come up on my dreams a lot. I'm not particularly afraid of them in normal life or in dreamland for that matter. Although I think the big ones had me a bit worried last night to tell you the truth.
Massive tornadoes. Many tornadoes. And big ones, too. I think I was in a car for a part of it.

Tornadoes come up on my dreams a lot. I'm not particularly afraid of them in normal life or in dreamland for that matter. Although I think the big ones had me a bit worried last night to tell you the truth.

turbulent times?
Massive tornadoes. Many tornadoes. And big ones, too. I think I was in a car for a part of it.

Tornadoes come up on my dreams a lot. I'm not particularly afraid of them in normal life or in dreamland for that matter. Although I think the big ones had me a bit worried last night to tell you the truth.

Do you live in tornado alley, or are they rare where you live?
They occur around here occasionally with severe thunderstorms.
Much more concerned about hurricanes here (and the upcoming Atlantic season is supposed to be more active than normal).
Yes we get tornadoes here. We had one storm within the last month that created several tornadoes somewhat near me.

I don't know that my life is any more turbulent than usual. In fact, I'm on vacation now visiting a good friend.
Yes we get tornadoes here. We had one storm within the last month that created several tornadoes somewhat near me.

I don't know that my life is any more turbulent than usual. In fact, I'm on vacation now visiting a good friend.

I must get my eyes tested I read that as Tomatoes!

The weather was hot and we were on an outing and gathered with a lot of other tourists in a restaurant for a meal and then a TV guy came in (Can't remember his full name offhand Nick something presents a house make-over prog on UK tv) and his group were dressing people up in fancy cloaks etc for some sort of pageant. Then he started sending me amorous texts although I kept telling him not to because my husband was there and it was like I could feel him kissing me although they were texts. My husband wanted to know who they were from and one of the pageant group offered him a large board and if he pressed one particular button out of several he would then know. I agreed at first then got more worried and said NO and ran away down all these corridors carrying the board so my husband wouldn't find out that this Nick and I had been getting flirty and had been kissing. Somewhere along the line the glass fell out of my spectacles
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I must get my eyes tested I read that as Tomatoes!

The weather was hot and we were on an outing and gathered with a lot of other tourists in a restaurant for a meal and then a TV guy came in (Can't remember his full name offhand Nick something presents a house make-over prog on UK tv) and his group were dressing people up in fancy cloaks etc for some sort of pageant. Then he started sending me amorous texts although I kept telling him not to because my husband was there and it was like I could feel him kissing me although they were texts. My husband wanted to know who they were from and one of the pageant group offered him a large board and if he pressed one particular button out of several he would then know. I agreed at first then got more worried and said NO and ran away down all these corridors carrying the board so my husband wouldn't find out that this Nick and I had been getting flirty and had been kissing. Somewhere along the line the glass fell out of my spectacles


Last night I dreamed that I was at a bar to meet with friends but when I got there, my friends were not there. The only people who were there were some people I was friendly with as a child, but had not hung out with in high school. There was a large group of them and I did not want to speak with any of them, so I ducked into the restroom, then got out of there fast.

(I'm reading a book about high school kids right now so I guess that's where it came from.)
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All I remember most recently is that my truck was working again. I hope that's soon more than a dream!
I had a dream the other day about a Lit gal. That's not all that unusual, because I dream about many of you, off and on.

Always you girls, oddly. If Neo was still here, I might dream of him, like if I was really drunk or something, because he was a very hot guy. But, no. Just women. It's just women I am dreaming about.

It was a sexual dream, duh. Like I don't have those about all of you.

Anyway, this one (no, I am not telling who the subject was) had me next to her, naked, just being relaxed and, well, groovy. (Does that word show my age?)

We were sitting in, I don't know, deck chairs or something, and she was naked and I was naked and I knew that we would, like "have congress" later on and I would really enjoy it.

Nothing more.

Nothing more than that. Oh, except she shaved her pubes.

No, don't know if that's a real wanting thing. Itza dream, Bunky!

But if she can figure out who she is in this , I'll take her phone number.

Joke. That's a joke.

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I don't think I've dreamt about any of you be interesting to find out if others do or if it's just you Tz! :D
I don't think I've dreamt about any of you be interesting to find out if others do or if it's just you Tz! :D

I have - it's quite odd because, in retrospect, no one had recognisable faces - even those whose faces I know. Only once that I recall was it as erotic as Tzaras, but that shall remain my secret. ;)
I've only had one lit character in my dreams (non-erotic) and it seems like a characteristic of dreams that we know who they are automitically (person in question I havn't seen).