Erotica or pornography

I didnt mean I was offended I meant you were being poetic in what you were saying ... sorry hun if I didn't make myself clesr
Speaking of...
I finally went and checked out a poetry anthology from the library.
It's real thick, many languages (translations of course).

From the Japanese section:

While awaiting my lord on the misty shore of the River of Heaven, the skirts of my robe have somehow become wet.

Now, was there erotic intent in this line? I don't know, but it gives me ideas :rose:
hmmnmm said:
Speaking of...
I finally went and checked out a poetry anthology from the library.
It's real thick, many languages (translations of course).

From the Japanese section:

Now, was there erotic intent in this line? I don't know, but it gives me ideas :rose:

Does doesn't it till you reread it and wonder ..
And to be honest, by the time I got to that piece, I was about tapped out on poetry, ready to close the book until a fresher hour. But that line caught my attention. :)
Who knows how it reads in the original language?

ETA: yes, if you know japanese you can understand the original.

Also, we'd have to consider different cultural histories, their influences on how we learn to see.
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UnderYourSpell said:
I keep rereading it because if it IS the shores of heaven ...

Well, the anthology from which I plucked the lines shows a first copyright of 1928, and the last printing of 1936. I'd risk a wager that if the poem contained any overt erotic intent, the translators did their best to soften the impact for the good sensibilities of western morals. It would be interesting to find a more current translation.

So many influences and variables come into play with this sort of discussion, these fine distinctions, which sort of shows the nature of the erotic in itself, that it isn't something easily taken and pinned down and explained... it just Is, and ten thousand literary experts will never come to terms that are easily explained in our feeble words.

I also realized that I could be confusing pornography with obscenity.
Which is probably a whole other discussion.

I think pornography is not a very poetic word.
Erotic is a poetic word.
And the more I roll the obscene on my tongue, the more I like the word, not necessarily what it means.
Isn't that a whole new discussion? I mean I find the word 'Impotent' rolls nicely off the tongue or not as the case may be lol
the words erotic and obscene are both 'poetic' to me inasmuch as they contain sounds that tease senses, are 'of the mouth' if that makes any sense to anyone other than me? i can find nothing poetic at all in the word pornography. it is an ugly sounding word as stimulating to the senses as the word geography - as soon as you start saying geology, or anything with the s's in, then some sensuality comes into play for the ear. i think. some words just sound sexier.

disturbingly erotic
erotically disturbed.

Innocently obscene
obscenely innocent.

Innocence obscened

National Obscenic?
obscenely openly displayed
obscenely displayed to innocence
spread obscenely

Is it getting hot in here?
what you call obscene
i don't

what you call god's wrath
i call obscene

eroticism lives
in the great grey playground
psychological schisms
naming the shades
oh crap, now i'm feeling not quite dressed right for the occasion :p maybe i'd better get some clothes on.
sophieloves said:
oh crap, now i'm feeling not quite dressed right for the occasion :p maybe i'd better get some clothes on.

no no no no! Besides, for this group you're dressed quite perfectly. Formal wear, even.
Poem-called Just Fuck Me

Tristesse II said:

"Two poems caught my eye today this one and this one. Side by side they struck me as perfect examples of the two genre.

I see so many "fuck me, whip me, etc me" poems under the cloak of "erotic", perhaps it's time for a fifth category -"


That second link to the poem called "Just Fuck Me"-well, what can I say-I love it!!! reads like a Cole Porter, or a Frank Loesser song, complete with broadway style refrain, timing, lyrics-I just LOVE IT!!! :rose:
UnderYourSpell said:
Tutttt says all my images are too big ...
From the upload screen: The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 15.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
UnderYourSpell said:
So it says but I don't know how big mine are or how to make them smaller

Open your image (with whatever paint program you use). Under the "Image" tab, there should be an option to resize.