Even more of your favorite BDSM pictures

What color is your tail?
Image from Sans titre
D/s Dreams

You cringe and scroll and masturbate through dreams,
That satisfy your sad and shriven souls;
You wonder what invective leads to screams
That so excite you: such cavernous holes
Are only fit for fucking, you may think,
As you watch porn and manufacture thrills,
That take you to the edge, where you can sink
Into the bliss that trickles down like spills
Of semen dripping from deflated pricks.
You gape, surprised to witness how she's one,
Who is inclined to close up, as she sticks
Up barriers: inadequacies come
And go like buses delayed in the rain,
And dreams you masturbate to, once again...

Méli 🌷 🌷 🌷
