Everything you always wanted to know about submissives..but were afraid to ask..

Re: Hey Art

anniebug said:

Artful's dream...Artful's pet...Artful's wish...

How's about Artful's bug ???

Do you need another pony in your stable ??? Oh excuse me...I meant cyber-stable.



Dear Miss hopeful Artful's bug, please see Moderator Cymbidia for counseling, prior to making a serious application for that position. Truly,it may change your mind.:devil:
Dear Artful

Oh yes we 48 to 58 old men really need to be exposed every once in a while and I guess also need to expose ourselves sometimes too.

If we can do it with a belly laugh while the peckers swingin' I guess we done a really number.

Don't take yourself and me and anyone here too serious, no one can hear the whip crack or the moans of the whippee, so .....

I just love you man

re: my application


Do you happen to have a downloadable Adobe pdf format application form? I'd love to fill one out.

Did you want me to send my resume and cover letter by email?


.... honey

They're not ignoring us at all.....

This is part of your long distance training:

The expression of disappointment through words, lack of response and finally through ignorance (;)

Your Sweetfull Wood
Re: Clarification

RisiaSkye said:

Despite what I've been accused of (largely behind the scenes, btw) regarding this whole fracas, I have never *once* accused anyone of behaving badly. All I've done is sympathized with both sides and tried to find common, neutral ground from which everyone might get to speak.

Artful--thank you for the clarification and apology. I appreciate your candor and consider the issue, insofar as it concerns you & I, fully resolved. I apologize for jumping to conclusions; it is, however, difficult to avoid at times.

I sincerely hope that KM & Artful can bury the hatchet (somewhere other than in each other's backs) and we can all return to trying to have a constructive conversation--not just here, but in the forum in general.

Best to all,

Thank you for acknowledging my heartfelt apology.

As I stated earlier, I continue to hold your guidance in the highest esteem. I would at this time, also request you to publicly post here on this thread how you would like for me to end my part in this ridiculous event. I will do whatever you deem necessary. I trust your judgement above all others on this matter.

The lines that have been drawn,...the animosity that has been witnessed to,...serves ONLY to further split the BDSM forum. New people,... inexperienced people,...searching for ways to contribute, to gather information, to ask questions and receive answers from qualified sources, are being subjected needlessly to posts which are far more dangerous than outright censorship of BDSM topics.

When they read the posts on THIS thread,...it will tend to cause them to NOT pose their questions, for fear of ridicule by other MORE experienced participants. There is MUCH harm being done to this forum by what is CONTINUEING on this thread. I am asking for your instruction,...and I assure you,...I will abide by your request,...TO THE LETTER!!!
Re: Re: Clarification

artful said:

The lines that have been drawn,...the animosity that has been witnessed to,...serves ONLY to further split the BDSM forum. New people,... inexperienced people,...searching for ways to contribute, to gather information, to ask questions and receive answers from qualified sources, are being subjected needlessly to posts which are far more dangerous than outright censorship of BDSM topics.

When they read the posts on THIS thread,...it will tend to cause them to NOT pose their questions, for fear of ridicule by other MORE experienced participants. There is MUCH harm being done to this forum by what is CONTINUEING on this thread. I am asking for your instruction,...and I assure you,...I will abide by your request,...TO THE LETTER!!!

As a bdsm newbie, I have to say that in all my reading on this board I have not seen one single example of anyone asking a sincere question about bdsm and being ridiculed for it. On the contrary, my experience has been that any question I, or others, have asked have been answered with honesty and compassion.
I am grateful for the information and counseling I have received here, not the least from cymbidia and James Blandings.
Artful, I hope you will consider that the graceful thing to do is simply let your words speak for themselves, and not continue to press the matter, as it only creates the appearance that you are engaged in a personal vendetta.
To Artful and his Dream

I have read a lot of your posts on this board and the Playground.
I respect both of you and enjoy your posts tremendously. A while back I received a pm from you, Artful, informing me to talk to Dream about the lifestyle and helping me on finding a Master of my own. I am quite new to this. I have kept up my search and am currently researching the BDSM lifestyle. I am going to continue to visit this thread and ask the many questions I have!!!
Thank you for offering such a thread for the newbies and for those that just have questions. Greatly appreciated!!

:heart: Shining
Re: Re: Re: Clarification

CarolineOh said:

As a bdsm newbie, I have to say that in all my reading on this board I have not seen one single example of anyone asking a sincere question about bdsm and being ridiculed for it. On the contrary, my experience has been that any question I, or others, have asked have been answered with honesty and compassion.
I am grateful for the information and counseling I have received here, not the least from cymbidia and James Blandings.
Artful, I hope you will consider that the graceful thing to do is simply let your words speak for themselves, and not continue to press the matter, as it only creates the appearance that you are engaged in a personal vendetta.

*IF*,...I am engaged in a personal vendetta,...it was NOT brought on by me. I can't keep you from giving me advice,...but surely you recognise the fact it was needless to present it. I asked for RisiaSkye's instructions,...no one elses. I am not concerned with being graceful,...I am concerned with ENDING this debacle,...and if I have to be awkward in doing so,...then I will be awkward!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

artful said:

*IF*,...I am engaged in a personal vendetta,...it was NOT brought on by me. I can't keep you from giving me advice,...but surely you recognise the fact it was needless to present it. I asked for RisiaSkye's instructions,...no one elses. I am not concerned with being graceful,...I am concerned with ENDING this debacle,...and if I have to be awkward in doing so,...then I will be awkward!!!

Posts like this one are exactly why this goes on and on. You are just plain and simple a rude nasty old bastard. I've watched you rip good people to shreds and I've kept quiet this long and now I'm going to say exactly what I think and be done with this.

This is a public place. You came here, you posted. That means we all that are here, get to reply to you. Otherwise take it to a PM. You want Risia's advice and no one else's don't post it in public.

You and your people as far as I'm concerned are just creating havoc. You all have a HEY LOOK AT ME thing going on. It's immature and getting old fast. I don't care who you do what with or how, but don't be an ass when someone doesn't agree with you.

You may be a Dom and I use that term loosely when I refer to you. But you certainly aren't every submissive on this boards Master so stop trying to act like it. It's getting you no where fast.

I've said my peace...I'm done. ~A
Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

artful said:

*IF*,...I am engaged in a personal vendetta,...it was NOT brought on by me. I can't keep you from giving me advice,...but surely you recognise the fact it was needless to present it. I asked for RisiaSkye's instructions,...no one elses. I am not concerned with being graceful,...I am concerned with ENDING this debacle,...and if I have to be awkward in doing so,...then I will be awkward!!!

Artful, I adressed you respectfully, and I have do not feel I deserve your rudeness. If you wished to discuss the matter only with Risia, you should have PMed her. But it seems to me that you want to humiliate Cym, put Risia on the spot, and extend your imaginery domination from your current stable to include the entire board, and so you continue your harangues in public view.
Rest assured that you need not concern yourself with any further responses from me.
There is no reason ....

why this conflict should continue.

There is no reason for there to be division in the forum.

We need to take a step back and remember this forum was built upon respect. And with respect, comes tolerance for one another's "humaness."

Many people have spent many hours and exerted extraordinary energy and effort for this to be a safe place to discuss BDSM issues. Let's get back to the beginning. Let us not lose sight of our vision. Please.

Please, lay this thread to rest.

The intent behind the thread was a good one. If someone wants to start a thread for open discussion concerning sub issues, that would be great. There obviously is a lot of interest.

Regardless, we need to move forward, learn from this experience and take steps to avoid it ever happening again.

It is difficult enough being part of a lifestyle that is so shunned by society without adding to the internal conflict by having conflict among ourselves.

And, please, no one expect any further discussion from me on this matter.

I am tired.
I am sad.
I hope not to see anymore of this.

(By the way, of course, try as I might, I couldn't stay away from the thread. It was too dangerous to the board that I, too, have invested a part of myself in. And thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding, dream.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

CarolineOh said:

Artful, I adressed you respectfully, and I have do not feel I deserve your rudeness. If you wished to discuss the matter only with Risia, you should have PMed her. But it seems to me that you want to humiliate Cym, put Risia on the spot, and extend your imaginery domination from your current stable to include the entire board, and so you continue your harangues in public view.
Rest assured that you need not concern yourself with any further responses from me.

Thank You!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

lilfrk said:

Posts like this one are exactly why this goes on and on. You are just plain and simple a rude nasty old bastard. I've watched you rip good people to shreds and I've kept quiet this long and now I'm going to say exactly what I think and be done with this.

This is a public place. You came here, you posted. That means we all that are here, get to reply to you. Otherwise take it to a PM. You want Risia's advice and no one else's don't post it in public.

You and your people as far as I'm concerned are just creating havoc. You all have a HEY LOOK AT ME thing going on. It's immature and getting old fast. I don't care who you do what with or how, but don't be an ass when someone doesn't agree with you.

You may be a Dom and I use that term loosely when I refer to you. But you certainly aren't every submissive on this boards Master so stop trying to act like it. It's getting you no where fast.

I've said my peace...I'm done. ~A

Sorry to treat you this way,...I would prefer to make a more personal response,...but I am quite busy in re-aligning my armor and shield,...you need only refer to a prior post I made to Sweetwood in order to get a drift of what I may have responded with,...had I the time to do so!
Well said, Miss T.

I was thinking today about the many times last year that the Monster thread was my refuge from the ugliness and discord on the GB. If you look, you'll likely find several posts from me about how that thread was the only sane place i could find here at lit.

We, all of us, who helped create this community have a vested interest in preserving that atmosphere. This community, this forum has always been a place of welcome and understanding. It's a place for thinking and discussion, taking the time to search yourself for an honest answer before posting, a place where i felt comfortable exploring issues that i would never consider exploring elsewhere. I believe everyone felt that way.

This community has never been about one person. It's still not about one person. It's about all of us. And all of us have to contribute to it's success of failure.

We do that by treating others as we want to be treated. We do that by continuing to be open and honest. We do that by thinking, long and hard, before we post. We do that by respecting another's truth even if it isn't our own.

Everyone who posts her has value and worth. Their worth may not be what we expect, but it's there.

I'm going to away on vacation for a week and i know i'm going to come back to the BDSM Forum that uplifts, not a divided, angry community.
I went back to the beginning of this thread to see where it all went wrong, and it appears to here:
I've never in all my years of doing this heard of subs "decollaring" themselves.

Must be some new kinda online fad or something.

It sure as hell doesn't happen out where people are face-to-face with this stuff. Out here, couples talk things out, talk things over, work together and stay together for long, long periods of time - if there's a collar involved. Since real live honest-to-god collars are relatively rare out here in the the Real World (unlike the online universe where they seem to go on and come off with the ease of, well, velcro), it just doesn't happen that a sub wakes up one sunny morning and just...uncollars herself.

You are aware that all y'all chatroom types are living in some bizarre alternate universe with regard to what the rest of us view as BDSM relationships, right? I mean, you do know that, right?
Until I came to the BDSM board, I didn't realize that some "real life" BDSMers had this attitude toward online (l/d?) BDSMers.
I feel really, really bad! I feel like an idiot for coming here and sharing personal things, then finding out that some of the people I looked up to felt this way.
I'm sorry to bring all this up. But I stayed away from the board for days, and I'm just now reading all this. (actually, still reading)
I don't want to cause any problems or offend anyone. I'm still quite new to BDSM talk, and maybe I simply don't understand what some are trying to say. But for some reason this all makes me feel really sad. Maybe it's because I'm taking some of it personally.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

artful said:

Sorry to treat you this way,...I would prefer to make a more personal response,...but I am quite busy in re-aligning my armor and shield,...you need only refer to a prior post I made to Sweetwood in order to get a drift of what I may have responded with,...had I the time to do so!

I'm curious as to why you aplogized for your rudeness to lilfrk, and not to Caroline, when in fact lilfrk's post took you to task much more sternly than Caroline's did. In fact, I think anyone reading impartially would see Caroline's post as an attempt at peacemaking.
The only reason I can fathom is that Caroline gave praise to people you have on your shit list.
I believe you HAVE entered into a personal vendetta, and your assertaion that you were forced into it is without merit. You control your words, not me, cym, KillerMuffin, or anyone else. It is solely your choice to engage in a vendetta or not.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

James Blandings said:

I'm curious as to why you aplogized for your rudeness to lilfrk, and not to Caroline, when in fact lilfrk's post took you to task much more sternly than Caroline's did. In fact, I think anyone reading impartially would see Caroline's post as an attempt at peacemaking.
The only reason I can fathom is that Caroline gave praise to people you have on your shit list.
I believe you HAVE entered into a personal vendetta, and your assertaion that you were forced into it is without merit. You control your words, not me, cym, KillerMuffin, or anyone else. It is solely your choice to engage in a vendetta or not.

If you don't have the sense to understand WHAT I did on that post,...or bother to check out how I responded to Sweetwood,...I am sure Cynbidia is happy to have you on her side also. Of course,... YOUR post wasn't meant to offend me either, it was done to put all this divisiveness to rest. In Cymbidia's word,...."RIGHT?"
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

artful said:

If you don't have the sense to understand WHAT I did on that post,...or bother to check out how I responded to Sweetwood,...I am sure Cynbidia is happy to have you on her side also. Of course,... YOUR post wasn't meant to offend me either, it was done to put all this divisiveness to rest. In Cymbidia's word,...."RIGHT?"

You are correct, I have no idea why you have decided to be rude and arrogant to anyone who doesn't bow before you. As for your response to Sweetwood, which I will quote:

I am so sorry sweetone,(Ooops, all who read this will know beyond the shadow of a doubt) I REALLY did mean Sweetwood...but I just couldn't hold that belly laugh in. We 58 year old men do have our faults,...one of mine is to laugh, when I see people like you, expose who you really are,...and not just to me,...but the public at large when they read your post on this thread. Cymbidia will certainly be proud to have YOU on her side.<<<

I will confess that indeed, I do not understand it's relevance to the issue of your rudeness to Caroline, other than as a reaffirmation of your general obnoxiousness. But I doubt that was the point of your cryptic reference to it.

As far as offending you, please tell me, what is the downside to it? You insult those who address you respectfully, so there is nothing for me to lose by openly expressing my disdain for you, is there?
You see, I don't believe in the one-big-happy-family school of thought on BDSM. I'd rather not fight and flame, but I am not afraid of doing so either. As I stated in my previous post, it's all up to you. Decide if you want your stay here to be pleasant or not, and what you choose is how it will be.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification

James Blandings said:

You are correct, I have no idea why you have decided to be rude and arrogant to anyone who doesn't bow before you. As for your response to Sweetwood, which I will quote:

I am so sorry sweetone,(Ooops, all who read this will know beyond the shadow of a doubt) I REALLY did mean Sweetwood...but I just couldn't hold that belly laugh in. We 58 year old men do have our faults,...one of mine is to laugh, when I see people like you, expose who you really are,...and not just to me,...but the public at large when they read your post on this thread. Cymbidia will certainly be proud to have YOU on her side.<<<

I will confess that indeed, I do not understand it's relevance to the issue of your rudeness to Caroline, other than as a reaffirmation of your general obnoxiousness. But I doubt that was the point of your cryptic reference to it.

As far as offending you, please tell me, what is the downside to it? You insult those who address you respectfully, so there is nothing for me to lose by openly expressing my disdain for you, is there?
You see, I don't believe in the one-big-happy-family school of thought on BDSM. I'd rather not fight and flame, but I am not afraid of doing so either. As I stated in my previous post, it's all up to you. Decide if you want your stay here to be pleasant or not, and what you choose is how it will be.

I am happy here,...I am not trying to cause problems,...I don't hunt you up,...or anyone else and attack your character,...or what you post. Shame on you for doing that,...go back to your resting place.
Re: Re: Clarification

artful said:
Thank you for acknowledging my heartfelt apology.

As I stated earlier, I continue to hold your guidance in the highest esteem. I would at this time, also request you to publicly post here on this thread how you would like for me to end my part in this ridiculous event. I will do whatever you deem necessary. I trust your judgement above all others on this matter.
I'm posting this because you specifically requested my advice here in this thread. I do not, however, pretend that this is anything more than off-the-cuff and well intentioned advice. I intend, however, to be honest, which isn't always gentle or easy to hear. So read it in that spirit, please. And, in the future, feel free to PM me if you have a question that is meant solely for me; I'll answer, I assure you.

It seems to me that this whole thing has degenerated into a flame war--and the roots of that problem were planted in the mushrooming animosity between you & cymbidia. And, frankly, you have visited that particular well more often and more vehemently. So, with that in mind, here are my suggestions for putting this to rest.

1) Let this thread die. As hard as it is to swallow your pride and just let a few blows glance off, don't allow yourself to keep posting rebuttals--even if and when people come after you. It takes a few days for a thread to drop off the bottom of the first page, and there are many lurkers. So, there will likely be a few stray posts from people just catching up with things, etc. This will take tremendous willpower as it's tough not to step up to defend when one feels under attack; exercise your Domly self-control on this one and Master that emotional desire to strike back.

2) Take a breather from *your* threads and check out some of the others. Join a conversation or two, get to know people. Let everyone get a chance to see you be your friendlier and more positive self. Rehab your image a bit, and start settling in to the community.

3) Stop directing so much personal animosity toward cymbidia. She has already publicly apologized to (dream? I think it was her, anyway) your friend, and she hasn't even returned to this thread in any way since several pages ago. I also have not seen her posting negative things about you on other threads. Your continued hostility toward her grows more and more out of proportion to the actual events the longer it continues.

I know that you don't know her from Adam; I know that you two didn't exactly hit it off (<---litote ;)) and you've got bad feelings; you also don't know me, and so have little reason to take my word for this. However, she's helped, impressed and befriended many around here--and some of those people will not hesitate to come after you because you're so anti-cym in your posts. In terms of settling into a new realm, it's never a good idea to alienate the majority of the populace. And the majority of BDSM Talk knows cym to be a friendly, helpful, knowledgable and generally good person.

Not to mention, if you hope to end the hostility between you two, continually invoking her name as an example of all that is wrong with this forum isn't the most effective way to do it. Also, it's unlikely to encourage her to give you a second chance either. And at this point, you're *both* going to have to give it a shot in order for it to work. You may never be friends, but you *can* choose to peacefully and respectfully co-exist.

Again, she hasn't been coming after you, not for some time--I'd count that as a first step. She's apologized for hurting your friend's feelings, another positive step. The next step is up to you.

Last edited:
3 months and 2 weeks later..

As I re-enter this thread(I hear the Way we were") playin in the background,it's a thread I started months ago,so much has changed for me personally,yet alot has remained the same.

People are STILL angered by my opinions,the way I choose to show or not show my "submissiveness',which I do have to admit at times in the past few weeks I have been difficult to get along with (hey,Nobody's perfect),and there ARE mitigating circumstances to that also.
I am so in love with my Master Artful,that alot of times my emotions DO rule over my logic.My Master so deserves my "OBEYING' Him and showing to everyone that He deserves to be submitted to.

However,I have come to believe that submission,for me,is not just a one-time event as some may think or have experienced itin their own individual lives but instead,it is an ongoing process,a CHOICE I make everyday and one which can be but I feel will never be taken back.
I have spent 5 wonderful days and nights experience skin-to-skin contact with My Master and it was Everything I could've ever dreamed of.
.It was exciting,and fun,embarrassing,and thrilling to be "bound" on the spreader bars,helpless,hancuffed to the chair,blindfolded,told not to move while I held the vibrator between my legs.

All the 'tests" were passed in my Master's eyes,He told me His Greatest joy was watching how I accepted the collar He offered to me on August the 12th,His birthday,with pride..I wear that collar each day remembering back often to when I didnt have one..
Any and all stories about submission and what it does or doesnt mean to you are welcome here.
A question I ,myself currently have is how should a sub prepare her/him self before taking that Final step of giving 100% all to the Dom/mes?
what are Your views?Why do you think it sometimes "bothers us",we who are so willing to serve'",to give up our all to them,our Dom/mes? Is this issue really about TRUST or is it FEAR of the unknown?

This FORUM as well as this THREAD is to be a place of welcome,and understanding,Not Hatred ,or "Flaming"..Let's ALL try to behave as adults here..Please anyone ,feel free to discuss YOUR views here regardless of what they may be..

with deep sincerity,Dream
Re: 3 months and 2 weeks later..

Artful's dream said:
As I re-enter this thread(I hear the Way we were") playin in the background,it's a thread I started months ago,so much has changed for me personally,yet alot has remained the same.

People are STILL angered by my opinions,the way I choose to show or not show my "submissiveness',which I do have to admit at times in the past few weeks I have been difficult to get along with (hey,Nobody's perfect),and there ARE mitigating circumstances to that also.
I am so in love with my Master Artful,that alot of times my emotions DO rule over my logic.My Master so deserves my "OBEYING' Him and showing to everyone that He deserves to be submitted to.

Dream, i can't imagine why you would dig this up. If you truly want to post here without anger, then you will let old crap remain buried. This speaks only of the actions of a drama queen.

I'm one of those people who truly doesn't understand you. To me, you appear much like a teenager regaling your friends with your adventures and ignoring the words of caution from the adults around you.

My opinion has nothing to do with your submissiveness. I've felt the sting of my own submissiveness being questioned by someone who didn't know me. My opinion is in regard to your patterns of posting. Seemingly, it's either to gush over Artful or to vent about a problem with him. Not suprisingly, since deeper issues are glossed over, i avoid them.

Artful's dream said:

However,I have come to believe that submission,for me,is not just a one-time event as some may think or have experienced itin their own individual lives but instead,it is an ongoing process,a CHOICE I make everyday and one which can be but I feel will never be taken back.
I have spent 5 wonderful days and nights experience skin-to-skin contact with My Master and it was Everything I could've ever dreamed of.
.It was exciting,and fun,embarrassing,and thrilling to be "bound" on the spreader bars,helpless,hancuffed to the chair,blindfolded,told not to move while I held the vibrator between my legs.

All the 'tests" were passed in my Master's eyes,He told me His Greatest joy was watching how I accepted the collar He offered to me on August the 12th,His birthday,with pride..I wear that collar each day remembering back often to when I didnt have one..

What does that collar mean to you, dream? What exactly is it a symbol of? What responsibilities does wearing it signal you have accepted and what responsibilities does offering it signal Artful has accepted?

Artful's dream said:

Any and all stories about submission and what it does or doesnt mean to you are welcome here.
A question I ,myself currently have is how should a sub prepare her/him self before taking that Final step of giving 100% all to the Dom/mes?
what are Your views?Why do you think it sometimes "bothers us",we who are so willing to serve'",to give up our all to them,our Dom/mes? Is this issue really about TRUST or is it FEAR of the unknown?

I think it's completely unrealistic to EVER think you can give 100% to anyone. Most Dominants i've spoken with want a submissive who is secure in themselves, a strong person who freely gives up their control, not one who expects them to be their world.

I see a huge difference in seeking a BDSM relationship in which a Dominant is in control, has the power, and a relationship in which a Dominant becomes the world of the submissive. One is a relationship with potential for growth. The other is a recipe for disaster that will leave both resentful.

Artful's dream said:

This FORUM as well as this THREAD is to be a place of welcome,and understanding,Not Hatred ,or "Flaming"..Let's ALL try to behave as adults here..Please anyone ,feel free to discuss YOUR views here regardless of what they may be..

with deep sincerity,Dream

How will you react to those views, Dream? Are you willing to accept that they may differ widely from your own? Are you willing to accept that they may differ from Artful's? Are you ready to accept that life isn't all roses and hugs? There will be, there has to be times of trouble, of doubt, of mistrust, of misconceptions. For any relationship to exist, there has to be conflict. Otherwise, it's one long fantasy and i'm sorry, but fantasies aren't real.